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How to Set Up a Successful Coworking Space in India 2022: A Step-by-Step Guide

How to Set Up a Successful Coworking Space in India 2022: A Step-by-Step Guide

Let’s brush up on some basics before talking about coworking. Are you aware that the first coworking space opened its doors in 1995? Wow, that’s pretty fascinating.

These spaces have progressed dramatically since their beginnings. Although the guiding principles, collaborations, and sense of community have changed, the community itself has not. Within the last 25 years, the world has witnessed a tremendous change in working patterns.

Freelancers and contract workers are now more prevalent than workers who remain with the same company. Freelancers are growing every day, and the number of them is growing every day.

In these days of mobile work and the ability to choose one’s workspace, no one enjoys working alone or at home. A coworking space is a great solution. They develop community hubs where everyone with a similar mindset can collaborate, share ideas, and work independently.


Coworking Spaces: What Are They?

A coworking space gathers people to work independently or in groups on different projects within a neutral environment. A coworking environment differs from an office setting because the people don’t usually work for the same company. In addition to providing the same amenities you would find in a regular office, coworking spaces offer a whole lot more.

Coworking spaces differ from traditional workspaces because you do not need to sign a long-term lease. There will always be basics like printers, wifi, and conference rooms. Some coworking spaces will also serve tea, coffee, and snacks. Your startup may be able to access startup resources, such as digital assets, coaches, and advisors. You may not always have access to 3D printers and another tech available at a local university.

There are coworking spaces with little more than a desk and wifi for budget-conscious professionals. According to Wikipedia, coworking is the process of sharing office space among workers of different companies to reduce costs and improve convenience through shared infrastructure, such as equipment, utilities, receptionists and custodial staff.


The Future of Coworking Spaces

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The coworking movement has a bright future in today’s world; no one can deny that. Several industry leaders and intellectuals have predicted that shortly, coworking spaces will be necessary to all industries.

No other group of workers embraces coworking spaces like mobile workers. Mobile workers have access to affordable office space and basic amenities through coworking spaces. Creating spaces like these offers like-minded individuals a means of exchanging ideas, developing resources, and establishing networks, and it also benefits everyone.

Now is the perfect time for businesses or enterprises to set up a coworking space. There is a growing interest in coworking spaces, and their demand is also rising.

Over the next few years, as more and more young people realize they do not have to follow a conventional career path, we are likely to see an increase in freelancers and entrepreneurs leaping. Technologies, awareness, and opportunity will be the driving forces behind this.

People entering the workforce today will be used to coworking. The coworking model is not likely to replace traditional office buildings, nor will everyone become a freelancer one day. Although large organizations will continue to succeed and new ones will be built from the ground up, they will focus more on offering perks like remote working whenever it’s feasible.

By 2027, researchers estimate that 57.3 million freelancers will exist within the United States. This includes part-time freelancers and people with a side gig as freelancers.


A Complete Business Plan for Starting a Coworking Space

Let’s consider the steps you can follow towards starting a coworking space business now that we know what coworking space is all about and what future awaits it:

1. Knowing your intent

Identify the reasons you decided to start your own coworking business. The more you understand the answer, the easier it will be to focus on the main objective. To keep the space running smoothly, you should focus first on the benefit rather than the profit. It would help if you designed your arena so that it aims to bring together the best talents.

2. Analyze the demand for coworking spaces

Before expanding your coworking space, you need to determine if there is a market demand for this type of facility. Before purchasing any furniture or signing a lease, be sure you make this decision before buying any furniture or signing a lease.

Additionally, you can invite people to some events and set up a group on social media to promote interest. Not only will that help you start your business off on the right foot, but it will help you build a solid online community as well. Your coworking space will use that as a marketing tool.


3. Deciding on your framework

Coworking spaces fall into several categories based on their business models. Choosing one depends on your needs.

  • Private offices

Renting out private offices can be an excellent way to maximize your income in a coworking space. Inviting all the creative and talented people to gather under one roof, you can also advertise for the same.

  • Space for business

If you have a business with some new space, unused space in your office can be transformed into a coworking space. Besides saving you money on maintenance and office setup costs, this will also help you save on maintenance costs. Besides the money you will earn from your existing business, you will also make extra money from this site.

  • Private space

Starting a coworking space can be done with a partner, café, or property owner. It may be possible to use coworking spaces during sure pubs, restaurants, and cafes during the closing hours. Not only will that provide your labour with fruition, but it will also enhance the owner’s income.

  • Public space

Is your city hiding an untapped goldmine? The city council may hold the answer! It is possible to discuss space and funding opportunities with the members and determine whether that aligns with your idea.

  • Events

Within your coworking space, you can always hold events that generate revenue for your company. Making your space more visible to the public is another way to increase its visibility. Organizing meetups, film nights, and events of the same kind can help you promote your brand more effectively.


4. Coworking Space Financial Model

Before opening your coworking space, you should do a thorough financial analysis. Furthermore, ensure that you are familiar with all legal issues and insurance matters related to this matter. Focus on the following tasks: structuring your fees schedule, financing your coworking space, and tasks of a similar nature.

  • Finance

Before beginning work on your coworking space, you should decide how to finance it. In addition, you will have to determine if you will invest your money or approach investors. In addition, there are many other good sources of funding, such as family members, friends, public authorities, business contacts, and more.

  • Price structure

You must place your price structure based on time. It may be daily, weekly, monthly, or even a yearly rate. You can reward the users who book your space for more extended periods. You should always request booking to avoid loss if you don’t show up later.


5. Viable from an economic perspective

Making your business plan economically viable is always recommended for making a profit. Coworking spaces are no exception. As much as possible, you should integrate your coworking business with as many services as possible, encouraging more spending by your clients. You can install a cafeteria, gym, or even sauna in the area.


The 5 Biggest Advantages of Coworking 


Here are a few reasons people love working in coworking spaces that we’ll explain throughout this article. 

Motivation: A room full of driven people exudes a sense of productivity. It’s nearly impossible to loosen up in such an environment. However, you will get a lot accomplished.

Community: The community is vital. The community will go above and beyond to help one another succeed with regulars and familiar faces. 

Flexibility: You can sign shorter leases rather than signing long-term contracts with coworking spaces. Even independent freelancers can find affordable options, great for startups with small budgets. 

Getting Outside of the Home: It’s easy to get into a rut working from home, but that’s also a drawback. It’s good for your spirit to be around other people; it keeps you sharp and helps boost your creativity. 

Networking: It only takes a matter of time until you start networking and opportunities start flowing organically when you have so many people with so much in common.


Coworking spaces: who uses them? 

Coworking – Just a trend or need of the hour? | Level 6

Startups and freelancers are fond of coworking spaces. Coworking spaces originated when people thought of startups and imagined opulent office buildings where people ride unicycles and sit in bean bag chairs. Coworking isn’t just for startups on a budget. So who works at coworking spaces? 

  • Freelancers or Remote Workers 

Pay-as-you-go arrangements can save a fortune for freelancers and 1099 employees who work independently. Furthermore, coworking spaces allow you to meet other entrepreneurs and freelancers, which are excellent for networking.

A coworking space is a great place to find other people working on similar things to you, whether you’re a digital publisher, freelancer, programmer, or a Jack-of-all-trades. Furthermore, you may have the opportunity to interact with people who can help you in areas where you may not be substantial.

Even though everyone has their ideas, you can come up with a lot when many people are in one place. Please do not misunderstand; everyone isn’t only sitting around talking about their projects, but there is some downtime where you can take a break and chat with people.

What makes most good coworking spaces so appealing is their raw, unadulterated focus and motivation. If a room is full of motivated individuals working towards achieving their dreams, specific energy permeates the room. 


  • Small Businesses 

Coworking has become a popular alternative to traditional office leasing for small businesses. Coworking memberships are relatively inexpensive, and most (if not all) of the amenities used by small businesses are included in the coworking membership. It is no wonder that small companies account for most coworking space users. 


  • Enterprises 

Coworking companies have partnered with large global companies such as Nike to provide workspace. Managing office needs can be challenging when hundreds of employees work worldwide. It may be that these companies find a coworking company to build out a customized workspace for them, or they may serve as anchor tenants of such a space. 


  • Non-Profits

Coworking spaces often offer non-profits discounts or arrangements. Coworking’s all-in-one cost savings (and our cost-consciousness) has also led these types of companies to gravitate toward flexible coworking.


Coworking space tips: 6 things to keep in mind

How the Pandemic Is Affecting Coworking Spaces

How can you choose the best coworking space for your needs with 2022 right around the corner and 23,000 coworking spaces projected worldwide? Before selecting a coworking space, consider these six tips:

  • Location 

Locating your ideal office space is the most crucial consideration for obvious reasons. Ensure that the space is within a reasonable distance from your home for you to commute. The accessibility and entertainment of clients can be enhanced by restaurants, parking, shops, and public transit. 

  • Budget 

You want to ensure your team gets an affordable and long-term solution from the space you choose. It may be best to use a sewing space if you expect to outgrow the space in a few months. You can save time (and money) and energy by determining in advance your budget so you can eliminate spaces that are way too expensive from the onset. 

  • Work Environment 

Can you use a meeting room with a hot desk if you do not need a dedicated office? Is the way you run your business subject to legal restrictions? To fulfil your foundational business needs wherever you work, you need to make sure you meet your basic needs. 

  • Community 

You can then look into some of the more fun aspects of space after determining whether it meets your needs and budget. Are you interested in joining a community? Different co-working spaces attract people from diverse communities.

You may want to choose an area where you can collaborate with other graphic designers if you are a graphic designer. Aside from being part of a community because of your work, you hope to be encouraged to come to work every day, make new friends, and network. 

  • Short-Term or Long-Term?

Planning for the future is a fundamental business strategy. Will you work at your chosen coworking space for an extended period? Would you like to expand internationally or nationally? What coworking are spaces available in the area that you select? Before you decide on a space, you need to consider these factors.

  • Amenities 

Although they are just icing on the cake, unique amenities are always a plus when choosing a coworking space. The work environment should offer more than free coffee, wifi, and printing. If you do a quick Google search for coworking spaces in New York or other large or medium cities, you will find hundreds of them.

Workers can also connect with coworking spaces via apps such as DropDesk, which allows them to explore each location, determine which is right for them, and easily connect with available workspaces.


Is Coworking Right for You?

Consider coworking. Who knows, you could be the right fit for it. It is unnecessary to worry about social obligations if you are going to work and leaving. The same is true of gyms. All people are at the office to accomplish a specific task, and if you remain focused, nobody will bother you.

Meeting and becoming friends with local entrepreneurs and building a coworking community is easy if you are open to talking and being approached. Whether it’s a startup, a blog, an app, or a business, you may feel stuck at this point. Perhaps coworking could be the solution you’re looking for to get things back on track.


Types of coworking space

The Rise of the Coworking Space in the Gig Economy |

The types and sizes of coworking spaces vary greatly. Various factors should be considered when selecting a location. Among the factors that can vary from one space to another are community, amenities, and the working environment. The purpose of this section is to discuss the main types of coworking spaces:

  • Open Workspaces 

Since traditionally, that is where coworking first began, open workspaces are usually synonyms with the term coworking. In these workspaces, members of various companies share common areas with hot desks or dedicated desks. 

  • Private Workspaces 

Open workspaces are the opposite of private workspaces. Typically, these private spaces come in an office or a custom suite designed for large teams. One company’s personnel typically share a dedicated office or combination of areas leased or rented by that company. 

  • Industry Specific 

Don’t you think it would be great to network with others who share your interests and experiences? Indeed, vertically specific spaces were created for this purpose. Member companies are provided with these places. Creative professionals, for instance, are provided with creative coworking spaces. Creative professionals, for instance, are provided with creative coworking spaces. The spaces offered by these industries can combine both private and open workspaces. 

  • Venture/Incubators 

One of the most selective coworking environments is incubators and venture capital spaces. Companies are attracted to these workspaces because they provide the support they require for growth. Traditional venture firms accept equity in companies taking their programs in return for reduced rents or capital.

Additionally, aesthetic factors should be considered along with the workspace types available. There are both traditional and creative coworking spaces available. Make sure the space in which you work reflects your company’s culture. Besides the plan, coworking spaces also offer on-demand spaces, such as meeting rooms and virtual packages.


Socializing is easy in coworking spaces. Additionally, it can enrich your daily life and provide an opportunity to exchange ideas with others. In addition to that, you can stay up to date on the latest trends and share work when needed. As a business, it facilitates the sharing of resources, the payment of bills, and meeting interesting and talented people.


Edited and published by Ashlyn Joy



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