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HomeStoriesOnly Strong Network & Lobby Can Take Your Business Miles Away Explains...

Only Strong Network & Lobby Can Take Your Business Miles Away Explains Mohammad Khushnawaz

Most of the information in the world are not accessible by search engines, but got through only personal connections.
For millions of such critical questions that can change the future of your company, you will not find the answer on Google nor from your own imagination. You need to get it from the right people. How do you know who knows the answer? How can you get the information from that person?
You have no sugar at home, you are sick, you can’t go out, you knock neighbor’s door and ask for help, and hear you have sugar, and she comes down to even help you with a tea. Now take this case in your business.
With a strong network or lobby, you can always over come with all the hurdles of the business. Network of Nawaz is a company which is trying to explore the power of networking.
Mohammad Khushnawaz the founder of the company is very excited for the launch of his researched business model. He explains that his venture Includes 9 different networks of business which is going to be next game plan for Indian market
1. Networks of Foods ( B2b model)
2. Networks of Arts & Artist ( A central platform for all arts and Artist to showcase their talents)
3. Networks of training centers ( Association with all India training institute to make work under one banner )
4. Networks of Home services ( any service related to manpower and for the utility of a individual will be choosen in a single platforms)
5. Networks of Tourism & Travel agents (increasing the tourism industry by making agents in each city working under one banner)
6. Networks of events and Entertainment – ( making the corporate and non-corporate events to summed all in one solution in any city of India)
7. Networks of Education – Association with education Centers to certified and promote the best education to students at feasible cost.
8. Networks of Excellence – All the freelancers who work any type of designing will give a single roof to make efforts at the single platform and promote themselves.
9. Networks of vendors through E store – Vendors will be in direct touch with the customers for their e store sale in different cities.
With a strong lobby of customers, he intends to exchange business within his own lobby. In corporate world this is a proven fact that to acquire a new customer is far more expensive then to retain old customer and keep getting repetitive business from them.
Through this venture the founder Mohammad Khushnawaz is planning to keep changing the services offered within his network of clients and clients will not be willing to go out of his network for any sort of needs.
This way, they wont have to invest much in marketing and branding and the old customers would be retained by the company by changing the business segments and offering new products and services and customers will also get all major services via one single brand with limited inputs in marketing and branding and thus passing the profits directly to the customers by offering most competitive products and services to them.
Mohammad Khushnawaz



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