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Creating a New Milestone in the field of Media Production, Meet Abhranil Neogy from Codexite

A Picture says more than 1000 words and a video tells the entire story.

  1. A lot MORE video

This needs to be said. Though very few would deny it! There’s the famous CISCO stat that video will make up 80% of internet traffic by 2020.

  1. Tighter integration into marketing mix

Right now companies do PR on retainers, and marketing/advertising/design are also often subject to agreements. But not video. Not really. It feels like there are very few formal agreements.
We have noticed since 2015 a big increase in small/mid sized companies making multiple videos. But this is still ad-hoc. Very few companies have video as a formal part of their marketing plan, with a dedicated budget to support key marketing activities. We are going to see much more integrated campaigns.

  1. Offshoring

It’s an arms race out there with big agencies creating in-house video production capability. But the fundamentals remain that video production is enormously labor intensive, especially animation / motion-graphics and editing. I think it’s inevitable that a chunk of the increasing market in video will continue to go to offshore locations. Countries with weak currencies but strong creative traditions (incl. good creative schools/colleges) will be the beneficiaries. Places like Argentina and South Africa.

  1. Social Video

This is a big thing, just look at buzzfeed and NowThis. In some ways it’s more of a big brand thing – getting reach is difficult, and you often have to pay a lot for it (the big platforms are increasingly make sure of that!).

  1. Content Marketing

The world is becoming saturated with content. You can’t go anywhere on the web without some person offering you a whitepaper. Walk down an alley at night and all you hear is “Psst buddy, 5 hot tips to increase your sales”. Video is a way to stand out. There are those with resources who are starting to do content marketing with video well. But as a whole not too many have turned to video yet. But they will. They will.
While content marketing in general is still king, video marketing should definitely be part of your general content marketing strategy, especially, as stated by Lea Kušćer, 74% of all internet traffic in 2017 is going to be video.
Here are some other thoughts and predictions on the subject:
Short and concise videos. Users are too busy and overwhelmed with the information, so short 30–40 sec videos are likely to perform best, especially on social media.
Snapchat. While we might have different opinions and attitude towards Snapchat, it has surpassed Facebook in total video views, so if you still haven’t thought about incorporating it into your video marketing strategy, it’s about time.
Video on Facebook. Over the recent years, social media marketing strategy has definitely shifted from simply broadcasting company news to finding a way to interact with the audience and tell a story. Videos can do just that.
Get animated. You can find plenty of articles why animation is appealing to the audience and why you should definitely consider creating animated videos for your business, including explainer videos, onboarding, recruitment, release notes, sales, etc.
If you’re not actually sure where to start with creating animated videos, check this helpful Guide.
Don’t forget about writing! While we make all the fuss about video, we should remember that writing is still very important, especially since you will need a script or scenario for your videos anyway.
Definitely. Not only is video highly dynamic, engaging, and far-reaching at face value, but the numbers also prove its efficacy. If a business really puts research and effort into its video marketing campaign, nothing will stop it from thriving.
Audiences love concise yet informative videos. The vast majority of marketers even agree that video marketing has a positive effect on businesses. Check out this article: 85% of Marketers Confirm: Video Marketing Efforts Have a Positive ROI
Today, the most popular video trends include live streaming, 4K resolution, paid video subscriptions (like YouTube Red), virtual reality, and 360-degree video. These are picking up steam because video production is more accessible than ever before.
Any business that makes video a priority in their content strategy will see results. Creating videos isn’t a magic potion for success, but it is definitely a powerful marketing trend that will only continue to grow.
Lets Meet the founder of Codexite which is a Media promotion company and produce high quality videos for their clients. They also produce 2d ,3d, 3d walk through ,3d film animation, corporate shooting, documentary shooting, event shooting film shoot etc
Lets meet the team of codexite and see how their venture helps start-ups and corporate for the marketing and branding.
1.What is the Name of Your Venture? Any specific reason for this name?
Tag-line- power of creativity
to produce the video we utilize software..and in software to create the video e use code…so CODE and code is connected with IT…so by amalgamate those two words the entire word would be CODEXITE

2.Who is your target Audience/clients?
any segment of business..because everyone needs video
3.Where is your venture based (city, state, country) & What are your geographical target areas?
cardinally our target area is chennai,hyderabad,mumbai and delhi in india and in foreign countries like middle east and USA..
4.What problems does your venture resolve? What are your products or services?
for any company marketing is a huge problematic area…as its one of the most costly thing..we create video to incorporate that specified company or their product or to convey some any promotional or marketing message..
we deliver video in 2d animation…3d animation…
also we make corporate shooting video for any big industry like automobile ,gas industry etc…
we are also coming up with an app where people can directly customize their video by their own and they dont need to run behind any developer… also our next plan is to release one animation series
5.Share the idea or story behind the venture. How did it came to an existence? What motivated you to start your own venture?
this is really long!!!it will take one day to pen down everything over here..but m elaborating over here in short..
since my childhood i was literally addicted on news channel and i saw lots of business men is giving their bites in front of my dream was to be the another big INDUSTRIALIST where i would have get the opportunity to give my bites in front of media.. this was my one inspiration..
secondly we three childhood friends one day thought to do something different from others which can make us TATA..
so when i came over bangalore to do MBA that time i started to search some idea where atleast i can give a start to chase my i started on web development and all with some freelancers but it was all in vain…so then abruptly one day my old childhood friend JIT ghosh called me and from there we started our new venture..codexite..but with only 2d animation swing..later on he left then we hired some salaried its going on…
three things has motivated me
1.the starting stories of tata,reliance and sharukh khan’s struggling story
2.have to be my own boss be the best CEO of this world one day
6.Who are your biggest competitors and how do you differentiate yourself from them?
i think my biggest competitor is disney…this sound quiet weird but i want to fight with the best of this industry so that one day i can reach door to door of each people out of the world..
also some other competitors like some other companies in market…
yes we are different in
7.How did you identify your co-founder? Tell us some thing about your co-founder/s
i identified my co-founder by his in initial phase i started this on web development in a freelancing mode ..but later on i saw it was not running i stopped that started this animation venture..
my co-founder name was jit ghosh..but he is right now not with us..he left the company so once you post regarding this do mention his name as a former co-founder of codexite
8.How did you hired your first team members? What skills Do you want in your employees/team?
i hired them through facebook…and whatsapp…
skills which we require or expect in our employees that are innovative,artistic with great imagination power.think and do something different which no body has thought about it
9.What expansion plans are you looking for the next 2 years, next 5 years?
in next 2 years settle down this company with proper infrastructure which will have foot-note around the world along with VR & AR technology…with big corporate clients …with the tag FUNDED
in next 5 years full production house which will have capacity to engender a movie…
10.Where do you want to see yourself in next 10 years?
i want to see myself another TATA or reliance or aditya birla in next 15 years
11.What are your goals over the next 1, 3, 6 and 12 months?
for next 1 month -have to get the funding(this will be applicable for the entire span until we get the fund )
next 3 months-aggrandize the sales as much possible as we can
next 6 months- increase the brand awareness and public relation and huge promotion
next 12 months-penetrate the premium segment client like airtel,reliance and all…and to start the new department on VIRTUAL REALITY AND AUGMENTED REALITY
12.Have you raised any funding? Or have any plans for the funding?
no,still we have not raised any fund..though its high time for us to raise the fund..we are in talk with some investors…
would be glad if we would have get the opportunity to get connected with some more investors who are interested in funding in a traditional start-up which will have more longevity than any so-called innovative e-commerce company
13.What were the problems you faced during the starting days and how did you resolve them?
manpower,fund issue,marketing strategy, as a non branded startup
14.What was the most challenging part of your journey till now? How did you overcome those challenges?
15.Are you married, single or in a relationship?
16.What are your hobbies? What do you do in your non-work time?
playing cricket and reading entrepreneurial book and motivational story….book
17.Whats your favorite food & holiday destination?
chilly chicken by my mom made and holiday destination andaman
18.Whom do you consider your idol or biggest motivator?
sharukh khan,jamshedji tata,dhirubhai ambani…my biggest three idol
19.If you had the chance to start your career over again, what would you do differently?
i cant think without my company..this codexite is right now just not a company for me..its becoming my baby..if i fail in forthcoming future on this business(video and media support) then i will start again my another business under this codexite brand
20.How has being an entrepreneur affected your family & Social life?
my family has not been affected but my social life has one hand today i have lots of contacts who are really successful which would not take place if i would not start this journey,,,but my friend circle is been demolished completely…
21.Anything, you would like to say to our readers or upcoming entrepreneurs?
a small 5 lines of message..
never ever get scared by failure..if failure comes in your life then feel yourself lucky that yes you are getting a chance to get rectify your mistake..
dont wait for your perfect time or right time to start!!!! just start and be honest with dedication at your work..right time itself knock on your door..
if your friend your parents say this is something what you are doing now which is wrong but if u feel that s what the work you like then do it by not listening others day result will be coming…
dont waste your energy and talent to help others grow.rather use it to grow to yourself..
22.Tell us something about your education & family background.
i m a techno-management guy..i completed my graduation on BCA and then i did my MBA from BANGALORE(Acharya’s bangalore B-school)
my mom is PERSONAL ASSISTANT of the president of west bengal board of secondary education
and my dad is retired officer from same organization
23.What is your USP which makes it unique & different from other start-ups in similar domains.
have already mentioned earlier
24. What do you think is the biggest threat to the success of small businesses & Start-ups today?
i think lack of dedication and mindset of acquiring more money and fame in a very short span of the founders and co founders has made lots of startup unsuccessful even after they got fund
25. Do you consider yourself successful and by what means do you measure success?
no..i will say myself successful that day when my dad and mom will walk on the road and roadside people ill recognize them by dad of abhranil ,mom of abhranil and i rather our codexite ill reach at each and every door step…
26.Please share complete name, address, phone number, email id & website of Your Business & Contact Person
address 93/112 cnr building mangammapalya main road bommanahalli bangalore-61
contact person abhranil neogy 8147550517
founder abhranil neogy
co -founder(ex)-jit ghosh



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