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IIT Ropar and Taiwan University Tie Up to set up Centre for AI & ML Research

Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Ropar and National Chung Cheng University (NCCU) of Taiwan are collaborating to set up a Research Center on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) which will housed in the IIT Ropar campus.
The centre, which is a first in the region, is also a first-of-its-kind collaboration between the India and Taiwan. Taiwan’s Ministry of Science and Technology will fund the centre.
The focus of the center will be to promote student and faculty exchanges, joint project proposals, development of curriculum for AI-related programmes and facilitate industry-academia interactions. The center aims to be a unique platform for exchange of critical knowledge in these areas and is seen as a major activity initiated by the office of international relations at IIT Ropar. A delegation of the university visited IIT Ropar to sign a MoU in this regard.
IIT Ropar Director Prof S K Das laid emphasis on the philosophy behind international collaborations at IIT Ropar. He also highlighted the upcoming academic programmes in mathematical computing and AI as well as microelectronics where the two universities can collaborate. The visitors interacted with several key officials at Ropar including the dean of research and heads of department of computer science and engineering, biomedical engineering, mathematics, physics, chemistry, humanities and social sciences among others.
Last week, a high-level delegation from NCCU visited the IIT Ropar to work on the modalities of an Indo-Taiwan Research Centre on AI and ML. The visiting delegation included Dean of Research and Development, Dean of International Affairs, Dean of College of Management, Director of Smart Living Technology Research Centre, along with faculty members from earth and environmental sciences, opto-mechatronics and mechanical engineering and representatives from the Tainan Incubation Centre and Smart Living Technology Research Centre.
Recently, a team from IIT Ropar has developed an Android App called “Roshni”, using image processing and analytics, which helps visually impaired to recognise currency.
Besides Taiwan, India has inked pact with Japan for AI and Internet of Things (IoT). This was followed by an agreement with Russia, in November last year, to increase cooperation in the field of AI, blockchain system, and explore the possibility of joint work in healthcare.
Recently, tech giant Microsoft also announced to set up Artificial Intelligence labs in 10 universities in India and train 5 lakh youth across the country in disrupting technologies. The company also said it will upskill over 10,000 developers over the next 3 years.
Source – The Tribune
Source: IndianWeb2

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