
Ukraine President Zelensky Finds Himself In A Corner; A Perfect Example Of How The US And Europe May Have Made A Scapegoat Out Of Zelensky?

Ukraine President Zelensky is facing a unique predicament as it receives substantial humanitarian and military aid from the Western bloc, led by the U.S., while its aspirations to join NATO remain unfulfilled. The recent NATO Summit in Vilnius, Lithuania, did not yield any concrete results for Ukraine's membership. A photograph of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky standing alone with a somber expression during the summit has drawn attention, symbolizing Ukraine's uncertain position in Europe.

The image of President Zelensky standing alone has become a metaphor for Ukraine’s political situation. While the country has the support of its allies, they maintain some distance when it comes to Ukraine’s NATO membership to avoid escalating tensions with Russia.

Russia, consistently opposed to Ukraine’s inclusion in an alliance viewed as anti-Russian, has made its stance clear. However, the recently clicked picture of Zelensky at the NATO Summit has created quite a stir in social media; though the picture may be a result of a camera angle, it has been widely shared, prompting speculation and discussion on Zelensky’s isolation.

Although, contrary to the image portrayed, Zelensky did have interactions with world leaders at the NATO Summit. While he was not formally invited to the summit, the leaders engaged with him during the event. It is essential to note that Zelensky did not appear isolated or sidelined at the event.

Ukraine, President Zelensky, NATO

The NATO Hunger Games’ 

Russia’s stated reason for invading Ukraine was that its security was compromised by having a NATO country at its border. But with Finland having joined the alliance and Sweden perhaps next in line, it is clear that its action was counterproductive; at the same time, it has also pushed Moscow into playing second-fiddle to Beijing. However, ironically Ukraine remains in a precarious place when it comes to joining NATO.

At the same time, a further expansion of the alliance could plunge the world deeper into a new Cold War.

Earlier this month, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said, “… it’s important to have partners also outside their territory… I think there is a potential in developing more contacts and close relationships with India”. 

Recently, there have been reports of a NATO office in Tokyo. For its part, New Delhi has been clear about not joining any military alliance: “NATO template doesn’t apply to India,” External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar said earlier this month. The aim for all global actors must now be to bring Russia and Ukraine to the negotiating table.

Ukraine, Zelensky Out In The Rain, NATO’s Lack of Timeline for Ukraine’s Membership

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky caused a stir at the NATO summit by strongly criticizing the joint statement regarding Ukraine’s prospective membership. Zelensky deemed the statement’s absence of a concrete timeline “unprecedented and absurd,” frustrating those within the alliance who believed they had secured progress for Ukraine’s bid. 

While Ukraine demands a definitive timeline with specific steps and milestones for NATO membership, many member countries are cautious about risking direct conflict with Russia and seek to balance Ukraine’s aspirations with security considerations.

Zelensky’s intervention, expressed through a fiery tweet, indicated that NATO had not yet found a satisfactory solution to address both sides’ expectations. NATO diplomats had hoped to issue a unified declaration on Ukraine’s membership prospects as a positive moment ahead of Zelensky’s visit. It is suspected that Zelensky’s tweet served as a negotiation tactic, aiming to apply pressure and gain more support for Ukraine.

The Ukrainian president expressed particular frustration with the lack of readiness for an invitation to join NATO, let alone full membership. In a tweet, Zelensky highlighted that certain wording was being discussed without Ukraine, emphasizing that it was unprecedented and absurd not to establish a time frame for the invitation or Ukraine’s membership. 

He claimed that NATO leaders were not serious about inviting Ukraine and suggested they wanted to use its membership as a bargaining chip for negotiations with Russia.

The U.S. Playing Games

Zelensky’s direct criticism surprised policymakers at the summit, as President Biden aimed to demonstrate unity against Russia and emphasize his ability to rally global partners. While Zelensky did not mention Biden in his tweet, he has referred to the U.S. president as NATO’s chief “decision-maker” and directed his membership appeals to the White House. Biden, however, has been more cautious than many other NATO leaders regarding Ukraine’s bid, emphasizing the need for internal reforms and resolution of the ongoing conflict with Russia.

The disagreement over Ukraine’s membership threatened to overshadow the significant aid and support approved for Ukraine’s fight against Russia during the summit.

French President Emmanuel Macron announced the shipment of effective long-range missiles, Germany pledged air defence systems and armoured vehicles, and additional support from Biden was expected. Despite the tension, NATO leaders approved strong language against Russia and granted Ukraine the power to convene NATO ambassadors for discussions.

Zelensky’s Arrival At NATO Summit

Following his arrival in Vilnius, Zelensky struck a more conciliatory tone, expressing his faith in a strong NATO that could become even stronger with Ukraine’s inclusion. However, his earlier criticism contrasted with the image of Western harmony that Biden and his aides sought to project, particularly in breaking the impasse that had stalled Sweden’s accession into NATO.

The discussions among NATO members were intense, with more hawkish countries advocating for clear language indicating Ukraine’s progress toward NATO membership. Diplomats witnessed frustration from these nations towards the more cautious members, the United States and Germany. Ukrainian officials insisted on including the word “invitation” in the summit declaration, and its inclusion brought relief and satisfaction among Ukraine’s closest NATO allies.

Why The Hesitation

While some diplomats argue that granting Ukraine NATO membership during an ongoing war could involve the alliance in military hostilities, others believe waiting until the war ends would give Russia an incentive to prolong it. White House aides affirmed Biden’s ability to unify allies in response to Russia’s aggression and rejected the notion that any discord signaled a broader disintegration of solidarity with Ukraine.

Zelensky’s strong language conveyed the concern that leaving Ukraine’s membership as a bargaining chip could provide Russia with motivation to continue its aggression. As the NATO summit concludes in Lithuania, President Biden is set to deliver a significant address, and discussions about Ukraine’s membership bid are ongoing.

What is the Membership Action Plan?

Much has been made about the Membership Action Plan (MAP), which Nato has agreed to waive for Ukraine to join to the alliance. But what is it?

The MAP is a series of political and military steps prospective Nato members must take, which are meant to bring them in line with alliance standards.

However, it can take years to complete, and it does not guarantee membership; prospective countries must be able to show that they have fulfilled the following requirements before being unanimously invited to join Nato:

  • Be a functioning democracy based on a market economy
  • Fairly treat minority populations
  • Show a commitment to a peaceful resolution of conflicts
  • Have the ability and willingness to contribute to Nato operations
  • Have their military firmly under civilian control

The Last Bit, President Zelensky’s isolated appearance in a photograph from the NATO Summit has symbolized Ukraine’s uncertain position in Europe. The issue of Ukraine’s NATO membership has remained unresolved, despite significant aid and support from the Western bloc. Zelensky’s outspoken criticism of NATO’s joint statement reflects the complexities involved in satisfying both Ukraine’s aspirations and the security concerns of NATO member states. 

The summit has brought focus on the challenges faced by Ukraine and the delicate balancing act of Western nations in supporting its bid for membership while managing Russia’s opposition.



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