Monday, June 3, 2024
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No Proposal Of Salary Cuts For Government Employees, Says Finance Ministry- reject of the media reports

The Finance Ministry on Monday clarified that the government has no plans to cut the current salary of the central government employees. The Ministry has said this while rejecting some media reports. The reports claimed that the government plans cutting salaries by 30 percent and the government’s lowest rung employees and contractual staff will be exempted from the pay cut.

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The statement by the Ministry on salary cuts

The Finance Ministry said on Monday through a tweet that, “The government is not considering any proposal for any reduction in the current salary of any category of the central government employee. In some media circles, the ongoing news about this is false and baseless. ”


Earlier some media reports had claimed that the government may cut the salaries of certain categories of central government employees to reduce pressure from the state exchequer during the lockdown. After this, the Finance Ministry has tweeted that these reports are fake. saying that “The reports in some sections of media are false and have no basis whatsoever.”

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Union Minister Jitender Singh also asked people to ignore the fake news, adding, “There is no proposal by the Government to carry out deduction in the salary of its employees.”

It is true that due to the COVID-19 crisis, the government is facing difficulties on many fronts. On one hand, the government’s expenditure on health has increased. On the other hand, it is also under pressure to provide relief and incentive packages to the people, sectors, and industries affected by the lockdown. But the reports on cutting the salaries of the government employees are false and have no basis.

Dr. Jitendra Singh | MP | Minister | BJP | Udhampur | Jammu & Kashmir |  India



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