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HomeInterviewsDr. Menka Yuvraj Varma Says Women Entrepreneurship Contributes A Lot To The...

Dr. Menka Yuvraj Varma Says Women Entrepreneurship Contributes A Lot To The Economic Growth

Nowadays women entrepreneurship contributes a lot to the economic growth. They are job creators for themselves and others and also provide society with different solutions to management, organization and business problems. However, the number of Women entrepreneurs is quite less and often face gender-based barriers to starting and growing their businesses.
Women entrepreneurs see the world through a different lens and, in turn, do things in a different manner. There are several reasons why women entrepreneurs have a fantastic future in the upcoming era.
· Women are better connectors and possess proficiency in networking.
· Women are perfectionists and never settle for mediocre results.
· Multitasking has been in their blood since ages.
· They build businesses that deliver value for multiple stakeholders – customers, employees, investors, and founders.
· Women think success comes from hard work not just from being “awesome.”
· Women share the credit. They build companies where employees feel valued for their contributions and input.
· They work in a calculated and well thought out manner.
· Women know the articulate methodologies to balance profession and personal life.
Today we are presenting an exclusive interview of on such female entrepreneur, Dr. Menka Yuvraj Varma – Founder & CEO, Fortune Digital India. Lets see what Dr. Menka has to speak about her venture with us in her own words.

1. What is the source of inspiration behind the name of your venture ?

I have two ventures –

1. “Fortune Digital India” – An integrated digital marketing agency in Mumbai, offering online marketing expertise, creative designs, Social Media, Web design and SEO Services to strategize your small & medium business model to accomplish the revenue.

2. DrMenkaYuvraj.Com – Working as an entrepreneur woman and organize workshops to train entrepreneurs, starts up, and small business owners about the power of Digital Marketing, Social Media Marketing and Content Marketing for 10X ROI.

Through my own project execution experience, I train them how exactly stop trading time for money and start building a legitimate online business to make money online without getting trapped in various online Scams.

2. Who all are your target audience/clients?

For my Digital Marketing Agency Fortune Digital India, our targeted audiences are business owners, start-ups, Medium & small enterprises between 30-50 years of age.

And for my blog DrMenkaYuvraj.Com (Millionaire Blog Club), Our target readers and audience are Serious Entrepreneurs, Freelancers, Consultants, Service professional, BD professionals, CEOs, Managers, Students, high-trust relationship-based professionals and business owners between 30-40 years of age.

The Digital marketing related workshops such as Social Media Marketing PRO, Become a Content writer, Instagram Instant Profits and Blogging for Business are for those who wanted to –

  • Grow & See their business at the next level

  • Upgrade the marketing skills as per the latest trends

  • Start a new highly profitable online business

  • Unhappy professionals in the existing job& looking for another lucrative career opportunity.

  • & Women / Students who are continuously seeking for career advice in Digital Marketing Industry.

3. Your current operations are located in which regions and Where are you based at (city, state, country)?

My digital marketing Company Fortune Digital India, is based in Mumbai, India. We offer End -to-end Internet marketing services (WordPress, SEO, Google Adwords (PPC), Social Media Marketing, Email Marketing and Social Media Consultation) in India, USA, UK, Australia and Canada. Our clients are available across the globe.

My blog DrMenkaYuvraj.Com ((Millionaire Blog Club), the aim is reach out to as many people as possible, as in the era of Online marketing, the online training is not location specific.

I personally train people remotely by Skype, Hangout and Zoom calls. Also we use Facebook, Periscope, YouTube and Instagram Live streaming feature to broadcast out Live sessions.

You can check my YouTube Channel -

4. What problems does your venture resolve? What are your products or services?

My Company Fortune Digital India, is Solving the Biggest Problem of marketers, entrepreneurs and business owners, by offering the best end-to-end digital marketing & Social media marketing services, to increase their ROI and Reduce the Marketing budget cost.



Less Business Awareness

Increase the Business Visibility

No traffic from Social Sites on Website

Drive huge traffic on Website via Social Media Marketing

Unable to explore the various marketing channels of business growth

By digital marketing Strategies, It’s very easy to find out and analyze, which marketing platform is working best for your business success

Very High Website Bounce rate

Via SEO strategies Increase website speed, optimize content and website design

Tough to handle the Brand reputation

Online Reputation Management is smart way to maintain a powerful online presence and market reputation. And establish your brand as a loyal and trustworthy service-provider in the market.

unbearable Marketing & Advertising Cost

Digital Marketing offers very cost-effective marketing method, which promises the high exposure and attract excellent traffic without making whole in your wallet.

Very high ROI

Reduce ROI by Content marketing, Email marketing & Social Media Marketing

Our Digital Marketing services are-

  1. Social Media Marketing (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, Google+, Instagram, Pinterest etc.)

  2. Web Designing (WordPress, HTML, Weebly, Wix, Shopify etc.) & Google Analytics

  3. Search Engine Optimization (SEO On-Page & Off-Page, Directory Submissions for Websites, articles, blogs, infographics, Guest Posting, Link Building, etc.)

  4. Pay Per Click Advertising (Google Adwords)

  5. Email Marketing (Aweber, Mailer Lite, Mail Chimp, Sendy and Get Response)

  6. Content Writing & Content Marketing | Blogging

  7. Graphic Designing (marketing materials including leaflets, posters, images for facebook posts, flyers, newsletters and e-newsletters, social media cover images etc..)

Our Top-Rated Workshops –

  1. Social Media Marketing PRO

  2. Blogging for Business

  3. Instagram Instant Profits

  4. How to Become a Freelance writer

5. Would you like to Share the idea or story behind the foundation of <Co. name>?

I was really very happy in my corporate job, as Manager – Marketing & Business Development in a Healthcare company, until I commenced to notice my real entrepreneurship power to start my own venture.

Now,I’m The Business OwnerProud Indian Blogger ( & Founder of Fortune Digital India, a Digital Marketing company.

I’m also a Co-Founder of “AVSkart Coupons”, which offers coupon online. Till dated on Our portal we have 18,000+ coupons and serving successfully to our Indian Clients.

Fortune Digital India, is my first venture and biggest asset for me, as a Women Entrepreneur on India.

Fortune Digital India Power-Up our client’s Brand to Increase the ROI by Strategic Digital Marketing Plans and strategies according to their niche.

While starting my new venture, come across many difficulties to scale up my business. Hence, touched base to start the Do-It-Yourself (#DIY) Social Media Marketing Workshop for all start-up or who wanted to implement the Social media marketing strategies in their business grow.

These workshops make them understand the things in a simple way and easy to implement as per their business model. The workshops of  Blogging For Business , Instagram Marketing and Become a Content Writer to Make First $200  workshop for #Womenpreneur is a complete practical training, along with the notes.

6. Do you face any rivalry and how do you differentiate yourself from them?

Competition is in every industry and that’s good in a positive way. However, my company offers complete package of digital marketing services across the globe, all in one roof, at the prime Location of Mumbai, Andheri West.

How I differentiate myself, well I am unique as a Trainer and in workshop sessions I do offer #DIT training. Hence, every attendee should come with their laptop and follow my steps.

I have taken initiative to train “Stay at Home Moms” – how they can generate money online by Blogging and Freelancing. Any can join the train via skype or hangout as well from the luxury their home.

7. How do you identify your co-founder? Would you like to tell us something about them?

Fortune Digital India was incubated with my highly efficient partner Mr. Anant Vijay Soni, Founder of AVSTech, Successful blogger, YouTuber and Digital Marketer.

  1. What is your idea of team formulation? What type of qualities do you search for in your team?

Initial hires were largely through my own network. We also hire efficient freelancers across the world. I strongly believe, that the team is real strength behind the success of your company. We always hire the talents, especially the core team, who will have the same vision and mission, as we pursuit for our company.

The other significant expertise which should align with the purpose of the business start-up itself. It’s the craving to make an impact, make a change, disrupt standing quos and understand the exact market need.

  1. What are your growth or expansion plans for the next 2 or 5 years?

We want to offer more advanced Digital marketing services

As of now, we are offering our digital marketing services in USA, UK, Canada, India and Australia. By 2020, we want to reach to more new start-ups, small business owners, medium enterprises in India, to serve them an effective online marketing services and meet their evolving business marketing requirements. 

Regarding my Social Media marketing workshops, in the next 2-5 years down the line, we will focus to change the lives of Millions of Indian Women by my weekly #DIY Workshops of Social media marketing, Blogging workshops, Instagram and Content Writing Workshops.

We are planning to offer our Courses Online so that it’s easy for them to learn as per their time flexibility. We will focus more aggressive targeted

  1. Where do you see yourself 10 years down the line?

I predict India realizing the benefits of digital marketing and in the next 10 years, I envision 90% of the Indian companies will be fully digitized.

And Fortune Digital India will play a lead role in helping these companies to achieve their targeted marketing goals.

  1. What are your short-term goals?

We at Fortune Digital India are constantly adding more informative content in our websites ( & to educate our audiences.

We will continue to do so, with the leap accelerating. In the coming months we will be pitching to ecommerce sector, especially in the South India.

My goal is to reach out more to the Corporate Sector to train their business development team about how to use Social Media channels effectively (especially Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest and Twitter) and How to Implement Social Media Marketing strategies to generate more traffic and eventually more leads and more conversation.

Want to organise more and more Social Media Marketing, Blogging, Content Writing and Instagram Marketing workshops in next 4-5 months.

  1. Have you risen any funding yet? Are you looking for the same?

Not Yet!!! However, we are looking for some tie ups & funding to scale up our business model in India and USA.

  1. Please share your incubation days struggle issues while setting up this venture, and how did you resolve them?

Well, will starting my business, I faced a lot of issues and Competition too, as at that time my company, was a small fish in big ocean. Our key challenges were to have an efficient team for quality service delivery and define very laser targeted audiences to cater. Funds and money was also a big constraint for us.

We were looking for the cost-effective solution of it, especially for the team. So, we end up hiring few freelancers across the globe for brand strategy, digital marketing, social media marketing, website and Search engine optimisation services.

Eventually, everything getting starting in a much-organized & better way, now, all is executing very well.

Honestly, doing things in the planned way as well as keep continuous watch on time management is the key. Also, paper work is very important.

I have always believed in three things –

  1. Not work alone, have your team

  2. Re-investing in learning and on your-self for self-Improvement

  3. Repeat the successful actions.

As a Social Media and Digital Marketing Women Entrepreneur, I advise to use Social media at the fullest and become a “Social Media Star”. Produce as max content as possible and distribute it in pieces on Facebook, LinkedIn, Quora, twitter, Instagram.

I am constantly creating and posting as much content as possible and in a way that is contextual to each platform.

Keep resolving others business issues and expanding oneself to solve bigger and better way. And Keep yourself away from Negative people.

Although Digital Marketing is a Booming industry in India, still our Values and quality of services we offer, differentiate us from other service provides in India and across the boundaries.

  1. What was or has been the most challenging part of your journey? How do you overcome the same?

The biggest challenge was the immense competition. However, challenges are the part of an entrepreneur journey. You need to sense the power of your small victory, appreciate the hustles and triple your strengths.

Well, to overcome of it, I did my best to build a robust work ethic. Did the extensive Market research and understand the Market condition, needs and demand? Accordingly offer the customized services.

As I was a start-up, I focused more on strengths, I deploy self-awareness. For New edge Entrepreneurs, it’s my advice to start paying attention to what you can deliver the best, what you can do perfectly. Start focusing & spending your time on what you’re good at, instead of criticizing all the time on what you’re bad at.

15. What is your idea of stress management?

Meditation and Yoga. Spare 10 minutes for Mediation and 20 Minutes for Simple Yoga Exercises to stay Stress free and fit at home at home, if you don’t have time to rush to the gym on daily basis.

Give some time to your-self onj daily basis. In that time, do what you enjoy and makes you happy the whole day long.

16. What do you do to escape the work life in your leisure time?

I love dancing. I’m a trained Kathak dancer. When I am not working, I love to dance and spend time with my family.

17. Where would you like to escape to for a holiday?

Didn’t find time to think about holidays!! However, since my childhood, I hardly got chance to stay with my parents. So, when time permits, I prefer to go my home town.

18. Whom do you consider your idol/role model or biggest motivator and why?

My One and Only idol is My Father who has not only taught me but proved me that no matter how hard life will be, always stay positive and continue to focus on work.

I’m self-motivated and I find motivation from successful and amazing people whom I follow. I am a great fan of Tony Robbin, Russell Brunson, Grant Cardone and Gary Vaynerchuk. They are the inspiration to so many people across the all walks of life.

19. What makes entrepreneurs different from service class professionals?

The foremost difference between an Entrepreneur and a service class professional is their Mindset and the Long-Term Vision.

For me entrepreneurial qualities include the risk-taking ability, ability learn something new every time, innovative thinking, management skills, leadership, proactive and out of box thinking.

You need to find very similar kind of abilities and qualities in your team as well to be successful.

20. Which part of your life would you like to rewrite if given a chance to restart with your career today?

Nothing as such. However, I focus more on My Entrepreneur Journey!! Now, I know absolutely what I’m doing, where I have to go and I really enjoy my work!! Somewhere, that was missing when I was working for others.

As an entrepreneur, I get the chance to doing things in a different and much better way today because of what I experienced in my past.

21. How has being an entrepreneur affected your family & Social life?

I strongly believe that the prime success in life is to have a balanced professional and personal life. And Spare time for those stuff that is actually important!

In fact, as a Women Entrepreneur I truly enjoy the time flexibility to adopt my own priorities and work schedules.

As far as my social life is concerned, with time I have seen people recognising me and respecting me. For now, they see me as a successful Indian Women Entrepreneur!

22. Is there anything, you’d like to say to our readers or upcoming entrepreneurs?

I think, this is the perfect time for Indians to be an Entrepreneur. There is serious mass acceptance of Internet and Mobile smart phones at presents. Business need to be streamlined and digitalized.

It’s never too late!!! Say Big NO to rat race, change your Mindset, Believe on Yourself for the 1st 3-5 years of your Business Incubation and Jump in the game. Find you passion and Never look back.

23. Tell us something about your education & family background.

I’m have a Bachelor’s degree in Physiotherapy, MBA in Healthcare administration & Marketing and a Certified Digital Marketer.

24. What is your USP or biggest strength that makes you stand apart from your competitors?

Our strength lies in offering the high ROI and revenue driven Digital Marketing, Social Media marketing, SEO, Website designing services with 100% satisfied client satisfaction.

Considering the digital marketing Workshops, I share my “practical knowledge” of Social Media Marketing, Blogging and highly personalised approach Content writing to serve the readers.

We flourish on outstanding Customer feedback and satisfaction and that’s what differentiates us. I believe that there are no short-cuts.

Why do you think start-ups are so vulnerable to the external business environment? What according to you are the threats to their stability?

Among the extreme accomplishments for entrepreneurs and start-ups who have had the absolute bravery to start their own venture, is the ability to sustain and nurture it.

Now a day’s business owners and new budding are facing many challenges and threats for their stability. Few key threats are Funding, Risk to Invest in business, huge competition, and exact marketing strategies.

And off-course Self-Motivation & Passion to keep start-ups moving ahead regardless of the hindrances they face.

26. Do you consider yourself successful and by what means do you measure success?

For me, success is all think & explore new opportunities to reshape the existing marketing systems and get to implemented these innovative ideas. In that respect, I am satisfied and Successful.

Apart of my company projects execution, educating stay at home women, college going students and start-ups by my workshops gives immense satisfaction to me.

Along with my work schedule, I live my life on my own terms and conditions. I’m doing work in the way I want…and that is enormously satisfying and this precisely is what Success means to me as an entrepreneur woman in India.

27. Please share your contact details’ as follows:
a. complete name – Dr. Menka Yuvraj Varma – Founder & CEO, Fortune Digital India
b. address – Fortune Digital India | 606, Kshitij Enclave, Opp. Andheri Sports Club, Veera Desai Road, Andheri (west) Mumbai- 400058. Maharashtra (India)
c. phone number – +91 22 61099600 | +91 9833841982
d. email id & website of Your Business –,


e. Contact Person details – 9833841982

Founder – Dr. Menka Yuvraj Varma ,
Co-founder – Mr. Anant Vijay Soni



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