
Is it better to put Uttar Pradesh under presidential rule after what Yogi has done to it?

2 days of protests, a week of candle march and a few headlines- is this all it takes to forget a woman in this country? A woman that was brutally gang-raped, beaten and cremated without her family’s consent? Or a woman that was raped by 2 “men”, tortured so brutally that she succumbed to her injuries? Or a woman that can be your friend, sister or acquaintance, someday?
Hathras or Balrampur, our daughters can’t call any place in this country their home because you’re supposed to be safe in your home, right?
These two heartbreakingly devious incidents that took place in early October in Uttar Pradesh created a wind of anger, guilt and sadness in the country. These incidents drew attention and became a topic of discussion of many opposition parties and known figures due to their course of action and the UP government and police’s handling of these cases.
On similar lines, the former chief minister of Uttar Pradesh, Mayawati, alleged the current UP government of lousy law and order situation in the state and urged the government of India to have mercy on the state by “replacing Yogi Adityanath or imposing presidential rule” in Uttar Pradesh.
Of course, her pleas were met by what she did during her tenure and how pointing one finger on the current government would lead to 2 raised on her. After all, everything is about politics in this country, right? The discussion ended with allegations and questions. Justice, you ask? Who cares about that?
We’re well into 2021 and Mayawati’s demand for the presidential rule in Uttar Pradesh is still a thought-provoking statement. Is UP actually better off under presidential rule after what all Yogi Adityanath has done to it? Well, that’s for you to decide. We’re here to take you through what all he has done in his 3 years reign till now.
The Yogi Adityanath led BJP government in Uttar Pradesh that started off with the motto of “Paritranaay Sadhunaam, Vinashaya Cha Dushkratam” didn’t paint a very rosy picture in the 3 years’ reign for he is recalled to have been alleged of making provocative religious statements, illegally saving his party workers through manipulation and forgery, and uprooting individual liberty and identity through various policy actions.  
But before we go in detail of these allegations, let’s have a look at his promises and deliveries from the manifesto and their reality.  The manifestoed promise of providing more than 70 Lakh jobs failed way too miserably, given the unemployment doubled in the said years, as per a source from Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy (CMIE). And before we blame this on the pandemic, the data presented is till the March of 2020, before the virus crept into our lives. The promised infrastructure development and investor confidence are much far from the reality owing to the instability of government and crime level in the state, which has increased manifold by the way.
However, which government has ever made true promises in this country, right? Let’s talk about some real things the Yogi government has done.
Yogi government’s zero-tolerance law and order policy has called upon headlines way too many times in his tenure- all thanks to UP police’s 3896 encounters and 76 shootouts. Let me iterate it again- ‘Police’ encounters and shootouts. In words of the CM himself, ‘thok denge’.  Human rights and UP? Who are we kidding?
Remember the Unnao Rape case? The then- BJP MLA accused of guilt roamed free on the roads despite aggressive proofs and pieces of evidence for the longest time before being put behind bars. Imagine how safe the victim’s family would’ve been in the crime-capital of the country. Oh, wait, now that we’ve called it the crime capital, let’s justify it too. UP recorded the highest amount of violence against women cases, crossing the mark of more than 50,000.
If human rights and safety were mere words for the ruling party, how much do you think freedom of expression would’ve meant to them? Well, you guessed it right- nothing. The Yogi-led BJP government resorted to police brutality during the anti-CAA protests and have allegedly killed 19 protestors. Apparently, in the words of Yogi Adityanath, “not a single death was caused by police’s bullet”. Well, the official reports claimed to paint a different picture. More than a 1000 protesting women were booked under various cases and different sections. In a more controversial move, the government demanded from the anti-CAA protestors money to recover the damages while they were protesting at important intersections. This came in through display boards with protestor’s picture on them. Scary, isn’t it? The matter is right now pending in the Supreme court, like every government case.
Oh well, how can we not mention, Yogi Adityanath and communalism- an underappreciated love story. Be it mentioning Pakistan 8 times in 48 seconds in a political rally or blaming Delhi’s Chief Minister Mr. Arvind Kejriwal for serving ‘biryani’ to the anti-CAA protestors, Mr. Adityanath has left no stone unturned to turn any political matter into religious propaganda. And we know who wins when the people turn their heads to Hindu- Muslim rather than questioning politics – The government. Guess it’s time that Mr. Yogi stops acting as the head of the monastery and starts acting like the Chief Minister of a secular country. Judge for yourself the change in names of streets and construction of temples.
An honest question- what in the name of God is Love Jihad? Since when did these two words start getting used together? The ‘prohibition of unlawful conversion bill 2020’ that got approved as an ordinance against ‘illegal religious conversions’ is a slap in the face of love, culture and secularism of this country. Not just that, any interfaith couple that wants to get married, even with their families’ permission, would be required to ‘inform’ the district magistrate two months in advance. Ah, freedom of choice, goodbye to you too. No wonder this country is boycotting Tanishq ads.
The last time I checked, we were still in a democracy. What Yogi government has done to UP makes me question if we still are. Judge for yourself.

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