
Exclusive Interview of Mr. Nitheesh & Miss Sindhu, Founders Of Innovosoft Technologies Private Limited

With the growth of new demands and needs of the present era, the corporate industry is also enhancing its products. There are certain necessities were ignored earlier, such as personal hygiene, personal cleanliness, proper sanitation, and high tech gadgets; but now, they are a matter of great concern.
This time we had Mr. Nitheesh Nr, the founder of Innovosoft Technologies Private Limited who had brought revolution in the field of technology. Established in the year 2014, Innovosoft Technologies Private Limited mainly deals in the manufacturing of assortments of Sanitary Napkin Incinerator, Sanitary Napkin Vending Machine, Educational Tabs, and Touch Screen Kiosks. Innovosoft Technologies Private Limited focuses on benefiting every individual by enhancing and improving the quality of their living. This company is based in Thiruvananthapuram, a city in the state of Kerala, and trade across the country.
Mr. Nitheesh Nr. had worked hard to achieve such a remarkable position in the market. Innovosoft Technologies Private Limited has gained fame and reputation only with the help of his sharp management skills, continuous motivation and determination and his customer oriented business approach. Here is an interview with this great personality that will surely inspire you guys!

  1. What is the Name of Your Venture? Any specific reason for this name? 

InnovoSoft Technologies Pvt Ltd is our company name. We are 2 Co-founders Ms. Sindhu Reddy who has a background in Software Engineering and I belong to a Mechanical Engineering background that makes us to work mostly on Innovations. So we have named our company as InnovoSoft Technologies, were “Innovo” stands for Innovation which I deliver and “Soft” stands from Software which is delivered by Sindhu. 

  1. Who is your target Audience/clients? 

We cover almost all the sectors from education to Health Care, so our clients are public. Specifically, we are more working with rural villages of India with the help of NGO and CSR groups and identifying the problems they are facing and provide a solution to it. This is one category of clients or audience we use to focus on. 
The other categories of clients are based on the Solutions we have identified or developed. It can be schools, colleges, corporate sectors hospitals etc.
The last category is not but least the developed products getting exported or getting replicated to different countries. 

  1. Where your venture is based (city, state, country) & what are your geographical target areas? 

Our company is registered in the Thiruvananthapuram district of Kerala state in India. Though we are registered in Kerala our production and manufacturing activities are carried out in Madurai, Coimbatore in Tamil Nadu and Bangalore in Karnataka. 
As mentioned earlier our geographical area depends on the rural villages and socially backward society. Presently we have identified 3 problems or issues and develop solutions for the same and for expansion of those products we have got 13 dealers in 13 states of India and our active presence in 7 countries. 

  1. What problems does your venture resolve? What are your products or services? 

We work with NGO and CSR groups to identify the problems the society is facing and develops the product through our R&D Process. 
One such product which we have implemented was Smart Class Project for government schools for empowering the government schools and to bring more headcounts. 
The second product was sanitary Napkin Incinerator for destroying used sanitary napkins which had become a threat to the environment as most of the sanitary napkins are non biodegradable and is becoming landfill. 
And the third product was developed for burning adult diapers and household waste items; a compact machine which can burn waste in 1000 to 1200 degree Celsius. 
Many other socially relevant projects are under our R&D which are yet to get released by 2020

  1. Share the idea or story behind the venture. How did it come to existence? What motivated you to start your own venture? 

Entrepreneurship was my passion; I have started my first venture in the educational sector by starting Abacus class and thereby franchising the same. Simultaneously, I was pursuing my B-Tech degree in the mechanical field too, also I used to do projects for B-Tech students that’s how came to the manufacturing sector which ultimately leads me to the innovation sector. During that time, Sindhu also owned the same interest and passion as equal as or more than that of me. She wanted me to do something new and useful to the society and that’s how we both have thought and jointly registered it as a company and named it as InnovoSoft Technologies. So the main motivation for me is none other than Sindhu and vice versa. 

  1. Who are your biggest competitors and how do you differentiate yourself from them? 

We do not consider anybody as competitors or neither are we competitor for others. Our competitors are problems which are faced by the society. We identify the pain point and provide the solution to it irrespective of whichever industry they are. What makes us different from others is that we are good at whatever we are getting into. We identify the industry experts, gather ideas and do vigorous research which helps in developing the products and providing the solutions.

  1. How did you identify your co-founder? Tell us something about your co-founder/s?

Basically, its the same point of interest and passion in entrepreneurship has made us (Sindhu and Nitheesh) to start this venture. Sindhu is basically from software and IT domain and heads software development designs and writes new programs contributing to product development. Sindhu is a person who wants to do something for the society and she is the person who identifies the problems or the pain points and design solutions. The entire backbone of our company is Sindhu and she is holding the position of Managing Director of InnovoSoft Technologies Pvt Ltd. 

  1. How did you hire your first team members? What skills do you want in your employees/team? 

That was really difficult for me and Sindhu at the initial stage. We both only had to do all the things; starting from meetings, sales conversions, production, assembling to end delivery. Slowly we started building our team by adding one-one staffs, initial stages we never looked upon any qualifications rather we took people who are willing to work hard with us, people who are ready to learn and adapt with us. Today when we look back from that one employee, we were able to create highly experienced industry experts from different domains who are working along with us and for us from different part of the globe.  
I am also forwarding the interview questions from other articles for your reference.  “Top 10 Bootstrapped Startups to look out for in 2019″

  • Regarding Company

Company Name: InnovoSoft Technologies Pvt Ltd 
Co-Founders: Mr. Nitheesh NR & Ms. Sindhu Reddy 
Incorporated On: 7th June 2016
Company Tagline: Empowering Innovation 
Key Domain Focus: Innovation, Software development, Manufacturing, Green Technology, Waste Management

  • Starting of the Company

The company was co-founded by Mr. Nitheesh NR & Ms. Sindhu Reddy. Nitheesh is basically from a mechanical background and involves more into innovation and product development. Sindhu is basically from software and IT domain and heads software development designs and writes new programs contributing to product development. As Nitheesh delivers Innovation and Sindhu delivers Software. We have named the company as InnovoSoft Technologies (Innovo – Stands from Innovation, Soft – Stands from Software and as we are dealing into technologies, technologies got added into our name).

  • Dealing with the company 

We are basically working on social concerns. We do get engaged and associated with different NGO’s and CSR initiatives and try to understand what is needed in society and how it can be useful to society in the long run. We have started our project with digitization and empowering rural schools with smart class and thereby igniting the passion of learning and maintain the head counts throughout the academic year. We have successfully done this project in associating with different NGO’s and CSR groups. 
While we were dealing with different rural schools, Sindhu has noticed that girl students are not coming to school at a certain period of time, which made her more curious to look into the same and she has identified that during the menstrual period is what girl students are unable to come to the schools. For this she wanted me to bring a solution, we then decided to go with a Menstrual Hygiene awareness program, for which Sindhu has named it as  “Arogya Vidya Bharat” – Enabling girls to stay hygiene. Through different NGO’s and CSR associations, we have successfully initiated it and we started dealing with sanitary napkins as well. Then we realized that sanitary napkins are mostly made up of plastic and polymer and hence disposal of used napkins is a serious environmental issue. 
Again Sindhu wanted me to work on the same and find a solution for it; finally, we have got into waste management by developing sanitary napkin incinerator. Today we have developed even a small compact household sanitary napkin incinerator which can be installed in even a small washroom. Our Menstrual Hygiene awareness program “Arogya Vidya Bharat” – Enabling girls to stay hygiene by ensuring access to hygienic products and disposal option is being conducted in PAN India level, our machines are being shipped to throughout India and also to other countries like Sri Lanka, Bhutan, Kenya, South Africa etc. 
People use to mention me as “Arunachalam Muruganantham the sanitary napkin maker and I, as the “Sanitary Napkin Destroyer”. 

  • Company Operations 

Our company is registered in Trivandrum, Kerala and having production and assembling at Madurai and Coimbatore in Tamil Nadu and Bangalore in Karnataka respectively. We were able to establish state wise dealers and channel distributors in 12 states and 3 countries with vendors and customers in PAN India and neighboring countries. 

  • Projects in pipeline / R&D in progress / Vision for next the two years 

We have also developed adult/ children diaper burning machine which can even burn household dry waste as well; which we shall be releasing very soon into the market. Our R&D team is also working for a renewable source of energy projects as well. Our visionary is to provide a quality product under the Make In India Program globally.  

  • Our Manufactured Products 

Sanitary Napkin Incinerators, Sanitary Napkin Vending Machines & Kiosk 

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