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Startups: 12 Important Things To Consider Before Starting a Business

Startups: 12 Important Things To Consider Before Starting a Business

You’re considering starting your own business. The disadvantages and advantages of this are both present. You will feel independent and accomplished when you own a business. It won’t matter how much you want to be the boss, you’ll be in charge. The profit or return on your investment will allow you to pay yourself a salary once your company has been up and running for some time.

If you own a car or a home, you feel pride in ownership. You will experience a lot of satisfaction if you offer a product or service that is valued by the market. When you are the boss, it is easier to accept new ideas. If your company is small, retraining employees or seeking approval from a board will not be a necessity because you won’t have a big organization to manage.

It is possible to abandon the concept immediately if it doesn’t work. Small firms are known for their flexibility, which is a valuable quality. View it from the other side. Payroll must be done every week if you have employees. 

To avoid having problems with creditors, you must always have cash available to pay them. These creditors include the guy who sells you the goods, the guy who provides fixtures and equipment, the landlord if you rent, and the mortgage holder if you buy the company. Publishers, advertising agencies, tax collectors, and others are in these creditors. Before you can claim your “profits,” you must pay for them.

You must make all final decisions by yourself. If you make a poor choice, you could end up owing money not only to yourself but to your creditors, customers, and employees. Furthermore, because of circumstances that are frequently out of your control, you must face hardship alone. To overcome these commercial failures and retain your firm’s profitability, you must put in a lot of hard effort. You will decide that this isn’t the kind of work you want to do. You developed a skill while doing labor for someone else.

Now, if you start your own company, you can guess using that skill for at least 40 hours a week. Instead, you must carry out managerial responsibilities. After everyone has gone home and you have finally caught up with the paperwork, jump in and handle expediting after you have managed the books, studied accounting records, sat back and planned long-range, and moved forward after everyone has left.


  1. A Business Idea

There is always an idea behind every company- one that works like a trick. You can give something no one else has offered before if you want your business to stand out

Although, not every business idea is unique. The company you’re starting will be just one of the hundreds. The following questions will help you improve it:

  • How can I improve this?
  • How am I better than the others?
  • Will I be able to get some of this market share?

Even if your company idea is amazing, it won’t succeed unless it helps someone. Therefore, begin by listening to others and your frustrations (your family members, your friends, your neighbors, and your associates). Following your comprehension of these, you can:

  • Try your best to find a solution to these irritations.
  • Find the abilities you possess that will allow you to provide the appropriate solution.
  • To what time are you truly sincere about providing that solution, ask yourself.
  1. Your Prospects for Success

If you start your own company, what are your chances of success? Nearly as many new businesses are launched each day as fail or phase out. In years with poor company conditions, there is a greater likelihood of failures or closures than in years with good economic conditions.  

The number of businesses tends to rise dramatically after a year of favorable economic conditions. As the population, total income, and per capita income all grow steadily over time along with the number of small businesses, the overall number of small businesses grows each year.

It is important to note that this expansion is not without its challenges. Meanwhile, old enterprises are being phased out as new ones emerge. A few of these halts are considered to be failures by law; others are voluntary exits by owners seeking to minimize or avoid losses. The likelihood of a young business closing down is higher.

The first year of a company is often a challenging one. At the end of many years, the ending rate of those who survive the first year falls extremely. You have a better chance of success the longer you’re in company. In most cases, poor management leads to the demise of a company. Nearly 90% of all company failures are blamed on inexperienced and underqualified managers.

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  1. Location

Several factors affect the performance of a company, including its location. You can make or ruin your company based on its location. The firm’s website must be accessible. Traffic surrounding the location, the highways, and the proximity to raw materials and consumers should all be considered.

As well as examining the workspace, you should consider your competitors and the availability of labor in the region; you want to ensure that the facility is right for your company and offers growth potential.

  1. Return on Investment

The return on investment (ROI) is calculated by dividing net profit by the amount spent. It is expected that the return on investment will grow year by year, even though the initial investment is small.

Investing in one company prospect should be compared to investing in another. Money earned through stock market investments can be compared with other forms of income.

  1. Competition

Identifying who your competitors are and what they’re doing will help you stay in company for a long time. When you have a monopoly product, you don’t have to worry about competition. To close the demand-supply gap, you will need an effective strategy.

If you’re starting a company, your first goal should be to gain market share. This shouldn’t be too difficult if your product is in high demand. Your company needs to strengthen its position if that’s not the case. As part of the competition analysis process, you need to understand your competitors, understand their positioning, determine their pricing and marketing strategies, and assess their strengths and weaknesses.

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  1. Timing

When starting a company, you should consider the time involved. Establishment and growth of a company, management of the company, and presenting it at its best. The business is not for you if the time commitment isn’t compatible with your lifestyle.

A company or its product shouldn’t be launched right now if the timing is unsuitable; perhaps later is the best time. When deciding whether to start a company at all, you have to consider the amount of time you need to create it before launching it, since patience is a virtue, and you are not able to use it.

  1. Taxes

Be sure to understand the tax implications of starting a company before you do so. There will be taxes on your company at the federal, state, and local levels. Social security, excise taxes, and corporate income taxes are owed by your firm.

It is your responsibility to make sure that your employees’ unemployment compensation contributions, as well as their survivor and hospital insurance contributions, are deducted from their paychecks. Taxes on federal, state, and local income must be deducted from their paychecks. Withholdings for social security and individual income taxes are mandatory if you work for yourself.

  1. Obtaining Funds

After calculating your first capital requirements, where will you receive the money? The primary source of funds is your personal savings account. Then you could find family members, friends, or others willing to invest in your company.

Keep in mind that you should be able to maintain ownership before receiving a substantial sum of money from a third party. If you have thoroughly analyzed your financial requirements and have demonstrated experience and honesty, a lending institution will be willing to fund part of your needs.

It can take anywhere from 60 days to a year to complete this process. The first and foremost concern of any institution that lends money is security. You can secure your house or another asset as a personal asset while you are just getting started, although security is a corporate asset.

The lender will look for a business strategy. The lender will be more likely to consider your application if you include a cash flow prediction in your business plan.

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  1. Insurance

Make sure you have enough insurance coverage before you start your business. Your investment will be lost if you do not take action. Fire, windstorm, liability judgments, and death of key employees are hazards over which you have no control.

The opposite is true; do not pay for protection on a property when the premium would be little if it were to occur and do not insure against losses that would be little if they occurred.

In addition to fire and general liability insurance, automobile liability insurance, car physical damage insurance, workers’ compensation insurance, crime insurance, business interruption insurance, glass insurance, and group health insurance, you should consider disability insurance and group life insurance. There is a debate regarding having enough insurance. Consult with multiple insurance brokers, agents, or company representatives.

  1. Regulations, Rules, and Laws

New firms must comply with many rules and regulations. Regulatory requirements vary from country to country for registering new companies with the appropriate authorities and complying with specific requirements.

Consequently, the name of the company has to be registered with the Ministry of Commerce, for instance. The government will need additional information on the workforce, and specific deductions (such as taxes) will need to be made by the employees.

It is usually a good idea to contact a lawyer before starting a new business in an unfamiliar area. New companies will be stifled by heavy fines and penalties if they fail to comply with the law.

  1. Resources:

To start a business, you will need resources. All types of resources are possible, including material, human, and financial resources. Consider the resources you will need before you start a business. Resource accessibility, availability, cost-effectiveness, and usefulness must be easy to find. If your resources are not sufficient to meet the bulk of your business requirements, starting a business does not seem like a good idea.

  1. Financing/Capital

Figure out how much money you need to start a business by putting all your projected revenue and expenses into a spreadsheet or form. Starting a small business with this kind of management style is smart even if you don’t feel this level of planning is necessary. A well-established company benefits from a similar approach.

Start by estimating your earnings. Many factors will impact this, including the volume of business in the area, how many competitors are competing for consumers’ money, and how well you can compete for their money. It is possible to estimate your sales by talking to wholesalers, trade groups, bankers, and other business people. The volume of sales can be estimated with the help of business and statistical journals.

Calculate your ultimate sales forecast without getting too excited. At first, new companies tend to grow modestly. The more sales you overestimate, the higher your costs will be due to equipment purchases, inventory purchases, and running costs.

The first few months will be difficult since you’re just getting started. For the first several months, you only earn a fair income.



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