
Lakshmi Niwas Mittal Announced To Donate 3300 Crore Rupees For Corona Vaccine.

The corona vaccine human trial in England, Brazil and South Africa is in progress on behalf of Oxford University. Prafacer is the director of the Adrian Hill Jenner Institute. So far, 1 crore 23 lakh people have been infected with corona all over the world. About 5.5 lakh people have died. Lakshmi Niwas Mittal and his family have made a grant of about Rs. 3,300 crore to defeat the coronavirus and make its vaccine. The Mittal family has given the grant amount to the Department of Vaivacology, Oxford University. This department belongs to the Jenner Institute and its director is Professor Adrian Hill.

The amount of grant given by Lakshmi Niwas Mittal, known as global steel tycoon, is very high and will help in fighting against the corona. The coronavirus has wreaked havoc in the world at present, with nearly 1.25 million people in the world infected with the Covid-19 and more than 5.5 million people.

Efforts are on in every country for corona vaccine. In India also, corona vaccine kovaxin has got the nod for human testing. However, after the help of Laxmi Niwas Mittal, the Department of Seology will be renamed as Lakshmi Mittal and Family Professorship of Vaivacology. The Development Office of Oxford University has informed about this in one of its reports.The entire country is united to fight against the corona and everyone is contributing to this battle according to their own convenience. Oxford University towards human trial

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