
Ask Insights Future Fluent Global Summit Paved the Way to Incorporate Diversity, Equity, and Inclusiveness in Organizations

UNDP and Ask Insights Hosted the International Summit on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Where Participating Organizations Learnt How to Manage Diversity in the Decade Ahead

New Delhi, 4th April, 2019: Globalization demands a better understanding between diverse peoples. When people understand one another better they grow more tolerant and conflict and strife decrease. To help create a more tolerant and inclusive world Ask Insights held its Future Fluent Global Summit where for the first time thought leaders from across the world spoke in India from a single platform on diversity, equity, and inclusiveness. The passion within all the speakers was evident during the summit as was their conviction that diversity, equity, and inclusiveness not only add value to organizations but that they are the only way forward for humanity.

Future Fluent Global Summit jointly created by Ask Insights and UNDP witnessed presence of more than 400 professionals from fortune 500 firms along with global leaders in D&I space. During the summit, global thought leaders presented views, experiences, expected trends, and strategies related to diversity, equity, and inclusion to organizations. An examination of big-picture trends likely to impact the future was also part of the discussion. The big picture trends examined included Gender Realities in India- Breakthrough Solutions, Women and Inclusion, Gender and LGBTQ Friendly Organizational Culture, Diversity and Inclusion Consulting and Training using all-round interventions like Top Leadership Modules, Managers Modules, and Women in Leadership (Project Breakthrough), Women Mentorship (Ultimate Breakthrough), and Front Line Programs.

Dr. Niru Kumar, Founder, Ask Insights commented “We’re extremely delighted with the recently concluded summit on diversity, equity, and inclusion. The world is coming together like never before. People of different nationalities, ethnicities, faiths, genders, and sexual orientation are working to create a better tomorrow. While this is exciting in itself, it poses challenges as well. Indian organizations that want to take advantage of a diverse domestic and global workforce can gain much faster momentum by learning from experts across the globe and their journeys. I feel fulfilled and blessed that my intention of having a strong conversation on these topics went through so wonderfully.”

Dr. Akshay Kumar, Director- Diversity & Inclusion at Ask Insights said “There is a need to create an atmosphere that acknowledges and celebrates diversity, equity, and inclusiveness. While in a few regions of India diversity, equity, and inclusiveness are interwoven into the fabric of society, in far too many regions they are paid lip service causing organizations to struggle when managing a diverse workforce. While not a latecomer to embracing diversity, India lags behind in creating inclusive and equitable organizations. The need for such organizations is crucial for society to be more harmonious and fair. The Future Fluent Global Summit taught organizations how to recruit and manage a modern workforce and prosper as a result. During the summit, thought leaders shared how today and in the near future organizations can benefit from a diverse workforce and revealed policies essential to remaining competitive during the next decade and beyond.”

Mr. Clement Chauvet, Chief, Skills & Business Development, UNDP India said “UNDP believes that the gender inequalities and discriminatory attitudes and practices that hold women back, must be confronted and eliminated, if we are to leave no one behind. Inequities not just undermines progress of girls but later also impacts their space in the society as they don’t have the skills/opportunities to become economically independent. By removing structural barriers in gender equality and promoting women’s participation in the decisions that affect their lives, success in eradicating poverty and inequality and driving sustainable development can be achieved. With an annual US$ 5-7 trillion needed to finance the SDGs, business and private sector has a clear role to play as a source of investment and as a driver of development and innovation in jobs, skills development of young girls and boys etc. I would like to congratulate the organizers for building this critical platform and organizing the Diversity and Inclusion Summit that acknowledges the importance of mainstreaming discussions on diversity, equity and inclusion and UNDP is extremely proud to be a part of this event.’’

The event was held on the 3rd and 4th of April at the Lalit in New Delhi and was co-hosted by the United Nations Development Program in association with Google, PepsiCo, RB, Centre for Global Inclusion, and The Aditya Birla Group. During the summit, the world’s thought leaders expanded the thoughts of leaders in attendance by attuning them to the advantages of diversity, equity, and inclusion. There were pre-summit workshops in which 10 global speakers like Howard J Ross Founding Partner, Udarta, Dr. Alan Richter, CEO-QED Consulting, Ms. Clement Chauvet, Chief UNDP shared unique insights about Global Diversity and Inclusion Benchmarking Tools and their importance to the growth of organizations.

About Ask Insights

Ask Insights is a group of highly qualified & experienced Medical Doctors and Psychologists associated with the leading international brands. The organization led by Dr. Niru Kumar consists of global experts on Diversity and Inclusion, providing consulting and training to fortune 500 companies world over.

Ask Insights brings the world’s strongest IP through partnerships and alliances with the best global thought leaders in the D&I field. The leading D&I organization has been working in D&I in India working since the last decade. The organization provides Diversity & Inclusion (D&I) Consulting and Training with all-around interventions like Top Leadership Modules, Manager’s Modules, Women’s Leadership (Project Breakthrough), Women Mentor-ship (Ultimate Breakthrough) and Front-line programs. The organization also provides end-to-end solutions covering organizational strategy, benchmark assessments, gender, generational, cultural, LGBT, unconscious biases and disability in the field of Diversity & Inclusion (D&I).

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