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COVID-19 Vaccine: Russia’s big Plan for Coronavirus Durg! Will Russia be the first country to produce the World’s first Experimental COVID-19 vaccine in August?

The head of Russia’s sovereign Wealth Fund announced that Russia plans to supply 30 million doses of the experimental coronavirus vaccine domestically this year, with the possibility of producing 170 million overseas.

The total number of coronavirus cases in Russia has exceeded 7,50,000, making it the fourth-largest affected country in the world. The authorities had previously reported 6,428 new cases in the past 24 hours.

The first human trial of the vaccine was a one-month test on 38 people, which ended this week. The researchers concluded that although the strength of this response is unknown, it is safe to use and induce an immune response.

According to reports, Russian scientists claimed on Monday that they hope to launch the world’s first coronavirus experimental vaccine as soon as possible next month.

Kirill Dmitriev, head of the Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF), announced that a larger trial of the third phase, including numerous thousand people, would begin in August.

He told in an interview: “We believe based on current results, it will be approved in Russia in August and some other countries in September, which may become the world’s first approved vaccine.”

On Wednesday, The Russian Defense Ministry announced that it has developed a safe vaccine against the pandemic COVID-19, which is known as SARS-CoV-2.

Researcher Svetlana Welchikhina declared in a video released by the Ministry of Defence that people who underwent the trial can fight against coronavirus because their immunity is working well now and are being produced antibodies and are protected against the coronavirus.

The Russian Sechenov University stated on Sunday that it had successfully completed the clinical trial of the COVID-19 vaccine developed by the Gamalei Institute of Microbiology and Epidemiology.

Elena Smolyarchuk, the head and chief investigator at Sechenov University Center for Clinical Research on Medications, said that the trial of vaccine which was clinically tested on volunteers has completed now and research data indicate the effectiveness of the candidate vaccine, according to TASS, a Russian news agency.

The TASS news agency quoted Smolyarchuk saying: “The research has completed now and it confirmed that this vaccine is safe”. Alexander Gintsburg, director of the Gamalei Center, told the TASS news agency that he expects the vaccine would be available from August 12 to 14, adding that private companies could start mass production by September.

At the same time, the World Health Organization agreement says that the vaccine must go through three stages of research before it can be approved for mass production. Besides this, the WHO coronavirus vaccine outlook project lists the study of Russian vaccine candidates as the first phase of trials. So far, perhaps no vaccine has been approved for mass use without passing the third phase of testing, which is the phase with the largest number of participants.

If the final stage shows clear and conclusive evidence of its effectiveness and safety, the candidate vaccine will generally undergo in industrial production.

According to sources, Smolyarchuk said in early July that some participants had typical responses to injections such as increased body temperature and headache. Even so, these symptoms determined in 24 hours.

The university stated in a press release on July 3 that the Russian Ministry of Health will make a decision on the effectiveness of this substance based on the results of biochemical tests.

Volunteers group who are spending 28 days in isolation, Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University will release two groups of volunteers on July 15 and July 20 to protect volunteers from other infections. Smolyarchuk appended that trial volunteers aged 18-65 are going to be monitored for six months after discharge.

It is worth noting that the first phase of vaccination testing at the university was launched on June 18 in a group of 18 volunteers who had been vaccinated against the virus. The second group, consisting of 20 participants, was vaccinated on June 23.

According to media reports on Sunday, Russia has become the first country to complete clinical trials of a COVID-19 vaccine on humans, and the results proved the effectiveness of the medication.

Dmitriev stated that Russia’s third phase of the trial will be carried out in its own country and two Middle Eastern countries, and will commence after the completion of the second phase of the 100-person test on August 3. He also said at a press conference that Russia is doing a conversation with Saudi Arabia to being a trial site as well as a manufacturing partner.

Dmitriev declared that Russia has also reached production deals with five other countries and this year may supply up to 170 million doses overseas.

He declined to disclose the precise location or details of the price but said that countries in Latin America, the Middle East, and other regions expressed their interest in importing the Russian coronavirus vaccine.

Russia is one of the several countries competing to supply a safe and secure drug against COVID-19, which claimed almost 5,69,880 lives and infected approximately 12,992,644 people worldwide.

Russia has also made an agreement with drug manufacturer AstraZeneca on its potential vaccine AZD1222 for COVID-19 treatment.



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