
Food Cooked By Monika Mukheja would surely remind you of your mom’s food

It is said that behind every successful man there is a woman, meet a live example of Monika Mukheja where a man is behind this successful woman.

Food cloth & shelter is the basic need and necessity of every individual. In metropolitan cities, there are lot of people who stays in PG, rented apartments and miss the food cooked by their families with all the love and care.
The taste of the food, the affection that is has, the care with which it has been prepared makes us feel connected and close to our family.
Monika Mukheja, started a breakfast concept in her apartment in Gurgaon now Gurugram where she was preparing the breakfast for others from her home. One day her husband a big fan of her food especially the mouth watering pickles that she prepares suggested her to start with pickles and processed food.
That was the day and she never looked back. Today Monika makes all sort of foods be it pickles, jams, jellies, breakfast, traditional Indian food & sweets and serves all people who are in love with home cooked food.
Meet this young lady with a magic in her hands which can turn any food to a delighted awesome mouth watering and never forgettable experience.
1.What is the Name of Your Venture?
Monica’s kitchen
2.Who is your target Audience?
Health conscious people, Working couples, professionals, who need Healthy food without preservatives
and as per their choice not that is made for all with fixed recipes.
3.Where is your venture based ( city, state, country) & What are your target areas?
For Food Gurgaon. For pickles all over India, however my pickles have already travelled to US , PARIS & Dubai.
4.What problems does your venture solve? What are your products or services.
Preservative free food, pickles, jams, murabbas, home made chocolates made by humans not by machines. Made in our kitchen not in factories & we are HONEST in dealing. If someone is allergic to preservatives then we are the answer. Also we customise as per choice unlike the food made in restaurants or factories with fixed recipes & menus.
5.Share the idea or story behind the venture. How did it come to an existence?
I love cooking and every guest and family use to admire the food I make. I thought of only breakfast options for working couples. But one fine day my husband said why don’t you try hands on pickles .. & so it gets started…& so far it’s cool
6.How did you identify your co-founder?
We are life partners.
7.What expansion plans are you looking for the next 2 years, next 5 years?
Chains of Monicas kitchen and to be known as pickle queen ( however my husband already calls me pickle queen )
8.Where do you want to see yourself in next 5 years?
In all big stores and in everyone’s kitchen.
9.Have you raised any funding? Or have any plans for the funding?
Not really. But yes I am planning to expand so may need it funds for expansion.
10.What were the problems you faced during the starting days and how did you resolve them?
Since we look into everything as of now I can’t say many issues, Yes delivery is a challenge.
11.Are you married, single or in a relationship?
12.What are your hobbies? What do you do in your non-work time?
Singing / painting & travelling
13.Whats your favourite food & holiday destination?
Italian food / Switzerland / Nigeria falls
14.Whom do you consider your idol or biggest motivator?
My husband & chef Sanjeev Kapoor & VIKAS khanna
15.What do you feel is the major difference between entrepreneurs and those who work for someone else?
Freedom to work anytime.
16.If you had the chance to start your career over again, what would you do differently?
I will be more confident.
17.How has being an entrepreneur affected your family & Social life?
Now people recognise me as a  Home Chef and ask how do I manage with a 3 year old.
But with support of family I manage.
18.Anything, you would like to say to our readers or upcoming entrepreneurs?
Yes dream big and yes mummy said “koi kam bada Chota nahi hota ”
19.Tell us something about your education & family background.
Graduate from PUNJAB University , Chandigarh. I am certified chocolate maker. Settled here in Gurgaon with husband , a daughter and my mother in law.
20.What is your USP which makes it unique & different from other start-ups in similar domains.
I am very much customer oriented start up I never say no to anything and don’t hesitate or feel bad on any feedback and work on improvement.
21.Please share complete name, address, phone number, email id & website of Your Business & Contact Person.
Monica’s kitchen
Jmd garden
Sector 33 sohna road ggn.
Contact person : MONIKA MUKHEJA

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