
Is the vaccine for Covid-19 coming shortly?

William Hesseltine, a notable American scientist who researches Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), His works on cancer, HIV, and other projects have been widely discussed. He has stated, ‘he does not think the coronavirus vaccine is going to come soon’.
He was further asked by the sources ‘how soon is the Covid-19 vaccine expected to develop?’
In response, he told, “They would not like to wait because they do not think it is possible shortly.” He has also suggested “To prevent the coronavirus epidemic, it is important to thoroughly examine patients, find them properly and where the infection appears to be successful, it should be prevented through strict isolation”. 
But it has been observed that nations have surprisingly confronted the problem but are not able to function with efficiency and effectiveness. Thus, the question of lives has been the latest concern of the nations. But the future of nations remain to be looked in depth.
Advising the US government, he said “They should not wait for vaccines. If the top leaders are thinking that they will decide to waive the lockdown restrictions only based on the announcement of vaccine preparation, then this strategy is not right.” Witnessing the performance of previously made vaccine for coronavirus, he has also commented that the vaccine has failed to protect the nose from infection from which the virus is most likely to enter the body. In such cases the question of recovery remains mysterious to people. 
William Hesseltine has said that “Coronavirus can be controlled without effective treatment or even vaccines. For this, the correct identification of the infection is necessary. Keeping those people in isolation is the most effective. Remaining people wash their hands, wear masks, and keep the most used things and places clean, even then it can be reduced considerably.”
William Hasseltine believes that China and many other Asian countries have implemented this alternative strategy constructively whereas in United States of America, it is not noticed that those who have been infected with the virus have been kept in strict isolation.
In his opinion, China, South Korea, and Taiwan have been successful in reducing the coronavirus infection rate in this manner, while the US, Russia, and Brazil have failed. Professor William said, “By trying the research vaccine on Covid-19 on animals, it has been found so far that they have been seen to reduce the effect of infection in the patient’s body, especially in the lungs.”
Plasma therapy trials are also underway in some countries. In this therapy, anti-body is taken from the body of the patients recovered from Covid-19 and put in the body of the infected patients. It is believed that this increases the ability of patients to fight the coronavirus.”
Some pharmaceutical companies are now preparing better and refined serum in the wake of this therapy, which is likely to work in Covid-19 patients. Professor William also believes that this method is quite likely to succeed. He says that this may prove to be its first treatment in the future because these AT-bodies, which are being called hyper-immune globulin, go to every cell of the human body and give them the ability to cure the virus.

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