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Modi Claims NDA Will Secure Over 50% Votes In 2024 Elections- Confidence or Over-Confidence?

Modi Claims NDA Will Secure Over 50% Votes In 2024 Elections

Prime Minister Narendra Modi stated twice on Tuesday that the Indian people have already made up their minds on the 2024 Lok Sabha elections. Announcing the general election for 2024, PM Modi projected an unprecedented sense of assurance in the NDA’s prospects. On a contentious Tuesday, when the Opposition was putting together what is being seen as yet another anti-Modi front, PM Modi said that the Indian people already knew what they wanted.

Firstly, on Tuesday morning, PM Modi claimed that the Indian people had already made up their minds to cast their ballots for the NDA, while on his virtual speech for a the inauguration at Port Blair. A second time, PM Modi reiterated the statement even louder during the lengthy meeting of the 39 alliance members of the NDA that ended on Tuesday evening.

Modi called out to the opposition and said that they undervalue the populace.  The populace observes and comprehends everything. The populace is already aware of their alliance’s reality. In actuality, they are able to overlap but not merge together. He added that India is now supporting the NDA. He said, “The people have decided to vote for NDA in 2024.”

The NDA received 38% (of the total votes cast) in the 2014 Lok Sabha elections, Prime Minister Modi said in his remarks to the party’s gathering in the nation’s capital on Tuesday, just hours after 26 opposition parties convened their second unity conference in Bengaluru. Public placed their trust in them and awarded them 45% of the (total) vote share in the 2019 elections in recognition of the effort they made to protect public and the national interests.

He boasted that all of their alliance partners were working hard and truly, which gave him confidence that they would win more than 50% of the votes in 2024. He went on to say that the NDA has always prioritized the country before selfish political objectives, and that the harassment of opponents has become the Opposition parties’ identity.

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Modi stated in his address that there may be competition in politics, but not hate. He claimed that his party as well as its allies have always prioritized India over all other political considerations. Pranab-da (former President as well as prominent Congress leader Pranab Mukherjee) received the Bharat Ratna from the NDA government. They also awarded the Padma award upon Sharad Pawar, Mulayam Singh Yadav, Ghulam Nabi Azad, Muzaffar Baig as well as many more leaders, who were not among them. They always maintained India above any personal concerns, PM Modi stated.

Furthermore, in a veiled jab at Congress leader Rahul Gandhi for the comment he made at a London event earlier in the year, questioning the reason why the “defenders of democracies” were unperturbed by the current state of affairs in India, PM Modi said that regardless of whether the NDA was in opposition, it never criticized the mandate of the people or sought the assistance of foreign powers to destabilize the existing government entities.

PM Modi lashed out at the Opposition alliance, saying that for their political purposes, these (opposition) individuals can get close without getting together. He stated that the 2024 elections are not far away and that the citizens of the country have decided to give the NDA a third opportunity. The NDA would seek to win a majority vote share in the general election of 2024, Prime Minister Modi said, ratcheting up the political rivalry. According to PM Modi, every NDA partner would receive a victory worth greater than a 50% majority.

Modi said that their agenda is only “Bharat ka Vikaas” and said that his party members will work very hard and faithfully for achieving it. He further asserted in front of the NDA alliance partners that the hard work and efforts in the above-mentioned direction would not go to waste. He said that he would not leave any stone unturned for working and delivering results in this direction.

Further talking about the long tradition of coalitions in the Indian politics, he mentioned that the coalitions which are formed with negativity have never succeeded. Going back in history he mentioned that Congress initiated and brought in alliances during the 90s for brining in instability in the nation. He further noted that Congress formed government and also led to destroying them.

It was during this phase that in 1998, NDA had been formed. He brought in the question, why was the NDA formed? He asserted that it was not formed to gain political power or to throw out any government who is in power. It was formed to bring in stability in the nation.

By this discussion, Modi brought out the differences between NDA as well as the coalition formed by the opposition parties. He said that NDA was not an alliance born out of coalition compulsions. Instead because of coalition contributions. He additionally mentioned that though the alliance may be called BJP-led, but the credit belongs to every party in the coalition and hence, all parties need a shoulder to share their responsibility. Modi described that NDA coalition can be referred to as a rainbow of regional aspirations.

Hamare liye gathbandhan majboori nahi majbooti ka madhyam hai. (NDA is not the symbol of coalition and compulsion but the symbol of coalition and contribution.) In NDA, no party is small or big. We all are walking together towards the same goal.

-PM Modi

Modi criticised the opposition for making it their very identity to abuse them. He said NDA and BJP have always kept India above all personal political interests. He mentioned that even in the situations and phases then they were the opposition party, they always engaged in positive politics. He said while being a part of the opposition, they brought forward various scams of the then ruling political party.

However, they never took this opportunity to insult the mandate of such people. He further sarcastically remarked that they never took any assistance of foreign powers to go against the ruling party. He said that they never believed in creating hurdles in implementation of developmental schemes which were for the benefit of the citizens as well as the nation.

Further in the meeting it was also said that none of the parties in NDA can be considered as big or small. Modi emphasised the point that though BJP obtained majority in 2014 and 2019, still, NDA formed the government in India. He also called their alliance a legacy followed on the footprints of Atal Bihari Vajpayee and L.K. Advani. He took the opportunity to further thank the leaders including Parkash Singh Badal, Balasaheb Thackeray, Ajit Singh and Sharad Yadav for their immense contributions in formulating the NDA.

NDA is committed to the people of the country. Its ideology is Nation First, Security of nation first, Progress First, Empowerment of people first.

-PM Modi

This meeting addressed by PM Modi is a part of the continuous and relentless efforts of BJP to shore up their alliance i.e., NDA. The action plan involves devising a joint strategy in order to fight against the alliance formed by all the opposition parties, named- I.N.D.I.A., in the 2024 Lok Sabha Elections.

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Modi and NDA vs. INDIA

The Prime Minister’s address occurred on the same day that the 2004-born United Progressive Alliance (UPA) formally pronounced into existence and renamed itself I.N.D.I.A (Indian National Developmental Inclusive Alliance), an alliance of 26 parties that have chosen to fight the 2024 Lok Sabha elections together.  This alliance was created by the top members of the opposition parties with the goal of taking on Prime Minister Modi’s party in the nationwide Lok Sabha election the following year.

During the two-day conference in Bengaluru, the politicians addressed issues related to seat-sharing (the manner in which how many seats every party will compete) as well as a unified election agenda. They are putting past their disagreements on politics to defend democracy, said Congress President Mallikarjun Kharge following their meeting.

According to observers, a strong anti-BJP feeling is unifying the opposition, forcing them to put aside their differences. Mamata Banerjee, the chief minister of West Bengal, stated during a news conference that the discussion was productive and fruitful. “Can you challenge INDIA, BJP?” she questioned. She went on to say that all of the attention, advertising, organizing rallies, and programs will be centered on INDIA. “Catch us if you can,” she dared anyone who could dispute this.

 The conflict, according to Rahul, is not between two political groups, the Opposition, and the BJP, rather for the public’s opinion of the nation as a whole, which is currently being restricted as well as destroyed.

 The battle is for the idea of India. That is why we came up with this name… the Indian National Developmental Inclusive Alliance. That means INDIA. The battle is between the NDA and INDIA, their ideology and INDIA. And you know who wins when somebody stands against India.

-Rahul Gandhi

The parties in opposition are anticipated to put together two sub-committees: one to finalize the agreed minimum programme and establish contact points, along with another to develop a plan for problems that must be pursued jointly. The panels will create a shared agenda as well as channels of communication for the Lok Sabha elections in 2024, as well as a combined program that includes demonstrations, conventions, as well as agitations.

The anti-NDA coalition will also aim to identify possible areas of disagreement as well as confrontation that politicians may like to avoid in order to preserve unity ahead of the Lok Sabha elections.

According to sources, Delhi CM as well as AAP supremo Arvind Kejriwal stated that settling on a seat-sharing plan was more crucial than naming the coalition. Yechury also maintained that seat-sharing was the major issue, citing potential challenges in areas such as Kerala as well as West Bengal, wherein the Congress and Left have long been competitors. He stated that the issue at hand is how accommodating Congress can be.

Significantly, both Kharge as well as Rahul informed people in attendance that the Congress is not looking for the prime ministership or any other titles if the coalition wins in 2024. Rahul stated that the party was willing to make accommodations for other parties to the greatest extent feasible.

Mega Modi vs Opposition showdown on cards as these states go to polls in 2023 - Hindustan Times

In response to the ongoing rift between members of the Opposition, Congress president Mallikarjun Kharge stated that they are conscious that there are some differences among a few of them at the state level. However, he clarified that these do not constitute as ideological disagreements.

These disparities are not so significant that they are unable to be put aside for the benefit of the ordinary people as well as middle class, young, impoverished, Dalits, adivasis, as well as the minorities whose rights are continuously and silently violated behind the curtains. According to the Congress and 25 additional parties, the important conference will set the narrative and might be an important turning point for the Indian political scene.

As the battle between the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) and the Indian National Democratic Alliance (INDIA) for the 2024 election heats up, it promises to be one of the most enthralling and keenly watched electoral contests in recent memory. Both sides are preparing their finest techniques and arguments in order to outshine as well as discredit each other in their drive for power.

With its incumbent status, the NDA intends to highlight its accomplishments during its previous term, focusing on growth in the economy, building infrastructure, as well as effective policy execution. They seek to present themselves as the party that has led the country in the right way, guaranteeing continuity and stability. They may also highlight their security measures and foreign policy triumphs to demonstrate their dedication to national sovereignty and protection.

The INDIA coalition, on the other hand, is fighting back hard by leveraging on popular feeling and any public dissatisfaction with the NDA’s initiatives or governance. They will almost certainly investigate the NDA’s track record, looking for any lapses, unmet promises, as well as instances of mismanagement and using them to call the incumbent’s legitimacy and capacity to lead into doubt. INDIA might position itself as a new option, offering dramatic reforms and progressive policies to young as well as urban voters.

Strategic alliances and post-election horse-trading may become crucial in defining the government formation process, heightening the political drama. Finally, the battle between the NDA and INDIA will be a reflection of the ambitions and wants of the Indian public, not just a contest between political parties. Citizens must carefully consider each party’s arguments, proposals, as well as track record in order to make an informed vote that coincides with their vision for the future of the nation.

The entire country will be holding their breath as the election process unfolds, excitedly watching events unfold along with awaiting the final result that will decide India’s fate. This high-stakes and riveting election battle will undoubtedly go down in history as a watershed moment for the country, regardless of who wins.



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