
Interview with Manish Soni, CEO of “Sarvvid” – the updated version of cloud storage companies (an innovative way to decentralize data storage)

Interview with Manish Soni, CEO of “Sarvvid” – the updated version of cloud storage companies (an innovative way to decentralize data storage)

Sarvvid is the first company to offer decentralized cloud-based storage services in India. 

Inventiva interviewed Manish Soni, the CEO of Sarvvid, one of the most reliable and decentralized cloud storage providers in the industry. 

Manish Soni, the CEO of Sarvvid [SN1], shared with Inventiva that decentralized cloud storage gives the data owner complete control and security. Who doesn’t want privacy, security, and authority over their data today’s world? Unfortunately, so many big tech companies have made this priority a non-issue.

By breaking the monopoly rule of big tech companies, you can be the master of your niche. Let’s see what the CEO of Sarvvid says about Sarvvid and how it is different from other companies.

The following is an interview with Sarvvid’s CEO 

Sarvvid-AI (@sarvvid) / Twitter

Interview Host- Ms. Ronak Soni 


1. What was the inspiration behind the name of your venture? Any specific reason for the name? 

The name of Sarvvid can be divided into two parts. One is called the Sarv and the other one is Vid. Sarv means everything and Vid implies knowledge. So Sarvvid can be called Sarv-Vidya or in simple terms, limitless opportunities.

2. Who is your target Audience/clients, if you can directly shout out to them?

Sarvvid is meant for people who want to store unlimited data. A startup, an individual, an industry, or an organization, everyone can use it. This even targets entrepreneurs, big companies, people handling data online and managing work filled with data.

3. What problems does your venture resolve? What are your products or services? 

Centralized servers have many shortcomings like when Implemented in hot and humid weather like India; the servers need to be stored in cool temperatures. Thus the cooling facilities are made complex and expensive where they emit harmful gases.

Secondly, Sarvvid solves the issue of a single point of failure. Single fact of faliure means that there is only one point of access where all the data lies, leading to data loss.

Sarvvid proposes to solve the problem by introducing decentralized cloud storage solutions, with one motive to make India, The Data Capital and make it self-sufficient to handle all its resources itself.

Not a single entity or authority will own the data, making it hard to access it. The data will be divided into fragments. Whenever the data owner wants to access it, it can be retrieved in seconds, thus making it secure, fast, and reliable.

5. Who are your biggest competitors and how do you differentiate yourself from them? 

Sarvvid does not believe in any competitors, but we believe in big data houses such as cloud data storage like Google or even Dropbox.

6. How did you hire your first team members? What skills do you want in your employees/team? 

When I first hired my teammate, I was looking for someone who believed in this idea of Sarvvid. I was looking for someone to support me in my plan and take Sarvvid to the next steps.

I am not looking for hobster, who will jump from one place to the other without being settled. So someone who would be mainly dedicated and devoted to the idea that I had!

Sarvvid does not believe in the corporate gesture of boss and employee. Everyone working at Sarvvid treats it as their own company, as an entrepreneur. I am always looking out for someone hard-working, determined, has a sense of perseverance and will help me take this venture to new grounds.

7. What expansion plans are you looking for for the next 2 or 5 years? 

I have an exciting idea ahead for Sarvvid, known as the Sarvvid integration program. It will be our first integration blockchain called Arweave. Arweave is a storage service platform where data is stored as an immutable blockchain owned by a global community and accessible through shared networks.

Thus, the uploaded documents get stored in their server permanently, which can be later used.

8. Where do you want to see yourself in the next 10 years? 

This project on which we are working has tremendous possibilities. In ten years, I want every small colony to have a sarvvidhub, every phone to be a Sarvvid Node making India the data capital of the world, storing all data in our network.

Back 3 months because of some reasons, I visited the hospital and piled up files.

It was so crystal clear in my mind that in the upcoming future, SARVVID will be storing all this data.

There is a philosophy that I believe is that any company’s valuation is based on how much value they are providing by being in existence.

9. What was the most challenging part of your journey till now? How did you overcome those challenges? 

The most challenging part was to find the purpose and after I got the goal, it’s all crystal clear where we are headed. It’s just a matter of how much time it will take.

Interview With Manish Soni, CEO Of "Sarvvid" - The Updated Version Of Cloud  Storage Companies (an Innovative Way To Decentralize Data Storage) -  Inventiva

10. What are your hobbies? What do you do in your non-work time? 

One of the main things I believe is that health, wealth and even your mental peace matters. I do read many things that help me acquire as much knowledge as possible. I think that the whole idea of Sarvvid is based on the importance of wellness and how we can serve people and do good for them.

I do believe in the belief that it does not matter where you are working or for whom you are working; if the enterprise is small or huge, everyone must play and their set of roles to work on. Apart from that, I do take care of my wellness too. Like I do a lot of yoga and focus on working out too. A strong mind equals a strong body and a strong body equals a strong sense.

11. Who do you consider your idol or biggest motivator? 

From This Line, a sudden quote appeared in front of my eyes, and that is “Krishna Ko Chitra mein Nahi Charitra Mein Bithana hai”.

One should not hang images and photos of their beloved god; instead, they have to be God’s Image. My Idol is Shri Krishna, as after reading Bhagavad Gita, I don’t believe that anybody is as intelligent and visionary as him.

Elon Musk also plays a big part in being a motivator in life as he is the most prominent example that you can learn anything by just reading books and from the internet.

13. If you had the chance to start your career over again, what would you do differently? 

If I wish to start my career again, I will do the same thing I am doing right now.

14. How has being an entrepreneur affected your family & Social life?

Suppose you are working towards a great vision. If you want to run in life and move fast, then you need to move strategically. First, when I started my journey, I found myself alone and without everyone else, but now I understand that I need to move on in life with everyone in it. If you take up a particular set of clothing, you will see that the other pieces of clothing are also being picked up. Thus, if you wish to become a part of the community, you can educate everyone around it and educate yourself.

15. Anything, you would like to say to our readers or upcoming entrepreneurs? 

For this, I will only say one thing from Swami Vivekananda here,

“Take up one idea. Make that one idea your life; dream of it; think of it; live on that idea. Let the brain, the body, muscles, nerves, every part of your body be full of that idea, and just leave every other idea alone. This is the way to success, and this is the way great spiritual giants are produced.”

16. What is your USP which makes it unique & different from other startups in similar domains. 

Sarvvid has one USP, which is, the idea is based on decentralization. This means that decentralization is going to be the next big thing in the upcoming years as it is going to become a whole revolution in data management.

We can even say that centralized servers are not giving data authorization and providing to have a single point of failure. So this is where we stand differently from the rest.

17. What do you think is the biggest threat to the success of small businesses & Startups today? 

I want to say that sometimes our family does not support us. And sometimes few patriarchal people in the society can push down our mentality and motivation. Also, the ecosystem of people, be it a kid or a girl or boy, their ideas were not given weightage. This means that everyone needs motivation and real-time exposure to work in any field they aim for.

Manish Soni - Chief Executive Officer - Sarvvid | LinkedIn

You now know what Sarvvid does and how it works, so what are you waiting for? If it’s about authority and security, Sarvvid is the way to go. Let’s Go!

Article Proofread & Published by Gauri Malhotra.


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