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HomeTrendsFive Ways to make your Content Stand Out

Five Ways to make your Content Stand Out

Creating content isn’t always easy to write, often it feels like swimming against the current. While business activities are increasingly becoming automated, content writing is still a manual job. The more you write, the better you become. Creative writing is an art where you use your ink to paint a picture in the minds of your readers. To master this form of art, you need practise.
A blunt truth about content writing is that Nobody really cares about what you write and how important your content is, you have to make them believe of it’s relevance. We all wish that the piece we are writing will be well received. Every day, a lot of good content is shared online but not all of it is well received by the reader.

‘The true Alchemists do not change lead into gold, they change the world into words’

What is that factor of a hugely viral piece of content that makes it so hugely popular?
What makes your content more clickable and more compelling?
Here are few tips to make your content stand out:
(1) Write Incredible Headline of your article: –
A headline can be the most important part of the post or article. It’s the first impression an article makes on prospective readers and it is the determining factor whether they would read it or not. A bad headline can kill a great article. Every title contains a reason or a solution that makes your viewers want to click.
(2) Tell a good story: –
Once you have with you a good headline you can come a step further to organize your ideas and create a compelling story which is also well structured, with an introduction which arouses the reader’s interest and attracts attention and the conclusion which satisfies it. Your article should be motivated by a central idea. Link your paragraphs to one another with each idea meshing into the other to make it interesting. Connect with your audience, as a fellow human, strive to inspire and motivate them. Simplify complicated things, and make sure you consistently portray the message you want your reader to take away in the simplest of terms. Remember your story will resonate with the reader and make a lasting impression, so be great at it.

(3) Provide credible sources
If you have provided the results of a particular study in your writing, then try to provide the soft copy of that report or a link to it. Try to back up any claim, data or number by credible sources. This will affirm the reader that your numbers are not faulty and can be trusted on.
(4) Think outside the box
Branch out and try to connect new and different things or ideas. This is a trial and error process; you will learn a lot as to what kind of content stands out amongst your readers. Just don’t be afraid to challenge the status quo and think outside the box. Write in a way that would encourage your readers to comment their personal view on the discussed subject matter. And really think before you write anything as if you immediately start writing you won’t be able to collect your thoughts and map out a story which is distinct.
(5) Always attach good pictures to explain or support your writings
It has been found that posts/ articles that include images produce 650 percent higher engagement than text-only posts. Also, tweets with images earned up to 18 percent more clicks and 150 percent more retweets, Buffer reported. This helps the readers too in associating what you want to say.
Don’t just write anything for the sake of writing, take your time to create valuable content which is more appealing to your set of audience. Create something which adds value to your reader so that they can come again to enjoy your writing. The more you write, the better your writing will be. Expect it not to be awesome from the get-go, but never give up.



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