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L-G activated rain contingency plan, kept eye on most minute detail to ensure hiccup-free G20 Summit

L-G activated rain contingency plan, kept eye on most minute detail to ensure hiccup-free G20 Summit

During the dinner event hosted by President Droupadi Murmu for the G20 leaders, Delhi’s Lieutenant Governor VK Saxena activated a rain contingency plan as it began to rain, according to officials at Raj Niwas. This action was taken to ensure the comfort and smooth execution of the event despite the inclement weather.

Additionally, Lieutenant Governor Saxena expressed his gratitude to the residents of Delhi-NCR for their support, enthusiasm, and patience during the G20 Summit, which he described as a grand success. He acknowledged that without their cooperation and resilience in the face of inconveniences, the international event would not have been as flawlessly executed as it was.

L-G activated rain contingency plan, kept eye on most minute detail to ...

Saxena also extended his appreciation to the “rain gods” for their contribution to the summit’s success. The rain not only brought down temperatures but also improved the Air Quality Index, making the stay of the visiting dignitaries more pleasant.

During the dinner event hosted by President Droupadi Murmu for the G20 leaders, Delhi’s Lieutenant Governor VK Saxena implemented a rain contingency plan in response to the rainfall, as reported by officials at Raj Niwas. This proactive measure was taken to ensure the comfort and smooth execution of the event despite the inclement weather conditions.

L-G activated rain contingency plan, kept eye on most minute detail to ...

In addition to addressing the rain-related arrangements, Lieutenant Governor Saxena took the opportunity to express his gratitude to the residents of Delhi-NCR for their unwavering support, enthusiasm, and patience throughout the G20 Summit. He emphasized that their cooperation and resilience in the face of inconveniences played a pivotal role in making the international event a resounding success.

Saxena also extended his appreciation to the “rain gods” for their unexpected contribution to the summit’s success. The rain not only provided relief from high temperatures but also contributed to an improvement in the Air Quality Index, enhancing the overall experience for the visiting dignitaries.

During the G20 Summit and the subsequent visit of dignitaries to Rajghat in Delhi, various officers from different departments, including those from the Lt Governor’s Secretariat, were deployed for the smooth operation of the events. These officers provided regular updates to Lieutenant Governor VK Saxena about any problems encountered and the steps taken to address them.

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This coordination and monitoring continued throughout the night, with Saxena receiving updates over the phone. Every minute detail was scrutinized to ensure the events proceeded without issues.

Saxena also took an active role in tracking the arrival of dignitaries at Rajghat early on Sunday, where G20 leaders, including US President Joe Biden, UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, and UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, paid tribute to Mahatma Gandhi at his memorial.

To guarantee the comfort and convenience of the visiting dignitaries at Rajghat, special attention was paid to the rainy weather. It was noted that the floor became wet due to the drizzle. In response, Saxena ensured that the floor was promptly mopped and dried during the 90-second intervals between the arrival of each dignitary to prevent any inconvenience.

This level of meticulous planning and execution highlights the dedication and commitment of the officials involved in making the G20 Summit and related events run smoothly, even in challenging weather conditions.

The India Trade Promotion Organisation (ITPO) officials provided updates to Lieutenant Governor VK Saxena about the situation at 5 am, reporting that water had accumulated at the parking area near gate 5 of the ITPO Complex, where the Bharat Mandapam is located. This accumulation was a result of the continuous overnight rainfall. By 6 am, officials informed Saxena that the water had been successfully drained using heavy-duty contingency pumps that were deployed for this specific purpose.

When dignitaries arrived at 10 am for the second day’s session, the area had been thoroughly cleaned, and it presented an inviting and well-maintained appearance. During these operations, officers stationed at the site sent before-and-after pictures to Lieutenant Governor Saxena, providing a visual record of the improvements and actions taken to address the water accumulation issue.

Additionally, Saxena expressed his gratitude toward the thousands of workers and officers from various organizations and government departments. He commended their “outstanding” work over the past few months, which contributed to the successful execution of the G20 Summit and related events. These organizations and departments included the New Delhi Municipal Council, Delhi Development Authority, Delhi Police, National Highways Authority of India, Delhi Cantonment Board, the city government’s public works and forest departments, Municipal Corporation of Delhi, Delhi International Airport Limited, Indian Air Force, and the Archaeological Survey of India, among others. Their collective efforts played a crucial role in ensuring the smooth conduct of the events and enhancing the overall experience for the dignitaries and participants.

Throughout the entire G20 Summit, including its conclusion, Lieutenant Governor VK Saxena played an actively involved role in overseeing every facet of the event’s organization. His dedication extended to monitoring a broad spectrum of crucial aspects, ranging from security preparations and civic infrastructure to beautification efforts and general maintenance.

Saxena’s responsibilities were multifaceted. He maintained a close coordination with the police commissioner to stay informed about security measures, VVIP movements, carcade routes, and traffic management, ensuring the safety and security of all dignitaries and participants.

Furthermore, Saxena took steps to ensure that markets outside the restricted zone continued to operate smoothly, preventing any disruptions for the general public. He also remained vigilant about the departures of dignitaries, personally tracking their movements from either the Indira Gandhi International or Palam airports.

Saxena expressed his appreciation for the Delhi Police, acknowledging their flawless handling of unscheduled visits by dignitaries within the city, which contributed significantly to maintaining order and security.

Additionally, he closely monitored the city’s cleanliness and air quality, commending efforts to control air pollution by consistently spraying and cleaning roads, pavements, and central verges to keep dust levels in check.

To effectively manage these responsibilities, the Chief Secretary had deployed Indian Administrative Service (IAS) and DANICS probationers, demonstrating a coordinated and collaborative approach to ensure the successful execution of the G20 Summit and related activities.



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