Trends has an unintended cryptocurrency community interest metric

There are a myriad of specialized websites that track the cryptocurrency market. But it appears the social meet up website might give us another metric that hasn’t yet been considered: global cryptocurrency community interest.‘s topics section can give us an unintended overview of global interest in the cryptocurrency market by individual coins.
If we take a look below at the global meetups organized for the top seven cryptocurrencies by market cap, it seems that Bitcoin generates the most interest among enthusiasts.
According to the data, there are 1.6 million members and 5,570 Bitcoin ($109 billion market cap) meetups across the globe.
Here’s how the rest of the top cryptocurrency meetups on stack up:

  • Bitcoin ($109 billion market cap) has 1.6 million members and 5,570 meetups planned.
  • Ethereum ($20 billion market cap) has over 1.1 million members meeting up at nearly 4,000 events.
  • Ripple ($17 billion market cap) has over 8,600 members meeting with just 43 events planned.
  • Bitcoin Cash ($7.7 billion market cap) has nearly 12,000 members meeting up 106 times in the near future.
  • EOS  ($4.7 billion market cap) has 60,000 fans that have 179 meetup events planned.
  • Stellar ($4 billion market cap) has 7,000 interested fans planning to meetup 19 times.
  • Litecoin ($3.1 billion market cap) has over 42,000 members that are planning to meet 133 times.

It might be useful to watch how interest in these topics grows over time, and importantly where it grows. It’s also intriguing to compare how interest in different cryptocurrencies or blockchain projects varies across the globe.
In the top right of the images you can see how many members are subscribed to meetups with that topic, and how many global meet ups are currently organized. Check out the images below:

litecoin, meetup

After looking at the rest of the Meetup data for the major coins, it’s obvious Bitcoin and Ethereum are everywhere.
Bitcoin Cash, EOS, and Litecoin have most of their interest in the western hemisphere, and most of Ripple’s interest is in English speaking nations.
For a coin with a market cap of over $4 billion, there seems to be relatively little interest from Stellar fans to actually get together.
It would seem cryptocurrency isn’t a thing in Africa, or maybe they just don’t use
That’s also something to be aware of, these figures of course are only insight into those active on Some blockchain projects might host lots of private events, or simply don’t engage with
While these figures might provide a good cryptocurrency market “temperature gauge,” maybe it’s best to take them with a pinch of salt.
Source: The Next Web
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