Tuesday, June 4, 2024
HomeTrendsWhy are we unable to improve our Ease of Doing Business Ranking?

Why are we unable to improve our Ease of Doing Business Ranking?

Having driven change several times over my 25 year career, I can tell you that transformation management is one area that benefits immensely from the 20:80 rule: Changing that one thing brings about the bulk of the desired change.
That magic bullet here is: Justice
Today it takes 10 years to get a settlement on a bounced cheque
No government department is accountable
It takes 15 years to prosecute a criminal
If one is able to get swift justice, at a reasonable price and those at fault heavily penalised, magic will happen.
Government officers will be scared because citizens will be able to complain and get results quickly. Suddenly without making new laws, the existing ones will start working well.
Businesses will be able to settle disputes swiftly. Making those who are truant think twice.
Criminals will be scared of breaking the law.
Suddenly we will have clean streets, friendly taxman, systems that just work, contractors that deliver on time, businesses who pay on time, and a safer country.
Ease of Doing Business = Justice Fast, at a Reasonable Price with Weighty Penalties on offenders



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