Sunday, June 16, 2024 Growing to become a market leader for online Indian shopping in... Growing to become a market leader for online Indian shopping in the USA

In the vast and ever-evolving landscape of e-commerce, niche markets often find themselves underserved by mainstream platforms. However, this creates opportunities for specialized marketplaces to thrive., an online marketplace tailored for the Indian community in the USA, is a prime example of such success. This online Indian shopping platform has carved out a significant niche, becoming the go-to destination for Indian-Americans seeking ethnic products that reflect their desi culture and heritage. This article explores the origins, growth, and unique offerings of, highlighting how it has become a leading online shopping site for Indians in the USA.

Origins and Vision was founded with a clear vision: to bridge the gap between India and its diaspora in the USA. Recognizing the need for a comprehensive marketplace where Indian-Americans could find products that resonate with their cultural identity, the founders launched the platform with a mission to bring the vibrant colors, tastes, and traditions of India closer to those living abroad. The creation of marketplace helped them offer the best deals to customers by vendors who specialize in a category. The name “DesiClik” itself is a blend of the colloquial term “Desi,” referring to the Indian subcontinent, and “Click,” denoting the ease of online shopping.

Growth and Development

From its inception, focused on creating a user-friendly platform that caters to a diverse array of needs. Initially starting with a limited range of products, the marketplace quickly expanded its offerings to include traditional clothing, jewelry, groceries, home decor, Indian restaurant supply, handicrafts, religious items and much more. This expansion was driven by a keen understanding of the community’s needs and preferences, coupled with strategic partnerships with vendors both in the USA and India.

Product Range and Diversity

One of the standout features of is its extensive product range and know how about customer needs. The platform hosts a variety of categories that cater to almost every aspect of Indian culture and daily life. Here’s a closer look at some of the key categories:

Traditional Clothing boasts a vast collection of traditional Indian clothing for men, women, and children. From sarees, lehengas, and salwar kameez for women to kurta pajamas and sherwanis for men, the marketplace offers an impressive selection. Parents from India living abroad often want their children to wear ethnic Indian clothes for a family event or festival. Keeping this in mind, Desiclik offers a huge selection of traditional India dresses for both girls & boys. These garments are sourced from reputed vendors, ensuring authenticity and quality.

Ethnic Design Jewelry

Indian jewelry is renowned for its intricate designs and craftsmanship. offers a plethora of options, including traditional gold-plated sets, bridal jewelry, artisan crafted handmade terracotta jewelry and modern designs that blend Indian and Western aesthetics. This category has proven to be immensely popular, catering to both everyday wear and special occasions.

Groceries and Spices

For many Indian-Americans, authentic Indian cuisine is an integral part of their cultural identity. provides a wide range of groceries and spices that are essential for Indian cooking. From basic staples like rice and lentils to a diverse array of spices, snacks and ready-to-eat products, the marketplace ensures that the diaspora can enjoy the flavors of home. They offer all the popular brands that people from India are familiar with back home and make it really easy to do Indian grocery online shopping. In order to fulfil the needs of Indian restaurants, they also offer wholesale Indian grocery.

Home Decor

The platform also offers a rich collection of home decor items, including traditional artwork, handcrafted furniture, and festive decorations. These Indian handicraft items are curated from artisans in various parts of India. These items not only enhance the aesthetic appeal of homes but also help preserve and showcase Indian cultural heritage.

Cookware and Utensils

Traditional cookware holds a special place in any Indian kitchen which adds a touch of authenticity to any Indian dish. Whether you are etching to make idli dosa or your daily comfort food, having the right cookware can enhance the cooking experience and flavor. Desiclik provides a wide range of cookware like patila, handi, parat, chakla belan, steel utensils and anything else you need in your kitchen.  They also cater to the needs of Indian restaurants and supply to them commercial kitchen equipment like tandoors, idli steamers, chaffing dish, serving dishes and more.

Health and Wellness

Ayurveda, an ancient Indian system of medicine, has gained popularity worldwide. capitalizes on this trend by offering a range of Ayurvedic products, herbal supplements, and natural remedies, catering to the health and wellness needs of the community.

Community and Cultural Impact goes beyond being just a marketplace; it serves as a cultural hub for the Indian community in the USA. The platform regularly features articles and blogs on Indian festivals, cooking recipes, and cultural traditions. This content not only educates but also fosters a sense of community among users, helping them stay connected to their roots.

Customer-Centric Approach

A significant factor behind’s success is its customer-centric approach. The platform prioritizes user experience, offering easy navigation, secure payment options, and efficient customer service. Additionally, the marketplace features a review and rating system, enabling customers to make informed purchasing decisions based on feedback from other users.

Vendor Partnerships and Support has built strong relationships with vendors both in the USA and India. By providing a platform for small and medium-sized businesses to reach a wider audience, the marketplace supports entrepreneurs and artisans. This mutually beneficial relationship ensures a steady supply of high-quality, authentic products, while also empowering local businesses.

Challenges and Resilience

Like any successful venture, has faced its share of challenges. Navigating the complexities of cross-border trade, ensuring product authenticity, and managing logistics are some of the hurdles the platform has had to overcome. However, through resilience and strategic planning, has managed to turn these challenges into opportunities for growth and improvement.

Innovation and Future Prospects

Innovation has been a key driver of’s growth. The platform continually adapts to changing market trends and customer preferences. Recent initiatives include the introduction of enhanced user interfaces, mobile friendly shopping and personalized shopping experiences. Looking ahead, aims to further expand its product range and vendor base, ensuring that it remains the leading online marketplace for Indians in the USA.

Conclusion’s journey from a niche startup to a leading online marketplace is a testament to its founders’ vision and the platform’s commitment to serving the Indian community in the USA. By offering a diverse range of products, fostering a sense of community, and maintaining a customer-centric approach, has successfully bridged the gap between India and its diaspora. As it continues to innovate and grow, is poised to remain an essential part of the cultural fabric of Indian-Americans, helping them stay connected to their roots while embracing the conveniences of modern e-commerce.



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