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HomeTrendsNot So Bright 2023 For Pharmexcil: Suspends Safe Formulations over Drug Smuggling

Not So Bright 2023 For Pharmexcil: Suspends Safe Formulations over Drug Smuggling

Pharmexcil Suspends Safe Formulations:

The Indian pharmaceutical industry is one of the largest in the world, with a market size of over $40 billion. The industry has played a crucial role in providing affordable and accessible medicines to people not just in India but also in other parts of the world. However, the industry has been facing a series of challenges in recent years, including issues related to quality control, patent infringement, and drug smuggling.

safe formulations

One of the latest developments in this regard is the suspension of Safe Formulations, a Hyderabad-based pharmaceutical company, by the Pharmaceuticals Export Promotion Council of India (Pharmexcil) over allegations of drug smuggling. This decision by Pharmexcil has far-reaching implications for the Indian pharmaceutical industry, as it highlights the need for stricter regulations and monitoring to ensure that the industry maintains its credibility and reputation.

Safe Formulations – A Dip In History:

Safe Formulations is a pharmaceutical company that manufactures and exports a wide range of drugs, including antibiotics, antihypertensives, and antidiabetic drugs, to various countries across the world. The company has been in the news for all the wrong reasons in recent times, with reports suggesting that it was involved in drug smuggling.


According to the Directorate of Revenue Intelligence (DRI), a government agency responsible for preventing smuggling and enforcing customs laws, Safe Formulations had smuggled around 10.32 tonnes of the controlled substance ephedrine to a drug cartel in Mexico in 2018. The drug was allegedly used to manufacture methamphetamine, a highly addictive and illegal drug that is also known as crystal meth.

The DRI had also arrested two employees of Safe Formulations, including a director, in connection with the case. The agency had also seized cash and other assets worth several crores of rupees, which were allegedly linked to the drug smuggling operation.

Pharmexcil’s Decision On Safe Formulations:

Pharmexcil is a non-profit organization that promotes the export of pharmaceutical products from India. It is also responsible for ensuring that the products exported by Indian pharmaceutical companies meet the highest standards of quality and safety.

In light of the allegations against Safe Formulations, Pharmexcil had launched an investigation into the matter. The investigation found that the company had violated the provisions of the Foreign Trade Policy and the Drugs and Cosmetics Act, which govern the export of pharmaceutical products from India.


Based on the findings of the investigation, Pharmexcil decided to suspend the membership of Safe Formulations with immediate effect. The suspension means that the company will not be able to export pharmaceutical products from India until the matter is resolved.

Implications For The Indian Pharmaceutical Industry Triggered By Suspension Of Safe Formulations:

The suspension of Safe Formulations by Pharmexcil has raised several questions about the state of the Indian pharmaceutical industry. On the one hand, it highlights the need for stricter regulations and monitoring to prevent drug smuggling and other illegal activities.

The Indian pharmaceutical industry has long been plagued by issues related to quality control, patent infringement, and unethical practices. The suspension of Safe Formulations is just the latest example of how these issues can have serious consequences for the industry as a whole.

At the same time, the suspension of Safe Formulations also raises concerns about the impact of such actions on the reputation of the Indian pharmaceutical industry. India is known as the pharmacy of the world, and the country’s pharmaceutical products are exported to over 200 countries across the world. Any negative news about the industry can have a significant impact on the trust and confidence that people have in Indian pharmaceutical products.

The suspension of Safe Formulations is likely to have an impact on the company’s business, as it will not be able to export its products until the matter is resolved. However, the impact of the suspension could also be felt by other Indian pharmaceutical companies, as it could lead to stricter regulations and monitoring of the industry as a whole.

The suspension of Safe Formulations is a wake-up call for the Indian pharmaceutical industry, which needs to take steps to address the challenges it faces. One of the biggest challenges is the issue of quality control, as there have been several instances in the past where Indian pharmaceutical products have failed quality tests in other countries.

To address this issue, the government of India has launched several initiatives in recent years, including the creation of a new regulatory authority called the National Medical Devices Promotion Council (NMDPC) and the introduction of the Online Drug Authentication and Monitoring System (ODAMS) to track and monitor the distribution of drugs.

The suspension of Safe Formulations is likely to lead to further efforts to strengthen the regulatory framework for the Indian pharmaceutical industry. This could include stricter checks and balances to prevent illegal activities such as drug smuggling, as well as greater scrutiny of the manufacturing processes used by pharmaceutical companies to ensure that they meet the highest standards of quality and safety.

Another area that needs to be addressed is the issue of patent infringement. Indian pharmaceutical companies have been accused of violating patents held by foreign companies, which has led to legal battles and trade disputes. The Indian government has introduced several measures to address this issue, including the introduction of compulsory licensing, which allows Indian companies to produce generic versions of patented drugs under certain conditions.

However, there is still a need for greater awareness and understanding of intellectual property rights (IPR) among Indian pharmaceutical companies. This could involve the government and industry bodies taking steps to educate companies about IPR and the importance of respecting the patents held by foreign companies.

The suspension of Safe Formulations is also likely to have implications for the export of Indian pharmaceutical products. India is one of the largest exporters of generic drugs in the world, with exports accounting for over 20% of the country’s pharmaceutical production.

Any negative news about the Indian pharmaceutical industry could lead to a loss of trust and confidence in Indian products, which could have a significant impact on the industry’s export earnings. It is therefore important for the industry to take steps to address the challenges it faces and maintain the high standards of quality and safety that it is known for.

The Final Arc:

The suspension of Safe Formulations by Pharmexcil over allegations of drug smuggling highlights the challenges facing the Indian pharmaceutical industry. While the industry has played a crucial role in providing affordable and accessible medicines to people across the world, it needs to take steps to address the issues of quality control, patent infringement, and drug smuggling.

The suspension of Safe Formulations is likely to lead to greater scrutiny and regulation of the industry, as well as efforts to strengthen the regulatory framework and address the challenges it faces. While these efforts may be difficult and time-consuming, they are necessary to ensure that the Indian pharmaceutical industry maintains its credibility and reputation as the pharmacy of the world.

Hi, I’m Shubhangi Tiwari, I'm a multi-talented professional with a diverse range of skills. As a lawyer, I'm well-versed in legal language and can navigate complex regulations with ease. As a content writer, I have a knack for crafting engaging and informative pieces that capture readers' attention.


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