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HomeTrends3 ways Big Data is assisting the civil engineering industry

3 ways Big Data is assisting the civil engineering industry

Big data has become an integral part of all industries in recent times, and the advent of the digital age has boosted its growth. We are looking at how big data and analytics are critical in transforming the construction industry. With tools like management software, BIM, and real-time data analytics, big data has revolutionized the construction industry’s fundamental methodology for the better.

The construction domain has plenty to gain by embracing big data as the field uses a vast amount of data. So, professionals in the construction industry can upskill themselves for successful careers by learning big data. Several courses fuse big data and civil engineering to enable professionals to use the best of both domains in creating world-class construction projects. Professionals can learn big data analytics while pursuing courses like MS in civil engineering from reputed institutes like INSOFE


If you are still unfamiliar with the wonders of big data analytics and its application in the construction industry, here we discuss the three ways big data is assisting the civil engineering industry. 

  • Help in field data collection: 

Field data collection is a big hurdle for several construction projects in the 21st century. Some civil engineering organizations are still using paper-based forms and clipboards to record field data. However, as the size of the project increases, the amount of field data also increases. Modern construction projects are highly complex, making field data collection a more daunting task. 

By upgrading data collection to digital methods, the civil engineering industry can collect data quickly and in a more structured manner. Thus, engineering companies save money, human hours, and other valuable resources by using big data.

Big data also helps civil engineers in segregating and arranging the data effectively along with collecting it. Systematic categorization of field data makes it easier for engineers to formulate their plans. Civil engineers don’t have to spend countless hours processing the field data anymore, as big data takes care of this mundane task.  


  1. Predict and Proceed:

Predictive Analytics is a highly beneficial tool for civil engineers. It helps in assessing and improvising on work breakdown structures (WBS). It makes it easier to match the right people to the right tasks at the right time. Predictive Analytics makes it possible to break every task into individual work packages. By breaking down tasks, civil engineers can effectively map expectations and have a quick implementation. Plus, previous WBSs and project documentation goes a long way in recognizing roadblock and wrong steps. It also helps to create corrective measures by measuring skills deployed against the work carried out and project-critical tasks against deadlines. Predictive analysis is also beneficial in the learning and development arm of civil engineering. Big data analytics has made it easier to develop learning programs that help upskill the staff without compromising BAU activities. Plenty of times, construction projects get delayed due to improper resource allocation. However, advanced analytics enables construction companies to have cost-effective resource allocation and work delegation. Thus, using Big Data analytics increases the chances of design recommendations approval.


  1. BIM and Big Data Integration:

The BIM technology tool has made the construction industry more economically and environmentally sustainable by enhancing energy efficiency in construction. With BIM, contractors can visualize each stage in the construction process that streamlines the process and reduces waste. 

The predictive technology of big data is at the core of BIM. It helps to create more sustainable construction. Using BIM, a subcontractor can use past construction projects’ data to estimate how much he needs a specific material for future projects accurately based on various variables. The visualization capability, empowered by BIM, saves time, labor, and materials on a project.

The Boston Consulting Group’s study revealed that digitizing the building sector using BIM to conduct a building-wide energy analysis saves up to 20% of energy costs. Construction companies can save more costs during renovations of older buildings because of their traditionally energy-inefficient nature. BIM energy analysis is helping civil engineers to improve construction projects’ energy efficiency and reduce material waste. Thus BIM is benefitting all stakeholders by creating a more sustainable environment. 

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