
The future of AI and ML in India shines bright. Here’s a list of the Top 10 India-based AI startups.

AI and ML

Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence (AI) have been used across industries and these techniques are efficiently solving complicated real-world issues. Presently, almost 10% of the enterprises use more than 10 Artificial Intelligence applications which range from a chat-bot, fraud identifier, and cybersecurity among others.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Market Analysis 2021 | Datamation

In recent times, the Indian start-up atmosphere has witnessed a huge upheaval. The nation has fought its way and established a position among the top 10 countries worldwide that have received millions of funding for Artificial Intelligence and ML-based start-ups in the previous year itself. These start-ups are stealing the show through their unique innovative ideas and excellent service.

These start-ups owe their success to several factors including hefty funding, out-of-the-box ideas, smooth technology, and a massive home market. Some market reports have pointed out that from 3000 start-ups in 2014, the number has expanded to a remarkable 11000 in just six years! The coronavirus has set new goals for the emerging youth and it has taught us the ‘new normal, a number of start-ups are inclined on developing AI-based medical applications that would come to rescue in the near future.

Data and Artificial Intelligence services are hoped to expand India’s economic growth in a huge way. According to the data served by NASSCOM, Artificial Intelligence and data will be contributing around $500 billion to India’s GDP which is almost 10% of the Government’s dream of a $5 trillion economy. India’s Artificial Intelligence start-up atmosphere has a brilliant future with one-of-its-kind solutions to areas such as smart farming, screening of cancer, and others. With approximately 5,00,000 people working in this sector, the future of AI/ML in India looks promising.

Here’s a list of the top 10 Artificial Intelligence start-ups in India

 1. NIRAMAI Health Analytics

Bengaluru-based Software Company is dedicated to detecting breast cancer at an early stage. With 1 out of every 12 women having the risk of breast cancer, NIRAMAI promises to detect the disease at an early stage which is crucial to decrease mortality. Their imaging technique is radiation-free, non-touch, non-painful, and suitable for women of all ages. The company claims that their technology can be used in hospitals for regular check-ups and can also be used in screening breast abnormalities on a large scale in rural and semi-urban areas.


Mumbai-based Indian enterprise conversational Artificial Intelligence software, Haptik took birth in 2013. It is a software that enables us to converse with technological devices and applications in a free format, natural language, and even through text! This software serves different brands globally and in different industries such as financial, healthcare, insurance, technology, and communications. In 2019, Reliance Industries India limited acquired the company.


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The Pune-based start-up is all set to decrease costs, improve revenue, and enhance the ROI of enterprises by using a blend of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Natural Language Processing (NLP) Technology. builds an enterprise-friendly conversational Artificial Intelligence platform that would reduce service calls and enhance the adoption of Apps.


Bengaluru-based Artificial Intelligence Start-up Company, that has produced their Artificial Intelligence-powered personal assistant, named Niki. It presents a chat-based natural language interface that allows people to interact in their natural language and Niki deciphers the language, understands how Indians converse in their language, following which it comes up with a solution or an apt recommendation.

5. Doxper

As claimed by the Mumbai-based Start-up, it is used ‘wherever pen touches the paper in healthcare’. The Artificial Intelligence-based technology allows clinicians to digitize case sheets using a digitized pen and encoded paper. Quality care of patients starts with preserving patient histories carefully, Doxper comes to the rescue in instantly digitizing patient case histories.

6. Cropin

Bengaluru-based Agri-Tech Company is all set to provide holistic solutions to the problems faced by today’s farmers. It provides future-ready solutions to modern problems and thereby maximizes productivity by reducing the cost of operations. Cropin promises to deliver cutting-edge solutions for every stakeholder in the field through their Artificial Intelligence and ML-based technology. The company is driven by its mission to maximize per acre value and to make every farm traceable.

7.                                                                                                                       Bash introduces chat based modules to its AI architecture for HR platforms  - WorldHRDiaryAll set to rock the corporate world in the field of HR, BASH uses Artificial Intelligence and chat-bot to address the problems faced by the employees. The HR is responsible for addressing queries, replying to emails and notifications manually, and currently, the software or technologies used in the HR facilitate only non-employee-facing activities. This technology can bring a revolution in the Corporate world by improving the employee experience as it facilitates interaction between HR and the employees. They can now just chat and get a solution!

8. Intello Lab

Using AI/ML to automatically analyze the standard of freshness within the produce. It aims to extend transparency within the supply chain and to cut back the chance of wastage.

Their product, VIVA helps accelerate engagement strategy and utilizes leading-edge speech recognition and Natural Language Understanding (NLU) technology. It provides the simplest engagement possible. it’s an intelligent, multilingual platform that will help automate up to 80% of center operations. With 100,000+ hours of coaching data, VIVA has been deployed to assist enterprises to boost customer stickiness and loyalty through a deep understanding of the customer’s context and intent.

10. SigTuple     

Bengaluru-based Indian start-up, SigTuple combines computer science, robotics, and data science to make smart screening solutions, to create healthcare accurately, accessible, and affordable. SigTuple is building a healthier India with quality healthcare, delivered by empowered providers, to ensure standardization and scalability of cutting-edge innovations in supplying.

Sanjana Simlai

Hey, this Sanjana. Am from Kolkata. Reading, writing and travelling have always attracted me. I am always ready to learn and look forward to opportunities that would enhance my career in Journalism. I spend my free time in clicking pictures with my Nikon DSLR and I find solace in poetry.

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