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ABES College Faces Cultural Crossroads: ‘Jai Shri Ram’ Controversy Leads to Suspension Of Two Professors

ABES College Faces Cultural Crossroads: ‘Jai Shri Ram’ Controversy Leads to Suspension Of Two Professors

In a recent incident that has stirred intense debate and raised concerns as well as questions about freedom of expression within educational institutions, two faculty members of ABES Engineering College in Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, found themselves at the heart of a cultural and religious controversy. The incident, which occurred during a cultural fest being held on October 20, involved a student being asked to leave the stage for chanting ‘Jai Shri Ram’ slogans, further leading to the suspension of professors and subsequent protests regarding such practises.

Incident Unfolds During Cultural Fest

A video footage from ABES Engineering College’s cultural event was released online, which shows a student getting scolded by the professor for chanting ‘Jai Shri Ram’ on stage. The incident took an unexpected turn when the professor ordered the student to get off the stage, sparking significant condemnation as well as debate on social media places. An additional clip from the same occasion showed a different teacher telling students that if they yelled ‘Jai Shri Ram,’ none of the programs were going to be allowed.

We are here for a cultural event and a good time. So why there is slogans of Jai Shri Ram? There is no logic behind it. Such events will only happen if there’s discipline in you,” commented the professor, while unnamed students disapprove her statement as he starts walking off the stage. In addition to this, a couple of individuals modified the college’s official website by hacking it and putting a “Jai Shri Ram” banner on the front page, though reports indicate that the web page has since been changed back to as it was originally.

The incident soon attracted notice, leading the college administration to set up a committee to look into it. Sanjay Kumar Singh, the director of ABES Engineering College, recognized the suspension of the two professors, Mamata Gautam as well as Shweta Sharma, according to the investigation and committee’s findings.

Ghaziabad College Row: 2 Faculty Members Suspended for Asking Student to  Leave Stage Over 'Jai Shri Ram' Slogan - News18

Conflicting Statements and Protests

Strong reactions were sparked by the tragedy in many different places. Hindu Raksha Dal as well as other right-wing organizations expressed their displeasure, which sparked planned demonstrations against the aforementioned professors. A video with one of the professors, Dr. Mamata Gautam, appeared on the internet as the situation escalated. Dr. Gautam defended her conduct in the video, saying that while she had nothing against concerning the ‘Jai Shri Ram’ slogan, she had ordered the student to leave the class because of his argumentative demeanour. She stressed on her ‘Sanatani‘ heritage as well as alleged that an internet mob had unfairly harassed her.

She clearly stated, “I never objected to the ‘Jai Shri Ram’ slogan. The boy was removed from the stage because he was arguing with me. I am a Sanatani Brahmin, and we follow different rituals during Navratri for the entire nine days.”

ABES Engineering college, Assistant Professor snaps at student and removes  the student from the stage for saying “Jai Shree Ram” - Chhattisgarh  Samachar

College Director’s Response and Inquiry Committee

Sanjay Kumar Singh, the director of ABES Engineering College, addressed the matter in a number of video statements. In order to keep them from losing heart, he promised that no action was going to be taken against the students who supported the chanting of “Jai Shri Ram.” Singh also said that a high-level inquiry committee had been established to look into the actions of the two suspended teachers, and their employment had been terminated as a result of the committee’s recommendations. He stated, “We are committed to upholding the values of academic freedom while ensuring a respectful environment for all.”

After the said committee’s report, Singh released another video giving his statement regarding this matter. “A video came to my notice yesterday after which a probe committee was formed. The committee was asked to submit a report soon. Within 24 hours, the report was submitted, and based on that two faculty members have been suspended with immediate effect for their inappropriate behaviour. We are committed to maintaining a respectful and inclusive environment within our institution,” he can be heard saying in the video message.

Police Investigation and Public Discourse

Investigations into the incident in question are still ongoing, according to local police authorities. They emphasized the significance of a thorough as well as impartial investigation and promised that appropriate action will be taken once the investigation is finished. With residents, lawmakers, as well as academics debating the limits of speech and cultural tolerance, the incident has triggered a national discussion on freedom of expression within educational institutions.

The two professors’ suspension has brought to light the complicated issues that educational institutions must manage in order to manage divergent viewpoints and provide an atmosphere of respect for everyone on the staff as well as students. Discussions about religious tolerance, cultural diversity, as well as the duties of academic institutions in creating welcoming environments for learning have all been centred around this particular incident.

The ABES Engineering College dispute serves as a reminder of the ongoing conversation required to achieve a balance between individual expression as well as preserving a peaceful environment within educational institutions as the country continues to struggle with these concerns. The episode serves as a reminder of the value of establishing mutual respect and understanding between students and teachers, fostering candid communication, as well as promoting an inclusive culture within India’s diversified educational landscape.

Complex Challenges Faced by Educational Institutions

At the heart of this episode is a fundamental question: what does true freedom of expression mean inside the limits of a school? It is critical to remember that colleges and universities are more than just places for academic learning; they are also places where people from varied cultural, religious, as well as ideological backgrounds come together. This diversity should be acknowledged in order to build an environment of understanding and tolerance.

Concerns have also been raised over the politicization of religious slogans. ‘Jai Shri Ram,’ a religious devotional phrase, has sadly become a political instrument. When these types of slogans are screamed in educational settings, they may unintentionally generate a tense atmosphere, diverting attention away from the core objective of these institutions: education. The multifaceted nature of this scenario is reflected in the variety of points of view that the professors concerned have offered.

In defence of the video which was leaked, Professor Mamata Gautam underlined her ‘Sanatani’ background while simultaneously making it clear that her issue was not with the religious chant per se but rather with the student’s argumentative conduct. This episode emphasizes how important it is for learners as well as educators to have clear lines of communication and understanding. It emphasizes the necessity for forums where such respectful talks can take place, enabling everyone to voice their opinions without having to worry about retaliation.

We are prompted to evaluate the narrow line between upholding discipline and stifling free expression by the college administration’s fast action in suspending the faculty members. While maintaining respectful, open, as well as tolerant educational environments is important, it is equally crucial to handle disciplinary measures carefully, making sure that the rights of all individuals concerned are fairly taken into account.

This particular instance ought to act as a starting point for a wider discussion about the place of politics, religion, as well as culture in educational settings. It is a chance for society as a whole to consider how we can foster settings where different viewpoints are respected rather than merely tolerated. A more inclusive school environment can be created via respectful communication, empathy, as well as a dedication to understanding.

In conclusion, while the ABES Engineering College incident has presented challenging concerns, it has also provided a chance for development as well as reflection. Schools ought to serve as places where students learn from one another as well as from textbooks, allowing them to appreciate the diversity of India’s cultural heritage. To create future generations that are capable of handling the complexity of our multicultural society, it is going to be crucial to embrace this variety as well as promote respectful dialogue.

Revisiting Shreya Singhal versus Union of India: A Not So Bright Spot in  the Free Speech Jurisprudence of India | NewsClick



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