Monday, June 17, 2024
HomeStoriesCauseKey Social

CauseKey Social

A social startup, Causekey Social creates, organizes,and execute social impacts. Already well established, we aim to effect social change. We are soon to launch a powerful social media platform to directly connect those in need with those who can help. The success we have seen can be attributed to the fact that we value transparency above all else, making sure that our sponsors as well as our followers are constantly updated about our activities via social media.
India is generating large sums of money as donation for social development, but corruption means the ones who need it see very little of it.
In a climate where social development projects are eyed with suspicion, regaining trust is of paramount importance.
Our solution was developing a sustainable model to directly connect an individual or sector in need with the ones who had the resources to help and thus the idea behind CauseKey was born.
A crowd funding social media website where a user can register to execute your csr in an impactful manner and celebrate events like birthdays and anniversaries with the underprivileged or address and contribute towards any issue of their choice whether it is a clean-up drive or natural disaster. We encourage people to directly involve themselves with the events and for those who cannot we offer live coverage of every event from start to finish creating an emotional connect between donor and donatee.  In addition to helping us gain credibility this serves as an assurance to potential donors that their contributions would be well spent.
With a promise of transparency, we combine a dynamic service with a future ready technology.We are confident that Causekey Social will grow to scale new heights.
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