Monday, June 3, 2024
HomeTrendsRole Of Chat In Customer Acquisition

Role Of Chat In Customer Acquisition

Customer Acquisition is a crucial business process that can significantly improve your business bottom line by an increase in sales. Chat functionality on your website enhances your customer acquisition.
Keep in contact with visitors –
A chat helps a business to gather crucial information about its website visitors. This information called “Voice of Consumer” data helps you to re-connect with your visitors and convert them to customers.
Increase average order value –
A chat option on your website not only helps to increase your sales, but it also enhances the value of sales. How? Example: if a customer is looking to purchase a new laptop, a chat agent can respond by recommending a laptop that meets their needs. The agent can also increase the order value by recommending a laptop case, a bag, and any laptop related accessories. With live chat support, businesses can upsell, cross-sell, and other sales techniques that can increase revenue even more. When live chat support is used correctly, customers are more likely to spend more.
Gain a competitive advantage –
A recent study revealed that many businesses including e-retailers do not use the chat option on their website. A chat function on your website will help you to acquire a competitive edge over your competitors by giving easy access to support. It helps to engage website visitors proactively, and help returning visitors to turn in customers.
Increase sales and conversions –
About 70% of all purchasing decisions are made at the point of sale, so live chats can greatly increase a business’s revenue. By integrating chat services you can give people an easy-and-quick option to inquire about your services or products and resolve any concerns preventing them from making a purchase.
Develop strong customer relations –
A chat function on your website will help new and returning visitors to interact better with you. You can forge better retailer – consumer relations with which you can upsell yourself to your secondary and tertiary customer base via primary customer and visitor base.
Creates choices –
A chat function opens up the avenues of promoting many other services or products that you offer to your visitors. Creation of choices can influence purchase decisions during checkouts thereby increasing the sales value.
Helps harvest data –
The chat application on your website can help you harvest the “Voice of Consumer (VOC)” data which helps you to retarget your visitors with exclusive content, products, and services. It also helps to tailor your products and services based on consumer or visitor preferences.
Prevents sales abandonment –
A live chat greatly reduces cart abandonment by providing insight and information to consumer/customers or buyers in real time.
Discover business intelligence –
A chat function can provide you valuable information and data regarding how your customers and consumers and visitors perceive you, your business, products, and services. It is a goldmine of information which can be used in NPV, social selling, upgrading of operational efficiency and logistics.
Expands market reach –
A chat function helps you penetrate markets previously unable to penetrate. This is because a chat helps to build a strong reputation.
Build long-term relations –
A chat function can help convert your average customer into a lifelong advocate and a raving fan of yours.
Instant Messaging or Chat Applications and functionality if used in the right way can be your biggest Competitive Advantage.
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Mayur Mahajan




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