
How to start a new and innovative dropshipping business in India? [4 step process]

The e-commerce business has grown significantly as  more and more people buy most of their purchases on the Internet. Dropshipping has already proven to revolutionize so many new e-commerce businesses.

It is gaining popularity due to its seller-friendly business approach. Most of the  products managed down to the drop shipping channel continue to be in demand according to consumer trends.

  Dropshipping Business Benefits Dropshipping seems to be a business model where sellers don’t have to keep inventory. This means that the supplier can manufacture the product and then sell it through a third-party service. The seller has a complete inventory control system and is  not obliged to create the goods. The seller accepts the order and notifies the manufacturer or supplier accordingly.


 It has accomplished its mission. In most cases, the seller does not see the delivered item. While drop shipping seems to have some advantages  for something like a seller,  there are some drawbacks to be aware of. India is still trying to adapt to this business process, but it is gaining momentum. Whenever  a supplier launches a drop shipping business in the country, the  following points should be considered:

 Steps to Start a Dropshipping Business in India

  1. Choosing the Best Supplier  One of the most important factors for a dropshipping retailer is to find the right supplier. Surveys need to be conducted to determine the availability of suppliers and to characterize the products they offer. Before building a long-term business relationship, the seller needs to make sure that the supplier is credible. India may encounter fake sellers as newcomers to trade.

 You need to be careful and make sure that every sales person you contact has a good reputation. Therefore, here are some tips to help you find the right supplier:

  • Supplier purchasing items from third party manufacturers should be avoided. You need to select the vendor that manufactures the product. It`s more tough to understand up on a lengthier chain, and you won`t be able to take responsibility for delays. If you`re unable to locate manufacturers, try contacting wholesalers instead. Investigate the authenticity of their stock by having a look around.


  • Inquire about delivery timeframes with vendors. To stay ahead of the competition, you must choose expedited delivery. You should aim to get your items dispatched in at minimum 34 days if they are currently delivered in one day.


  • Check the fees and forms of payment of providers while considering them. The first time you use the service, you`ll be charged a onetime cost that will be applied to each subsequent order. In addition, they might ask for a monthly payment plan. In order to test the sincerity of the vendor, some of them may demand a minimum order amount.


  • Determine how much money you`ll have left over after paying your vendor. It`s possible that your operating margins may be modest at first, but you must be cautious while setting your rates. Higher profit margins are possible if the costs of production are lower.


  • Verify whether or not your vendor can deliver white label items for your company. When you use white labeling, you can rest easy knowing that your items are manufactured and packed through your own name and trademark. Establishing your brand will benefit from it. Maybe your customers will recognize the brand you are selling.

 If you run your dropshipper business as  an individual, you don’t have to worry about the GST rules affecting your business. If the company is registered with GST, the supplier requires GST IN for all transactions. If you have this information, you can request a deposit at a later date. Prior to doing business, make sure you and your supplier understand the GST rules.

  1. Select the merchandise that will be offered for sale. Finally, you may put the finishing touches upon that product after choosing a provider! Check out all that your provider has to offer. In addition, you may talk about and determine the topselling items. Finding the most popular items in your online store is easy with a few basic tools and techniques. Make a list of items for sale and check your options at other online retailers such as Amazon and Flipkart.

 As a result of this practice, many suggestions for processes or products, descriptions, and pricing come to mind. In fact, you can see that drop shipping has already been used to sell the same item. On the other hand, there are many variations of the same thing. See what works for you in your area of ​​expertise.

Good product design, on the other hand, helps companies differentiate themselves from their competitors. This is followed by a high quality and well thought out package inspection. Keep articles up to date all year round. We need months of research and consumer behavior research.

  1. Plan Website Layout Successful shops need an online presence that allows customers to search for products. Having a website increases your credibility. You can reassure your buyers by displaying the value and quality of your brand here. After completed for sale, you need a virtual representation of the item. Then develop a visually appealing, userfriendly website using your newly acquired domain name. An ordered website makes it simple for clients to locate what they need. For your clients` benefit, you may also start a blog. Customer evaluations and comments may be obtained onsite, along with all payment options listed.


2. Your consumer promoting your product will need all the information you have given them after you build a website and put your articles there. In addition, you need to make sure that your product list reaches potential customers. If you want to succeed in a drop shipping business model, it’s important to market your brand. Anyone with good marketing skills can get paid regardless of the type of product they sell. The important thing is to stand in front of the right person. To be successful in the market, you need to use marketing and advertising to let others know you are. You need to be innovative and ready to take on new challenges.

 Using social media marketing is a great way to get your business on track.

 Use social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. Join an organization or company where your item finds potential customers. Make it friendly and friendly so that people want to know more about your product. Start marketing activities to attract new customers using social media. Most social media sites publish their businesses and services. The corresponding bargains on these pages may soon bring consumers to you. Google AdWords and other SEO strategies are options for attracting visitors to your website.

 A well-written SEO plan can be beneficial for proper keywords and effective advertising.

 The most important thing to remember

 The cost of setting up an Indian drop shipping business is low.

 Initially, it’s a low-budget, low-risk company.

 You don’t have to worry about stock or how to make things.

 Even though your brand expands, you may recruit staff to increase the quality of your services.

 You could have a design and marketing team to manage your dropshipping company, which is critical to its growth.

 In the short term, this may appear like slacking off, but it will need extensive investigation to meet the standard.

 It`s possible to have significant success in your dropshipping company if you`re persistent.

edited and proofread by nikita sharma


Journalism student with a keen interest in Business world

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