
How India is Expanding its Influence in the Indian Ocean 2023

How India is Expanding its Influence in the Indian Ocean 2023

With an average age of 30 and 2.7 billion inhabitants, the Indian Ocean area is home to more than a third of the world’s population. This number will only increase.

India, with its vast coastline along the Indian Ocean, has long recognized the region’s strategic importance. The Indian Ocean is a crucial maritime space that connects major global economies, hosts vital sea trade routes, and holds significant geopolitical value.

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To protect its national interests and promote regional stability, India has adopted a flexible Indian Ocean strategy, which involves pushing the envelope on two fronts: economic engagement and security cooperation. This article explores India’s multifaceted approach and how it shapes its role in the Indian Ocean region.

Regarding global politics and trade, the Indian Ocean region (IOR) is in an excellent position. However, unlike other maritime areas, it does not monopolize discussions of geopolitics or geoeconomics. Despite being strategically crucial for the economies and security of many nations beyond the scope, it still needs to be utilized. This is due to the region’s need for more attention from significant governments relative to other marine zones. The tide, however, appears to be headed for the Indian Ocean.

The Indian Ocean area is home to 2.7 billion people, or more than a third of the world’s population. With an average age of 30 years, [and] that percentage will only expand, according to US deputy secretary of State Wendy Sherman. This strategic insight into the importance of the Indian Ocean in the US is not new. Still, it is crucial, given the present situation in which the region is developing as a new strategic arena for competition between China and India.

India’s economic engagement in the Indian Ocean region is driven by its aspiration to become a leading global economic power. The country has actively pursued economic cooperation through various initiatives, including the “SAGAR” (Security and Growth for All in the Region) doctrine. SAGAR seeks to foster regional collaboration by promoting trade, investment, and connectivity. It emphasizes infrastructure development, maritime connectivity, and blue economy cooperation among Indian Ocean littoral states.

India, the largest nation in the IOR, seeks to safeguard its vital economic and security interests. The IOR is also crucial to China’s goals for growth outside of the South China Sea and its energy and financial security. Over the past ten years, China’s growing influence in the area has yet to be well received by New Delhi, with whom ties have significantly worsened in recent years. India has developed a flexible strategic approach to deal with the China factor despite the shifting power balances in the IOR.

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China’s entry into the IOR has made India’s worries more valid. In contrast to many other regional capitals, New Delhi views Beijing’s expanding investments, influence, and efforts through a historical prism. Increased Chinese activity in the IOR has raised regional security concerns in recent years.

However, as the crisis in Sri Lanka and the Maldives has subsided, some stability has remained. India emerged as the IOR’s top conflict responder during the Sri Lankan crisis. Due to its increased confidence as a result of this, India has been able to be more adaptable in its strategy. India has got the confidence to relax its conventional stance towards the IOR as the fighting has subsided. This assurance and lingering worry have allowed India to adjust its strategic course.

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To solve the issues in the area, the strategy comprises collaboration and viewing ‘like-minded’ nations from a fresh angle. India has just begun to open out to both old and new friends. This wasn’t the case even a few years ago when India remained wary of even friendly nations’ regional interests.

The Indian government has launched several flagship initiatives to enhance economic connectivity in the region. The “Sagarmala” project aims to modernize India’s ports and integrate them with efficient road, rail, and waterway networks. The “Digital India” campaign promotes digital connectivity, bridging the digital divide in the region. Additionally, India’s active participation in the Indian Ocean Rim Association (IORA) and the Indian Ocean Naval Symposium (IONS) reflects its commitment to economic cooperation and regional integration.

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India recognizes that security challenges in the Indian Ocean region can have far-reaching consequences for its national security. India has been actively engaging in security cooperation with regional and extra-regional partners to address these challenges. The country has deepened its defence ties through bilateral and multilateral mechanisms, military exercises, and capacity-building initiatives.

One of the critical aspects of India’s security cooperation strategy is maritime domain awareness. India has been strengthening its surveillance capabilities to monitor and secure its maritime domain. The Information Fusion Centre for the Indian Ocean Region (IFC-IOR) has been established in Gurugram to facilitate the exchange of navigational information among regional countries. India has also collaborated with countries like the United States, France, and Australia to conduct joint naval exercises and patrolling activities, enhancing interoperability and building a collective security architecture in the Indian Ocean.

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India’s proactive approach to maritime security has also involved countering non-traditional threats like piracy, maritime terrorism, and illegal fishing. Through coordinated efforts with other countries, India has successfully suppressed piracy in the Gulf of Aden. The government has also taken initiatives to promote maritime safety and humanitarian assistance in the region.

India’s flexible Indian Ocean strategy involves maintaining a delicate balance between economic engagement and security cooperation. While economic connectivity and regional cooperation contribute to India’s economic growth and influence, security concerns remain paramount. India’s approach seeks to create a favourable economic development environment while ensuring its maritime interests’ safety and security.

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India’s flexible Indian Ocean strategy faces several challenges. The region’s complex geopolitics, rivalries among major powers, and the presence of non-state actors pose significant hurdles to achieving regional stability. Additionally, the development of China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and its increasing influence in the region present both opportunities and challenges for India’s strategy.


However, India also has significant opportunities to strengthen its position in the Indian Ocean region. Its growing naval capabilities, strategic partnerships, and the goodwill it enjoys among Indian Ocean littoral states provide a favourable foundation. By leveraging its strengths, India can enhance regional connectivity, promote sustainable development, and safeguard its national interests.

India’s flexible Indian Ocean strategy, encompassing economic engagement and security cooperation, is instrumental in shaping its regional role. India is driving economic integration and promoting sustainable growth through initiatives like SAGAR, Sagarmala and active participation in regional forums. Simultaneously, it works towards a secure maritime environment by strengthening surveillance capabilities, conducting joint exercises, and countering non-traditional security threats.

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As India continues to push the envelope on both economic and security fronts, it must navigate the evolving geopolitical landscape, address emerging challenges, and seize opportunities to solidify its position as a critical player in the Indian Ocean region. By doing so, India can contribute to regional stability, foster cooperation among coastal states, and ensure the well-being and safety of the Indian Ocean region. Community.

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