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10 Books That Every Entrepreneur Must Read

One thing is common among the most successful and richest people in the world. They all are voracious readers. World’s richest man, Bill Gate and the founder of the most popular social networking website, Mark Zuckerberg often share their reading list on their personal pages and blogs.
Starting out as an entrepreneur at a young can be as scary as adventurous as it sounds. The startup world is merciless and does not spare anyone. People often don’t get chances and it’s a jungle without any rules. Young entrepreneurs’ confidence and will often crumble when they find themselves competing with the seasoned businessmen.
In these scenarios, books can be really helpful. Many young entrepreneurs don’t take them seriously. But as dramatic and unreal as it sounds, books have a whole different world inside them. You not only get to learn from the best but also their decades of experience is compressed into one book which can prove to be really useful.
Here are 10 books that every entrepreneur must read:
How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie
This is perhaps the first book that quite literally revolutionized the whole world and brought the culture of ‘self-help’ books in the canon of literature. It is an all-time classic and a must-read for every young entrepreneur. Characterized as a life-changing experience for most of the readers, it teaches you the art of winning the trust of the close-minded people who are otherwise not interested in your idea or business.
The Lean Startup by Eric Ries
Eric Ries is the pioneer of ‘lean thinking’ which tells young entrepreneurs how their bootstrapped startups can achieve despite all the odds. It focuses on specific methods and approaches that will make your startup sustainable in the long run.
Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki and Sharon Lechter
This book gives you all the financial education that one needs to start any business. It brilliantly lays out all the secrets and harsh truths about starting any business which no one else will ever tell you. It is well very crafted and will bust your several myths about the daily job, securing wealth, and much more.
The Hard Thing About Hard Things by Ben Horowitz
Ben Horowitz is not in the habit of sanitizing his thoughts. Through his journey and how he propelled his startup to success, Horowitz tells us all those minor obstacles about being an entrepreneur which are actually the hardest to overcome. If you are a young startup founder and looking for a mentor then this is the book for you.
The $100 Startup by Chris Gillebeau
This is the perfect book for you if you curse your luck all the time because you don’t have the adequate funding for your startup and you think that’s the only thing that is standing between you and your success. GIllebeau takes 50 brilliant entrepreneurs who are making more than $50,000 and started literally with few bucks in their bank account.
Crush It! by Gary Vaynerchuk
If you know that you were born to be an entrepreneur but still too scared to take that extra mile and step out of your comfort zone then this is the book you need. It will tell you how much important it is for you to pursue your passion and work hard towards achieving it every day.
‘The Achievement Habit’ by Dr. Bernard Roth
Dr. Bernard Roth asks one of the most fundamental questions to all the entrepreneurs through his best seller: are you solving the right problem? This book points towards all those questions which every young entrepreneur must ask himself/herself daily.
The books core philosophy is ‘It is better to start to do something and fail than it is to do nothing and wait for the correct path of action to appear.’
Rich Woman by Kim Kiyosaki
Kim Kiyosaki’s Rich Woman is a trumpet call to all the women across the world who have the passion to step out of their homes and start a business. It is one of the most empowering books and motivates the women to turn the odds in their favor to become wealthy and independent.
The Startup of You: Adapt to the Future, Invest in Yourself, and Transform Your Career by Reid Hoffman
This book works as a blueprint for the mind of LinkedIn’s co-founder and chairman, Reid Hoffman. This book will tell you how to stay motivated in the early days of your startup to the times when you have made it big. It’s a must-read for all the young entrepreneurs out there.
Founders at Work by Jessica Livingston
We know the names of innumerable startup founders who are millionaires today. But how did they become millionaires? But how did they do so? Did they also face the same hardships as you are facing right now? Jessica Livingston asks all these questions to some of the most popular founders of the world through a series of interviews in this book.
Source: Bizztor



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