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10 LinkedIn Tips That Will Make You a Networking Master

The key rule of networking is that you have to do it constantly not only when you need something. It is crucial to cultivate fruitful relationships, engage with all kinds of people, send that email and even help others. If you meet people at conferences or other events, following the exchange of business cards and the invitations to join LinkedIn networks, how can you make the most of the platform to really make an impact where it counts?
LinkedIn is by far the most powerful for your business and career. If you aren’t using this powerful site to market your business yet, then it’s time to start taking it more seriously and step your game up.
For those who don’t have a LinkedIn profile yet and those who have one but are not active, here are 10 Linkedin tips that will make you a networking master:
1) Personalize your account
Make sure you fill out your profile 100%. When others do a search for your name to learn about your product, service, company, or previous work experience, then you’d better have a rock solid profile.
When you are reaching out to someone, the last thing you want is an incomplete profile. Give a reason to the person to connect with you. Personalize your account. Your profile should be able to tell the person why he/she needs to get in touch with you. Never forget to sign your name.
2) Update your profile regularly
You just not only use Linkedin when you are looking for something. You need to constantly stay engaged. Update your resume regularly, including all the new experiences and comment regularly on what people on your network share on their accounts. Your profile requires SEO treatment in a way.
3) Engage with everyone
Many Linkedin ‘experts’ will tell you to only connect with those who you already know or trust. There are 85 million plus members on Linkedin and how are you supposed to expand your business and opportunities if you will carefully start handpicking your connections.
You already know what your closed connections can do for you. It’s time to use LinkedIn like a live networking event and introduce yourself to others, make new friends, and start helping more people connect. Also, start accepting invitations to others who add you, as the more connections you have, the larger your expanded network grows.
4) Add your company profile
Linkedin is also constantly evolving itself. It has recently added the company age section which allows you to add a video, share more information about your products and services, and give more insights about your company and the people working there.
If someone is searching for a job in your industry, you want them to know you are in the market for some new employees. Put a “we’re hiring” next to your name at the top of your profile and next to the name of your business on your company page.
5) Support your colleagues
A simple and effective way to stay active on the platform is to endorse and recommend the skills of your past and present colleagues. Recommending others without them asking you to is a great way to help increase the social proof on their profile, which could be the difference between an OK year, and a great year for them.
6) Customize your websites
Creating a call to action attracts more attention than having a generic link that says “My website”. Make it look more attractive so that when people come to your profile they feel inspired to click on your links and go back to your website.
7) Connect with Twitter
Make sure to connect your Twitter account to LinkedIn. Others talk about why this is bad because a lot of your messaging won’t be targeted for your LinkedIn audience (especially when you use “@” symbols and hashtags), but your message will stay at the top of feed for my connections on LinkedIn and that can be really helpful. In order to make it more systematic, just use the #in with a Twitter update and it will sync to your LinkedIn account when there is a specific message you want members to see.
8) Add advanced applications
Linkedin has launched a plethora of applications to promote business. Your industry does not matter, there is an application for everyone to get your word across and enhance the overall experience. Go to the applications section on your profile to see which ones you could start using today, and make the most out of the new ones that come out in the future.
9) Improve your search ranking
People are constantly searching for others on LinkedIn. They are looking for employee candidates, freelancers, industry experts, and so on. Your headline is the first thing people see when they go to your LinkedIn profile, therefore (in my mind) it’s the most important or most relevant part. If your headline doesn’t have your keywords in it, then you are missing the biggest section of the equation. Also, you must not forget to mention your past work experience, summary, and specialties.
10) Join targeted groups
It doesn’t matter what industry or business you are in, this the part of LinkedIn you should be focusing the most. There are benefits to both joining and being a part of niche-related groups, and also being the owner of them. Think of them as independent social networks where you can spread your message, connect with key partners, and take your business to another level.

Source: Bizztor
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