
Is India still a Democracy OR a Pseudo-Democratic State?

Of fact, India is a pseudo-democracy with merely a semblance of democracy. Democracy is preferably based on the conviction that ordinary people’s strength, courage, and wisdom have great potential. It is, however, difficult to explain and comprehend, mainly when individuals have been strongly brainwashed with the idea that India is a democracy and are more inclined to reject outright any suggestion that India is not a democracy.

Constitution by bookIndia's democracy crumbling? Constitution shows how to create democracy in  unlikely settings

The constitution of India, which Abraham Lincoln addresses, is often quoted as


These inspirational words are sufficient to reawaken the elemental spirits of our existence. However, these are only words.

However, democratic rule is bought (where people are accepted), off the people (off from it), and far (from) the people, i.e., where democracy does not quite belong to the ordinary people, hence is not for them, but far away from them, and. In contrast, democracy is not by the people but rather by candidates who buy votes with money, implying that true democracy does not exist. 

With great concern for our country, I am stating that the definition of democracy has been altered by modern-day politicians who are hell-bent on plundering the country. However, we should not be discouraged by these cases. These are the exceptions, not the rule, and they will fade away with time. 

Between the text and its context, between prophecy and reality, there is a vast divide. Our politicians, in my opinion, are not entirely elected by us. Consider the Indian situation: the democratic culture—the democratic way of life—has deteriorated over decades. Once every five years, the Democratic path of India is for, by, and of the people. Our politicians, in my opinion, are not entirely elected by us. I believe they are chosen for our representatives by the party because they are already determined when they run for election to be selected by us. As you know, the people of India pick a party, not an individual.

We become more proactive during election seasons, with every election setting new participation records. When you ask Indians who they will vote for, many will say the party name, such as Congress or BJP, rather than the candidate’s name. However, once elections are completed, a winter of democratic indifference sets in, in which we lose interest in what is going on, discussions halt. The public sphere slips into a long hibernation. Constitutional Law Notes (Part 1) | The Justice Mirror

A party is a group of people elected by their constituencies, which is minimal compared to a state or nation. These people do not represent the majority of people’s choices because they are not elected by the entire country but by their constituency. Thus they are not responsible to the whole nation. So what I’m trying to argue is that the people’s choice of candidate or party is not their option, but rather what is purposely implanted on their brains by politicians’ speeches and propaganda, distracting them from their actual needs.

Democracy is deteriorating

We are quite proud of the procedural component of democracy, which is frequent elections with significant participation, which is ironic. There is no true representative of the people, and the requests of those with more powerful lawmakers are met, which goes against the essence of democracy. However, we overlook the essential feature of democracy, which is that democracy entails empowering the people at its core. I do not believe that a political party, which the people of India elected, represents the people of India since a political party, which is not a person, cannot speak for the people.

India’s democratic ethos is shifting towards authoritarianism as institutions are stifled. Governments have been hesitant to hear criticism of their acts, and there has been a pervasive sense of invincibility. Since the 1860s, there has been good machinery to identify critics of government action as seditious. Governments of all stripes have pressed a compliant media to establish a narrative that the state can do no wrong. 

Politicians’ advertising and speeches focus so much on non-problems that voters are duped into voting on non-issues rather than real issues. For example, while in power, our Prime Minister Narendra Modi has never attended a press conference. Because how would you work on an issue if you don’t listen to the problem of an average person, and press conferences are indirectly the voice of an average person. When a television channel interviews Narendra Modi, they never mention the real problems in India, such as unemployment, poverty, corruption, and goons, instead of focusing on what he eats, his daily routine, and how he is punctual.

We will now know this because we will not listen to all of this; if he has the power, he should focus on actual problems rather than this. Eight Cases That Will Test Whether 'Basic Structure Doctrine' Can Safeguard India's  Democracy

Final thoughts

It is one of the reasons why India is not a democracy. People should think about it carefully because it affects their children’s lives and prospects. Countries like Sweden, Switzerland, Norway, Denmark are performing exceptionally well on human development indices. They are one of the most peaceful and happiest countries since all the people pass any vital law in a referendum. 

Many fancy rationales are presented here in this thread, which is only fancy, not rational and logical thinking. For proper logic, you need to do an analytical review on the lines of cause and effects, the real cause and impact on real issues, not fancy cause and impact on fancy non-issues. Understand it very carefully.

Article Proofread and Edited by Shreedatri Banerjee

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