Monday, June 17, 2024
HomeTrendsLearn to write clearer emails and persuasive pitches with this $10 course

Learn to write clearer emails and persuasive pitches with this $10 course

Learn to write clearer emails and persuasive pitches with this $10 course
Speaking as a writer, let me tell all you non-writers a secret: writing isn’t really that hard. Oh sure, we shroud our bloated prose with enough pulchritudinous window dressing to maintain our air of self-importance. But seriously…you can do what we do.
You can prove it with tips learned from courses like this Writing With Impact: Writing That Persuades training course. Right now, you can hone a skill that can buoy you in virtually any career for less than the cost of most deli subs — only $9.99.

Your guide to written excellence is Dr. Clare Lynch, a communications expert and writing tutor from the University of Cambridge. She even pens a business-writing blog called “Good Copy, Bad Copy,” spotlighting the do’s and don’ts of non-fiction prose.
Across 60 lectures and almost 5 hours of content, Lynch imparts a lifetime of lessons to you. Using real-world examples, and studying the work of professional scribes, you’ll follow the steps to develop your own distinct writing voice as you hone your skills to self-edit for snappier text as well as sharpen your tactics of persuasion.
By the time you’re finished, you’ll be pumping out tight, succinct sentences that service your own particular point of view. It doesn’t matter if you’re drafting an email, a cover letter, a business summary or a full-fledged report, the skills that come from this course will prove invaluable wherever your career takes you.
A top-flight writing course like this is regularly a $200 value, but with the current limited time offer, you can score this training for a fraction of that price at just $9.99.

Source: The Next Web



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