Sunday, June 16, 2024
HomeTrendsPrice Technologies adds product availability feature for items experiencing COVID-19 shortages

Price Technologies adds product availability feature for items experiencing COVID-19 shortages

Price Technologies, the operator of the comparison shopping website and its related browser extension, is adding a feature to show product availability for a few essential items that have had supply issues caused by the COVID-19 outbreak in the US.

Products like aspirin, acetaminophen, facial tissues, hand sanitizer, ibuprofen, rice soap, soup, toilet paper, and other items are going to be shown on the company’s website with their availability at online vendors.
“We’ve been tracking how essential COVID-19 supplies are becoming difficult to find online,” the company wrote in a blogpost. “Therefore, we are now updating the product availability in real-time for these essential items. We are launching an early version of this feature and plan to continue to expand/refine this feature’s functionality in the following weeks.”
Launched in 2016, is somewhat of a competitor to services like Honey, the online discount shopping service acquired by PayPal last year.
According to CrunchBase the company’s backed by a slew of early stage investors including Dave McClure, the founder of 500 Startups; Plug and Play Ventures, Social Capital, and VentureSouq.
Source: TechCrunch



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