Are your job profile and organization good enough to give a permanent work from home experience?

Are your job profile and organization good enough to give a permanent work from home experience?
Since the onset of this pandemic, we all have been forced to ponder around the question like- What would the future of jobs look like? How many employees will be shifted to work from home permanently? In the post-pandemic world, can we return to our cubicles or continue to work from home?
What will we do to make the hybrid workplace work?
There isn’t such a thing as a one-size-fits-all. This is what makes it difficult. Organizations must begin by secretly surveying workers to learn about their interests.
Since you want them to know the facts, you don’t want people to send you details depending on what they think you want, and as worried as businesses are about how the hybrid workplace will look, workers are worried about their job protection, which is why anonymity is crucial.
Then there’s what Mike Tushman and others, who invented the word “critical task,” describe as the organization’s key job that must be done exceptionally well.
We need to figure out what it is and how much of a fluid and mobile population we should have, with certain employees working from home or outside the home.
All may or may not be present in the house; they may be in other locations. Once you’ve identified the vital roles, you’ll want to examine all work duties and make an accurate determination of whether they can be completed without their boss being on site.
In the last 13-14 months, historical theories about what can and cannot be done remotely have been refuted. We are aware that productivity is not a problem.
Companies are concerned with topics like bonding, connection, creativity, tradition, and power. As a result, it’s critical to be open and frank about work functions, tasks, and how we build an atmosphere where everybody can succeed.
Who is a chief remote officer? What exactly is his function?
There is anyone in the C-suite who is now concerned about an entire workforce, including structure, systems, operations, and even wages, so thinking at the governance level as well as how these hybrid scenarios can be implemented.
The important thing to remember here is that the umbrella policies must be centralized as well. They can’t be left up to different managers to decide.
It is important to realize that organizations must adopt new technologies to their job objectives rather than using digital solutions based on their personal interests. The right tools for the task at hand should be considered and chosen.
First, a manager must what himself whether he needs a social presence in this communication or not. The warmth and immediacy of social presence are two aspects of it. If not, the importance of tangible or digital media rises.
But even then, what if there is a need to communicate in a sense of urgency? What equipment will the firm need? All these questions must be answered to have a strong social influence and to smoothly facilitate work from home jobs.
The second point to consider is the difference between lean and rich media. The term “lean media” refers to media that do not communicate a wide range of emotional expressions. They are devoid of background.
They are unable to communicate non-verbal body language signals. Videoconferencing is an example of rich media. When it comes to rich newspapers, the in-person standard is sometimes cited as the gold standard.
On a scale of one to ten, lean is on one end and rich is on the other. And there’s no rule that says lean is bad and rich is fine. A firm needs to figure out the correct medium of communication depending on the working of the organization.
Often a simple message, such as an email, is all that is needed whereas sometimes even video calls seem less.
Is it possible to overcome zoom fatigue?
A critical factor in work from home procedures is synchronous vs. asynchronous communication, which refers to real-time vs. delayed communication.
So, if we want people to digest abstract content, we can give it to them through some kind of lean and asynchronous media, so they can understand and internalize what they’re studying.
The crucial thing to remember is that the company must use and combine the many digital technologies at our disposal, not only to collaborate but also to accomplish their professional objectives.
If the right things are paired in the right places, hopefully, there would not be any tech fatigue.
Tech fatigue can occur if we arrange edge-to-edge videoconferencing meetings. More asynchronous media should be used, shorter meetings should be held, and transfers between meetings should be included.
Thus, to implement work from home strategies efficiently, an organization is required to spend a lot of time and effort in finding the best media for the job, facilitating quicker sessions, and ensuring that work is integrated into employees’ networking experiences along with making sure that no organizational goal is missed or thrown in detrimental condition.
Indeed, everything squared back to good management- whether in terms of people, goals or technology.