
Entrepreneur Vs Employee

Entrepreneur the word seems to be highly respectable, glamorized  in today’s world. But who exactly is an entrepreneur and what makes a person an entrepreneur.
Many a times, I meet people who feels entrepreneur are the bunch of people who don’t have a job. We can see many such similar examples. One such scene was also presented in the movie Social Network. They feel entrepreneurs are useless creatures who just know how to be dependent on their family or friends for money. They don’t have a good job, they dont have good credit ratings, they dont have a stable social and personal life.
Entrepreneurship is not an easy journey, not everyone in this world can be an entrepreneur, it needs a lot of sacrifices, it needs a lot of dedication, commitment. Entrepreneurship is not a job, its a sense of ownership, its a sense of starting something, its a sense of building something ourself for ourself. Its a Journey, awakening of mind and understand the need of the time, its a responsibility that comes together with passion to stand on our own feet. Its a attitude which allows you to generate employment for others rather consume it.
It needs a passion to start something on their own. Entrepreneurs are more or less the leaders who always work on their own strategies, unlike employees, they dont go for 9 to 5 jobs, they dont work for money, they dont work for fix salaries at the end of the month.
They are people who are different from the masses, they plan their own venture, build their own team, work on their own ideas, they believe on their own goals and work hard to achieve them.
Being an entrepreneur myself, I can very well understand and relate myself to the mindset of an entrepreneur.
They always have a go getter attitude, they always have a tendency to generate employment and rather consume it.
The tensions of not been able to make an idea work, the pain in cracking the glass ceiling, the joy of getting his venture funded, can never be understood by a person with an employee mindset as well as the society.
Employee is a person who work for others, they have a limited time of working, they enjoy their 9 to 5 job, get paid monthly, have weekly and monthly off. They get paid vacations by their employers as well as various benefits like an excellent working environment, cushioned chair, sometimes a flashy glassy office etc.
But entrepreneur is the one who just have a idea, something that belongs to him, his laptop is his office, he dont have a 9 to 5 job, he works all day and night, there are no Sundays, there are no weekly and monthly off. They even work from their own bedrooms. Many a times, I have seen entrepreneurs working from their garage or even storerooms. They never get paid vacations and work all day and night like ox.
But then why? Why entrepreneurs work so much and for whom? Its the passion. Its the motivation, its something which can not be described in words.
Its the sense of ownership. Being an entrepreneur is quite very similar to being a mother and only a mother can understand the feeling of the mother.
Someone else kids, no matter how beautiful they are but always remains someone else. An entrepreneurship is like a full time motherhood.
Like being a mother is one of the toughest job in this world. A woman has to loose her virginity, bear a child in her womb for almost 9 months, and then all sort of labour pain and finally after 9 months of tensions, pain, problems, she feels the pleasure of the most happening moment of life being called as a mother. When her child smiles for the first time and hold her finger, is the moment which is beyond any satisfaction in the world.
You give birth to a venture, you work hard all day and night. Even the mother is able to give birth to a child in 9 months and the risk period is over, but entrepreneurship may take longer time. Entrepreneurs problems doesn’t resolve in 9 months, sometimes it can take more than years for a idea to be accepted by people and turn into a fruitful and profitable venture.
I am not at all against employees, but entrepreneurship is something which I feel cant be understood by the people with employment mindset.

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