
How Rati Batra, Founder Of YourHR Helping Startups, SME, Corporates In Building A Professional Employees Team

Searching for a suitable job is a big task nowadays. Sometimes you don’t get a suitable job according to your qualification, sometimes the salary does not match with your profile or your expectations; or sometimes you just won’t even find any job at all! But this problem will not go on any more.
“YourHR”- a new venture has come up with a solution to this problem. YourHR serves end to end strategic human resource consulting and talent management services for startup ventures and small and medium enterprises. This venture is completely based on the three dimensional understanding of people management needs as a teacher, as a leader and as an employee. YourHR offers personalized services for human resources which creates an immediate impact on the productivity of the venture. This startup also takes outsourcing as a part or a portion of human resource which gives further bandwidth to a company and allows them to focus on their core areas.
Here we have the founder of YourHR, Ms. Rati Batra. She discussed her venture and its future expansion plans with us. Rati is a graduate in Philosophy from Delhi University and has done Masters in Business Administrative (MBA) in human resources. During her graduation, she received an award for excellence, for two consecutive years. She has also worked for several renowned brands such as Make My Trip and Rocket Internet Venture. Now, Rati is running a venture named YourHR with her ‘all women’ team and is trying to bring about a change in how human resource function works for startups and SMEs.
To know more about Rati Batra and her venture YourHR, scroll down!
1. What is the Name of Your Venture? Is there any specific reason for this name?
I came up with the name YourHR because I wanted to name my venture something that rightly conveyed the message that we’ll not just be a service provider for organizations and start-ups but Solution providers. Our endeavor is to always understand what our clients’ needs are and customize solutions that fit their needs.
2. Who is your target audience or clients?
Well, our services are not restricted to any one target audience, as I mentioned earlier we provide customized services to start-ups and SMEs, understanding their core and needs. We’ve mostly worked with Start-ups, as most organizations in the initial stages of their business usually don’t have an HR team in place, due to which many crucial processes are compromised. This is where we come in, and set up the right business processes.
3. Where your venture is based (city, state, country) and what are your geographical target areas?
We are based out of New Delhi, India. Our target group is all SMEs – across cities in India as well as global players planning to set up their operations in India.
4. What problems does your venture resolve? What are your products or services?
Our Venture helps start-ups and organizations in Talent Acquisition and Talent Management solutions.
We help in building their core team from fresher’s on Campus to Leadership head hunting (COO, Co-Founder, and CTO etc.)
We have recently introduced customized Assessment tests like – culture fitment, aptitude and behavioral, functional skills, technical and Co-founder test to meet your hiring needs in the best possible way.
We provide our clients with Talent Management solutions ranging from putting basic policies and processes in place to strategic consulting.
5. How do you differentiate yourself from your competitors?
As a game changer and being the first in the industry to introduce Customized Assessment Tests which are based on AI and Predictive analysis we help find the perfect fit for our clients. These tests are specially curated keeping in mind the pain areas of businesses like culture fitment, attitude, functional and psychometric. Introducing such differentiators periodically & improvising on our services regularly is what makes us unique!
6. Share the idea or story behind the venture. How did it come to existence? What motivated you to start your own venture?
Having worked in mature organizations and with the experience of evolved HR processes and best practices, I realized that early stage startups are primarily the ones that need awareness and support in order to grow and expand.
I have seen multiple startups struggle in crucial HR problems like hiring the right talent at the right time; High attrition in the core team due to lack of policies and processes and so on.
Furthermore, with time and experience, I have realized that it is very important for employees to have an external source or body to share their feedback as they are usually not comfortable doing so with their internal team.
As our name suggests – YourHR; all our solutions and pricing are built keeping in mind the needs of startup ecosystem especially for organizations that don’t have an HR function within them.
7. How did you hire your first team member? What skills do you want in your employees or team?
My first hire was a campus recruit.

The one skill that I still look for, while I am hiring is – CURIOSITY. Curiosity will always drive you to learn, as you would reason everything and not just accept norms; and that is precisely what I would want my team to thrive on!
8. What expansion plans are you looking for the next 2 years, next 5 years?
Currently, I’m working on an initiative that’s focused on making the workplaces compliant and sensitized to diversity. I’ve co-founded this venture – SYNERGENUS and I really hope that in the next 2 years we’re able to expand such initiatives further, providing customized templates and conducting workshops at organizations after understanding their workplace requirements.
In the next 5 years, we aim at creating a strong presence across locations in India as well as Global inbound leads.
9. Where do you want to see yourself in the next 10 years?
To be very honest, Entrepreneurship is so unpredictable; I would just like to go with the flow. I’m just hoping we get even better at what we do and are able to maybe introduce some technology, make our solutions more scalable and continue to deliver the best to our clients.
10. Have you risen any funding? Or have any plans for the funding?
No, we are completely bootstrapped.
11. What were the problems you faced during the starting days and how did you resolve them?
The problem that I faced earlier, and still do at times is the fact that most start ups still do not realise the importance of an HR Partner and how an HR Partner is equally important as the Sales team in any organization.
Because we’ve got a good understanding of the startup ecosystem, we have built our solutions keeping in mind “Getting the right Product market fit” strategy.
12. What are your hobbies? What do you do in your non-work time?
I have a very curious mind, I like to discover new tools and software that can make life easier and I also love experimenting and keeping myself up-to date with new trends in the market!
13. Whom do you consider your idol or biggest motivator?
This may not sound usual but I founded my start-up within a year of my marriage and this goes without saying that immense amount of work and time goes into this. Honestly speaking this couldn’t have been possible had my Husband not been my rock! He has been my biggest source of motivation & support.
14. If you had the chance to start your career over again, what would you do differently?
This is an interesting question that got me thinking, and after a lot of thought and consideration, I feel today I am where I am purely cause of the entire journey of my ups and downs and the decisions I took. I don’t think I would want to go back and change anything. Every milestone in my career has led me to be who I am today and I am very happy and satisfied. So to answer your question – No, I wouldn’t want to change anything and would love to make the same mistakes, probably take more learning and meet the same awesome people who helped me at different stages of my career.
15. How has being an entrepreneur affected your family and Social life?
I look at this from a very different perspective, I like to zoom out a bit and consider that now I have a bigger family – as my team is my new found family, and I have colleagues and friends who are my support system! So rather I like to think that this Entrepreneurial journey has added to my circle than taking anything away from it! 🙂
16. Anything, you would like to say to our readers or upcoming entrepreneurs?
One thing I have learnt and put to practice is – Fail fast, learn fast and Grow faster!
17. What do you think is the biggest threat to the success of small businesses and Start-ups today?
I think the biggest threat to start-ups today is that some Founders try to do everything by themselves; they need to understand that they should only work on their core competencies and get strategic partners to take care of the rest. It is imperative that they hire the right team and delegate work so as to make their businesses efficient and effective.
18. Do you consider yourself successful and by what means do you measure success?
My happy clients are my measurement of Success, as they turn out to be our regular customers, and our business has grown 3X only on the basis of repeat customers and referrals shared by them. We would like to grow our family and add more success stories.
19. Please share complete name, address, phone number, email id and website of Your Business and Contact Person
Company Details:
39 Kushal House, Nehru Place, New Delhi – 110019
Contact: +91-9667837784
[email protected]

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