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Know the symptoms of Post-Covid condition, and how to prevent this heart condition.

Know the symptoms of Post-Covid condition and how to prevent this heart condition.

 The fight against the global pandemic continues in India as COVID-19 infections suddenly rise. Public health officials and medical professionals have urged the public to take precautions and monitor viral symptoms. A person who has recovered from COVID can suffer from a variety of post-COVID conditions.

Following recovery from Coronavirus infection, long COVID symptoms persist for several weeks or months. When this time of year comes around, experts suggest rest, healthy eating, and light exercise.

Others may experience no illness at all with COVID-19, while others may experience mild, moderate, or severe symptoms. Four weeks is the average recovery time for COVID patients. Symptoms may persist for weeks or months even after a person has recovered. Throat pain, exhaustion, and breathlessness are a few of the most common health issues. Virologist Dr. Annette Alaeus, an online GP service, says heart palpitations are a common symptom.


Although the COVID-19 virus enters the body through the respiratory system, it is considered to be a systemic disease, rather than merely a respiratory disease.

There is probably a connection between this systemic involvement and immunity, and different individuals respond to infection differently.

It is still necessary to conduct more research to identify why long-term COVID causes heart palpitations sometimes. The virus is believed to affect the autonomic nervous system rather than the heart, according to her.

A rapid, fluttering or pounding heartbeat indicates heart palpitations, according to the Mayo Clinic. They usually aren’t harmful, but if they occur along with other heart problems such as chest pain, body aches, and shortness of breath, they may be alarming. A stress response, physical activity, a particular drug, or a medical condition can cause heart palpitations.

“We now know that COVID-19 can damage other parts of the body, including the heart, although COVID-19 was originally believed to be a respiratory disease,” says doctor Alcaeus.

Heartbeat: Heart disease and COVID-19 | Heart

A clot might form anywhere in the body if the virus causes hyperinflammation. Because of this, some organs are damaged due to the condition’s effects on blood vessels.

In addition to heart palpitations, she recommends seeking medical attention immediately if you feel faint, short of breath, or have chest pain.

Here are a few lifestyle habits to consider

The development of a long-term COVID treatment is still in the early stages. However, Doctor Alaeus stressed the importance of taking extra precautions to maintain good health, especially the heart. According to Dr. Annette Alaeus, some lifestyle habits include:

Consume less alcohol and caffeine and eat a balanced diet full of fruits, vegetables, and fiber.

Salt, sugar, trans fats, and saturated fats should be avoided.

What you can do to help your health by modifying your lifestyle

The development of a long-term COVID treatment is still in the works. While waiting for the results of the research, Doctor Alaeus urged people to take precautions to protect their heart health. Dr. Annette Alaeus suggests the following lifestyle habits:

Be sure to eat fruits, vegetables, and fiber-rich foods, and limit your alcohol and caffeine consumption.

Keep trans fats, salt, and sugar out of your diet.

COVID-19 Lung Damage | Johns Hopkins Medicine

There is a wide range of symptoms associated with long COVID. You may also experience neurological symptoms like headaches, sleep problems, disorientation, and difficulties thinking or focusing in addition to general symptoms like severe cough, exhaustion, and body aches. It is possible that no matter how well you recover from COVID-19, psychological issues such as loss of taste, smell, or sadness may persist. Diarrhea and stomach aches have also been reported by some people.

What are the reasons some people have not received COVID yet?

Genetic factors may be keeping the virus at bay or these people may simply be lucky. Researchers are trying to figure out which one is true.

COVID-19 has infected 82% of Americans, but millions are still uninfected, according to the Institute of Health Metrics and Evaluation. Those who have remained healthy are now being studied for their science.

In total, there are nearly 60 million people in the country who have never been infected with COVID. Researchers want to figure out if these individuals are simply lucky or if genetic factors may be preventing them from being infected.

Internal medicine doctor Thomas Campbell says scientists don’t have a lot to say about why people aren’t sick. This will frustrate anyone who has ever gotten sick.

Dr. Campbell believes that much of that was luck.

Research has shown that only one in four people living with someone with COVID also contract the virus, even with the highly contagious Omicron variants. Those low percentages indicate that people can be exposed and not become ill.

Coronavirus Complications: How Covid-19 Effect your Lungs | Narayana Health

In addition to timing, we know that when someone contracts COVID early in their illness, they are more likely to spread it to others.

Approximately five days after getting sick, according to Dr. Campbell, is when an infection can occur.

Hence, if you come into contact with people outside of that window, you are less likely to become infected.

It’s still not all about timing. A genetic component may also be involved. Researchers are currently investigating whether there is a protein or gene that keeps some people healthy.

Campbell cited HIV as a well-studied example.

He says about 2% of Caucasian people are incapable of making the protein HIV cells need to infect humans. HIV cannot infect people who lack that protein.

It is now being investigated whether COVID-19 might be similar.

According to him, some people might be protected from getting infected by genetic factors, but they are likely to be rare.

Using the co-receptors in HIV, a class of drugs for treating HIV was developed,” said Dr. Campbell.

Lastly, many people may think they have not had COVID because they have been asymptomatic. More than 28,000 cases of COVID around the world were studied at the University of Bern in Switzerland, and 42% of the infected showed no symptoms.

People who have never been infected are advised to wear masks, be vaccinated, and socially isolate themselves. COVID can also be minimized or prevented entirely by keeping physically and mentally healthy.

edited and proofread by nikita sharma



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