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Anxiety Attacks, Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

Anxiety Attacks, Causes, Symptoms, Treatment


There is a strong link between anxiety and stress. The most common characteristics of anxiety are worry and fear, but the condition also tends to involve physical symptoms, for example, muscle tension. It should not be confused with a panic attack, which symptomizes panic disorder. In most cases though not all, anxiety relates to a specific situation or event. Recognizing that you have an anxiety attack is the first step towards its successful treatment. Only after then can you approach one of the top psychiatrists in Louisville KY for treatment. Note that only a licensed therapy Louisville KY is allowed to diagnose anxiety. 


Symptoms of anxiety


Anxiety symptoms include the following:


  • Restlessness


  • You find it hard to concentrate


  • Sadness


  • Irritability


  • Worry and apprehension


  • Sleep issues


  • Feeling hurried and pressure


Physical symptoms include:


  • Headache
  • Sweating
  • Nausea or diarrhea 
  • Tension in the neck or head
  • Changes in heart rate
  • Trembling or shaking
  • Dry mouth
  • Feeling faint
  • Difficulty breathing and tightness in the throat


Your anxiety attack may not include all the symptoms above. It can be severe, mild, or moderate, and it all depends on what has triggered your case ad how you respond to it.

Anxiety Causes Neurological Symptoms




The main cause of anxiety is stress or a sense of being overwhelmed. Below are the most common causes of anxiety:


  • Financial pressure


  • Work pressure


  • Bereavement, divorce, or separation


  • Relationship or family problems


  • Problems coping with technology or administrative issues


  • Reduced physical function or mobility


  • Losing mental function, for example, having short-term memory


  • Changing life situations, for example changing jobs or moving house


  • Being diagnosed with a chronic health problem like diabetes or multiple sclerosis


Anxiety can also be a result of another health condition or factor, like:

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)


  • Social phobia


  • Changes in the brain


  • Excessive use of caffeine


  • Genetic factors


  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)


  • Using some medications


  • A history of alcohol or drug abuse


  • Susceptibility to stress


  • A past traumatic experience


  • Anxiety may also be triggered by things like:
  • Public speaking


  • The fear of suffering from a panic attack


  • Being exposed to a trigger of the phobia


Types of anxiety disorder


Anxiety disorders can be classified into several types. Each of these types has different characteristics and may also be triggered by a specific situation. They include the following:


  • Panic disorder (PD): PD involves a minimum of two panic attacks accompanied by a constant fear of attacks. Individuals with panic disorder may refuse to leave their homes or travel, lose a job, or avoid anything they think can trigger an anxiety attack. 


  • Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD): It is a constant feeling of worry about several activities or events in an individual’s life. 


  • Phobic disorder: Phobic disorder is characterized by an irrational or incapacitating fear of a situation or object, for example, the fear of open spaces or spiders. The majority of people with phobic disorder know that they have irrational fears.


  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD): OCD is characterized by obsessions (unwanted repeated thoughts) and compulsions. 

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There are many options for treating anxiety and similar problems, including seeing a therapist Louisville KY. They include the following:


  • CBT or cognitive behavioral therapy
  • Medications like antidepressants
  • Support groups for individuals with specific conditions.


If your stress or anxiety makes you feel overwhelmed, it is vital to see a health expert for advice. Early treatment of the condition can avert other more serious problems. 


If you decide to seek professional help, make sure you choose a properly trained professional. 

If you have suicidal thoughts, or a relative of yours has this problem, seek help immediately. 




Helpful tips to manage anxiety and stress


  • Know the signs: Knowing how to recognize anxiety and stress signs can enable you to take action early and avert a more serious problem. inability to sleep, headache, overeating, or irritability may indicate that you need to seek help. 


  • Know your triggers It is vital to learn about the things that make you feel anxious or stressed. Knowing these can help you take action. Does alcohol or coffee aggravate your situation? Perhaps you have done a bit too much today? Know what triggers your anxiety or stress and correct it. 


  • Diet: Due to a busy lifestyle, you may find yourself overindulging in too many fast foods or lack time for exercising. Try to find time to prepare a healthy meal with lots of fruits and vegetables. Don’t always think of grabbing a burger. 


  • Exercise: Sitting in the same position for long spells, for instance in front of your computer or driving, eventually takes its toll. Experts recommend taking a 30-minute break and strolling` to improve your wellbeing. 


  • Learn relaxation techniques: It has been shown that techniques like yoga, controlled breathing, and meditation can help you keep your anxiety and stress in check. Also, aromatherapy can be useful in reducing stress.


  • Try a new activity: Sometimes, all you need to manage your stress is to try a new activity. Meditation, music, gardening, or joining a yoga or choir group can ease stress. The new people you meet can have the same feelings as you, enabling you to cope better. 


  • Be social: Spending time with family and friends, or finding a group where you meet up with other people, can be mood-lifting and stress-relieving. These people can give you the practical and emotional support you need. Also, they can make you momentarily forget about the problem you have. 


  • Set goals: If you feel overwhelmed with administrative or financial problems, for instance, sit down and come up with a plan. Set priorities and targets and tick them after resolving each one. When you have a plan in place, it will help you refuse additional requests. 




Anxiety attacks can be mild, severe, or moderate. Recognizing their symptoms enables you to attend to them early and prevent reaching a full-blown stage. Most psychiatrists in Louisville KY can easily help you manage your condition. Also, learn the important strategies for managing stress and anxiety, like taking part in social activities, exercising, and setting goals to avoid overworking. 






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