
Meet Dhivya Kannan & Her venture Labelise helping you get a face & brand value in digital world

Creating a brand value & recall is the first step in increasing your business conversion rate. Whether you go for a business meeting or corporate presentation to sell your offering, or you’re preparing to launch a new product, branding and positioning is critical to achieve any goal.
In today’s digital era, everything is getting digitized — be it customizing your diet and having it delivered to your office, booking a cab at the click of a button or shopping for everything from essentials to luxury products –branding and then digital assume significance.
Website is your second most important work place. An impactful website that builds your brand and increases your visibility, is your business development office, which works 24*7 for you without any geographical boundaries, time barriers, etc.
Meet Dhivya Kannan, whose venture Labelise has a niche offering of Personal Branding, through website resume/personal website for individuals who are looking to make a leap in their career. The corporate world is ever changing from its conventional ways to more modern, yet inventive and alluring methods. Every professional looking to stand out from the crowd is advised to employ Labelise in transforming and repositioning themselves. A personal website is a powerful instrument to bring all your academic and career accomplishments together, show off a bit of your personality, or just toot your professional horn to prospective employers, clients, or partners. She has engaged with top management executives & CXOs from startups to Fortune 500 companies, for building and extending their personal brand image and therefore establishing their thought leadership.
Beside the niche offering, Dhivya also works with few business houses in repositioning their brand. Her venture Labelise not only offers website designing services, but also helps your business reach a milestone journey with her bucket full of other services like digital marketing, positioning on search engines and social media campaigns.
Let’s explore the journey of this solopreneur, who generates a working brand value, through a clear objective and design thinking.
1.What is the Name of Your Venture?
Labelise: Your Digital Stylist

Introducing Labelise: Your Digital Stylist. We are a website designing + digital marketing start-up with a special focus on re-positioning a brand, through the integration of design, marketing, and campaign.
2.Who is your Target Audience?
The niche offering of Labelise is designing a personal brand through website resume/personal website, social media makeover and branding for all digital properties for candidates and graduates or final year students. A personal website is a powerful instrument to bring all your academic and career accomplishments together, show off a bit of your personality, or just toot your professional horn to prospective employers, clients, or partners. Our offerings cater to both B2B and B2C segment. We customize design and branding/rebranding for commercial and consumer needs.
3.Where is your venture based (city, state, country) & What are your target areas?
We are based out of Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India and we are a full fledged design house, specializing in Personal Branding through Website Design, Innovative Methods & Presentation of Candidate Profiling.
We are also working with a few corporates for Employer Branding
4.What problems does your venture solve? What are your products or services.
We help individuals brand/rebrand themselves to help them achieve a quantum leap in their career. Some of our products are: Personal Website, CV Design Branding, Innovative Candidate Profiling, Employer Branding, etc. The corporate world is ever changing from its conventional ways to more modern, yet inventive and alluring methods. Every professional looking to stand out from the crowd is advised to employ Labelise in transforming and re-positioning themselves — Creating a powerful website that wins you work and builds your brand is no mean feat. It requires an understanding of what’s possible; steadfast focus and exceptional communication skills, and that’s exactly what I help achieve.
5.Share the idea or story behind the venture. How did it come to an existence?
Having grown up witnessing my father quit his corporate career and venturing into entrepreneurship during his prime, I have always had the urge and motivation to achieve the same. I quit my first job a year ago, and started pursuing this dream. After several deliberations, we identified a potential for Personal Branding for candidates and graduates to assist them carve a niche for themselves, and improve their presentatability through innovative platforms.
6.How did you identify your co-founder?
I am a solopreneur, working under mentor-ship of my father.
7.What expansion plans are you looking for the next 2 years, next 5 years?
As the business in a very nascent stage now, and promises a potential growth, we would be expanding our operations gradually on a National & International basis in the next few years.
8.Where do you want to see yourself in next 5 years?
As above
9.Have you raised any funding? Or have any plans for the funding?
We will be approaching different angel investors to help us with funding, and currently working on an airtight business plan for the same.
10.What were the problems you faced during the starting days and how did you resolve them?
Being a solopreneur, working on the whole life-cycle of the offering—right from business development to deliverables, I found time management to be an subject in question.
Eventually, I learnt to organize my day more efficiently, with adequate staffing/ outsourcing.
11.Are you married, single or in a relationship?
I am in a relationship, getting married end of this year. I forsee a struggle in attaining work-life balance, and will have to pull through it eventually.
12.What are your hobbies? What do you do in your non-work time?
I read, work on recreational design & typography, and connect with industry leaders to learn and evolve constantly etc.
13.Whats your favorite food & holiday destination?
South Indian & Chinese are my two favourite cuisines. Don’t have a favourite holiday destination – Would like to travel and explore everywhere.
14.Whom do you consider your idol or biggest motivator?
In continuation to question 5, I consider my father to my biggest inspiration, always pushing me to do better, keep improving and excel in everything I do. Any success I’ve had in the past and will have in the future will be attributed to his constant motivating force.
15.What do you feel is the major difference between entrepreneurs and those who work for someone else?
16.If you had the chance to start your career over again, what would you do differently?
I’d have maybe ventured into an Analytics & Big Data based startup. Maybe I still will. Branding + Analytics seems like an interesting proposition, doesn’t it? J
17.How has being an entrepreneur affected your family & Social life?
My family time has been reduced, due to extended working hours being a startup, in order to ensure firm footing in the area that I have chosen.
18.Anything, you would like to say to our readers or upcoming entrepreneurs?

  1. There’s no shortcut method to success – Work Hard and Sweat it out!
  2. Puntuality is very underrated in India, and there’s nothing that improves credibility drastically like on-time delivery!

19.Tell us something about your education & family background.
Education: Dual Masters in Marketing from Amrita School of Business, Bangalore and Business Analytics & IT Management from State University of New York, Buffalo. Currently doing a few certificate courses to help spruce up my skillset.
Family: Father – Serial Entrepreneur, Mother – Inspiration to all of us, Sibling – One sister doing her BBA currently.
20.What is your USP which makes it unique & different from other start-ups in similar domains.
Approach: One conversation. No hassle. I’ll start by running through the requirements — A few easy questions to get to know the clients, the likes and dislikes, the ultimate goal and more. Getting clear on objectives means that every minute I spend on the project is dedicated toward delivering precisely what we set out to achieve.
21.Please share complete name, address, phone number, email id & website of Your Business & Contact Person
Name: Dhivya Kannan
Ph No: +91-9008222627
Email: [email protected]
Business Website:
Personal Website:
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