
Coronavirus Alert: 4 Days To Go For The End Of The Lockdown 4.0: 4 Major Observations About The Economy.

Four days to go for the end of lockdown four. The cases are rising exponentially and there is no stopping for the same. Here are four important observations that we could understand throughout the lockdown:

Globalization is an important aspect of any economy:

With the new FDI laws, it is said that any kind of investment will be checked from the neighboring places. One thing which has been missed judged here is that globalization is how the world moves now. Battles cannot be started in terms of investment when the country is not self-sufficient.  all our festivals are somehow dependent upon the Chinese.

The country is saying that they will move their capital away from China in the manufacturing sector. But is India the manufacturing hub of all the products in the way China is? How will the poor people of India by expensive Indian goods when imported goods are far cheap than the domestic ones?

Lockdown impact on economy and market: How will India lockdown play out for  economy & markets: 4 scenarios - The Economic TimesPublic Health: public health ensures that every person in the country is being treated equally in the healthcare sector. The rich and the poor are not discriminated here. One thing that we have witnessed throughout the lockdown is that the poor are getting treated in the worst ways possible. Welfare spending is termed as a relief package. People or not being fed properly which will lead to a decline in the nutrition level in the people. 

Even if the media points out that the hospitals are running at full capacity and the patients are being treated properly, if we talk to the patient directly, they are fed up of the healthcare system. Lies won’t get us anywhere.

Consumption expenditure is relative: with businesses that are been shut down, consumption expenditure is supposed to go down from the high-level items to The basic items. the rich will get richer but the poor will only be able to sustain themselves with the basic necessities of one’s life like food and water. The automobile sector will also see a consumer demand shock. Brand conscious people used to purchase cars worth millions but now a common man will go ahead with a basic car to promote social distancing.

Unity in diversity is a myth: the pandemic proved that as a country we still believe in religion and separate communities on the basis of it. when the pandemic started, because of the incident of Jamaat, people started targeting one religion as a whole and not just the people responsible for it. The concept of discrimination is inborn with us and if we do, we will not be able to progress. 

Where's the unity in diversity?

This global disaster has opened our eyes to the worst truth that is looming over our heads. The fact that the country was not even prepared to feed its citizens with a basic meal for a minimum of a month shows the state our country is in. People were fighting and arguing about the management of the pandemic and they were defending the government, what is happening now?

Is this how the country will move forward? Lifting the lockdown fully is not an option. The healthcare system of the country is in shambles and they cannot handle this kind of pressure that has been put on them. The police personnel is not used to working day and night for one cause. People are not used to sitting in their homes for months and working from home. till the time a vaccine is not developed, it is, unfortunately, true that people need to sit at home. 

Four days to go for the end of lockdown four. The cases are rising exponentially and there is no stopping for the same. Here are four important observations that we could understand throughout the lockdown:

Globalization is an important aspect of any economy:

With the new FDI laws, it is said that any kind of investment will be checked from the neighboring places. One thing which has been missed judged here is that globalization is how the world moves now. Battles cannot be started in terms of investment when the country is not self-sufficient. 

All our festivals are somehow dependent upon the Chinese. The country is saying that they will move their capital away from China in the manufacturing sector. But is India the manufacturing hub of all the products in the way China is? How will the poor people of India by expensive Indian goods when imported goods are far cheap than the domestic ones?

Public Health: public health ensures that every person in the country is being treated equally in the healthcare sector. The rich and the poor are not discriminated here. One thing that we have witnessed throughout the lockdown is that the poor are getting treated in the worst ways possible. Welfare spending is termed as a relief package. People or not being fed properly which will lead to a decline in the nutrition level in the people. 

Even if the media points out that the hospitals are running at full capacity and the patients are being treated properly, if we talk to the patient directly, they are fed up of the healthcare system. Lies won’t get us anywhere.

Consumption expenditure is relative: with businesses that are been shut down, consumption expenditure is supposed to go down from the high-level items to The basic items. the rich will get richer but the poor will only be able to sustain themselves with the basic necessities of one’s life like food and water. The automobile sector will also see a consumer demand shock. Brand conscious people used to purchase cars worth millions but now a common man will go ahead with a basic car to promote social distancing.

File:Relative size of different final consumption expenditure  components.png - Statistics Explained

Unity in diversity is a myth: the pandemic proved that as a country we still believe in religion and separate communities on the basis of it. when the pandemic started, because of the incident of Jamaat, people started targeting one religion as a whole and not just the people responsible for it. The concept of discrimination is inborn with us and if we do, we will not be able to progress. 

This global disaster has opened our eyes to the worst truth that is looming over our heads. The fact that the country was not even prepared to feed its citizens with a basic meal for a minimum of a month shows the state our country is in. People were fighting and arguing about the management of the pandemic and they were defending the government, what is happening now?

Is this how the country will move forward? Lifting the lockdown fully is not an option. The healthcare system of the country is in shambles and they cannot handle this kind of pressure that has been put on them. The police personnel is not used to working day and night for one cause. People are not used to sitting in their homes for months and working from home. till the time a vaccine is not developed, it is, unfortunately, true that people need to sit at home. 

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