
Trump defends the disapproval of Hydroxychloroquine as a treatment of Covid-19

On Tuesday, the U.S. President Donald Trump again defended the use of hydroxychloroquine (a malaria drug) to ward off coronavirus. He claimed that frontline workers would agree with this statement that this malaria drug work at the early stages of Covid-19 infection. This statement has been made hours after the social media viral video Nigerian U.S.-based doctor, Stella Immanuel, was taking down saying that it is harmful misinformation. This video actually promotes hydroxychloroquine as a sure-fit cure for the coronavirus, she claims that it has been successfully treated on 350 people and still working on it. Boosting common people with false information, saying “You don’t need a mask, there is a cure!

Trump moved to twitter to promote hydroxychloroquine as a treatment of Covid-19 spreading information and accelerate the criticism of Dr. Anthony Fauci – U.S. top infectious disease expert. Earlier Trump has also disclosed that he was also taking doses of hydroxychloroquine to prevent himself from coronavirus after consulting the white house doctor. However, there is no evidence that this drug can actually fight the virus. Even regulators warned that this vaccine can cause heart problems. 

His remarks on twitter come after the ban on his eldest son post – the clip on social media to promote hydroxychloroquine. However, already 17 billion people have viewed their video. Trump continues to defend himself in the white house briefing to promote the vaccine while his own administration does not stand with him and said that they will suggest withdrawing emergency authorization for its use against coronavirus. 

But it looks like Trump really believes in this medication! 

He also said that “I believe in it and I would take it.”, claiming that he took the medicine for 14-days and feels perfectly fine. And, people in the medical frontline who took the medicine with him is fine too. “It didn’t hurt me and hoping that it will not hurt anybody.” adding to his statement. But if he really believes that this vaccine is working, why he was still wearing a mask on his public meeting on Monday in North Carolina?

Well, let’s first understand what this vaccine is all about – Hydroxychloroquine has been out for a very long time, sold under the brand name of Plaquenil, it is a formula and essentially used for malaria, lupus, and other things. It is a pill that is also taken under consideration for the treatment of Covid-19. But the studies show that this vaccine can produce more harm to the body than good when used to treat the patient suffering from coronavirus. 

The medicine works or not is to be considered under WHO. Rather than bringing this matter over social media, the treatment option for Covid-19 should be debated and spoken among colleagues in the medical field.

Many large-scale researchers in the U.S. National Institute of Health, WHO, and university in the U.S. and all over the world, was not able to find any solid evidence that hydroxychloroquine with or without antibiotic can prevent coronavirus infection. In fact, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration found a lack of benefits, and serious side effects of change in heart rhythm revoked its use. 

Meanwhile, Trump put accusations on Fauci that he is not doing anything for the coronavirus vaccine. And, Fauci replied very placidly that he will deal with attacks by keeping his head down and doing his job. He recommended being out of the high stakes while Trump continues publicly questioning his credibility. 

The videos have been taken down from Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube, that this video is sharing false information about cures and treatment of Covid-19. The decision has been made to stop the censorship. 

Such videos which are delicate for society should not be censored or silenced. The discussion on such topics should be done in private before releasing it to social media. 

We can also see the contradicting ways Trump is working, as he states that he believes in the vaccine, still, he did not engage with the public until this month, encouraging people to wear. Last week, he also said that situation could worsen before it gets better. Due to the rise of cases in the U.S, infecting more than 4 million people, and the death toll of 150,000, he canceled the GOP convention events scheduled in August in Florida.

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