Silencing Whistleblowers: Cadbury Easily Silences An Influencer By Sending Legal Notice After Pointing Out Bournvita’s High Sugar Content; But What Is The Truth?
Do you know the secret of your child's high energy levels after drinking Bournvita (refer to the product's advertisements)? Well, it is nothing but its high sugar content. And unfortunately for one influencer, this revelation on social media invited a legal notice from "one of India's biggest law firms on 13th April, 2023." However, upon reading research done by FoodNetIndia, it sure emerges that Bournvitta may not exactly be as healthy as it claims!

Bournvita, “Building India’s Tann Aur Mann ki Shakti”, or the latest tagline “Tyaari Jeet Ki”, is it in reality?!
Big corporations often have a vested interest in keeping any negative information about their products hidden from the public. This is because such information can harm their reputation, decrease sales, and ultimately result in financial losses. In order to achieve this, some companies may resort to stifling the voices of individuals who disclose harmful or undisclosed ingredients in their products through legal means.
And this is precisely what happened to Revant Himatsingka, who had shared an Instagram Reel video calling out Cadbury for advertising Bournvita as a health drink despite its high sugar content.
In the video, he rightly asks – “Should the government allow companies to blatantly lie on their package? Parents are getting their children addicted to sugar at a young age, and the children end up craving sugar throughout their lives,” the video found its voice in as many as 12 million views on the social media site Instagram where it was posted.
However, little did Himatsingka know that he would be sent a legal notice not just from any law firm but by India’s biggest law firm, and thus in a statement shared on 14th April, Himatsingka said he decided to take the video down after receiving a legal notice!
And guess what he wrote?
I apologize to Cadbury for making the video. I did not plan or intend to infringe any trademark or defame any company, nor do I have the interest or resources to participate in any court cases,”.
Was the real reason for him to take down the video, was in fact the threat of a court case?!
Bournvitta, Really About Children’s Health?
Let us first dwell on what Cadbury’s Bournvitta actually claims:
This is what the product description is on one of the online stores
Bournvita Lil Champs is a tastier health drink for children between the age group of 2-5 years. Its essential nutritional ingredients are good for your child’s healthier brain development, physical growth, and also boosts the immunity level in their body. It is specially designed with Nutri-Smart DHA for your little one’s overall growth.
Key Benefits
- Has a rich content of Protein and supports healthy muscle and bone growth.
- Includes carbohydrates that help provide energy and eventually keeps your kids active.
- The Folic Acid in it is good for normal red blood cell production in the body.
- Contains the vision-enhancing Vitamin A and metabolism-boosting Vitamin B types (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, and Biotin).
- While Vitamin C and E are good antioxidants agents that protect against radical damage, Vitamin D, K, and Calcium in this formula support the healthy building of bones and teeth.
- Also has Selenium and Zinc that boosts the immunity system of children.
- Power-packed with other nutrients such as Iodine, Choline, Sodium, etc.
- Comes in an exciting vanilla flavor so your kids enjoy a great taste and health simultaneously.
Directions for Use
- Check the package for preparation instructions.
Safety Information
- Consult your paediatrician for the recommended dosage.
- Store in an airtight container.
- Keep it in a dry and cool place.
Key Ingredients
Cereal Extract (50%*), Sugar, Milk Solids, Cocoa Solids, Caramel Colour (150C), Liquid Glucose, Emulsifiers (322, 471), Minerals, Maltodextrin, Raising Agent (500 (Ii)), Vitamins, Dha Rich Algal Oil, Edible Salt.
So, there was a need to figure out what these ingredients actually are and what do the consumption of these mean for the body, and this is what the research came up with – according to FOODNETINDIA, this is what is written on the website:
Product Review, Cadbury Bournvitta
The foodnetindia rating for this product:-
Foodnetindia safety rating : 4 – (On a scale of 1 to 10 from very unsafe to very safe)
Simple starches and sugars are known to cause obesity and obesity is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease and hypertension. It is therefore recommended that beverages like Bournvita which contain high amounts of simple starches and sugars must be consumed only in small quantities by healthy people and must be avoided by people who have lifestyle diseases like obesity, hypertension, diabetes etc.
The product also contains gluten and lactose from milk solids. People with gluten or lactose intolerance must avoid this product.
A single serving of 10 gm of Bournvita contains 7.1 gm of sugar which is very high and frequent consumption of high amounts of sugar can cause obesity, diabetes and other lifestyle diseases.
foodnetindia wholesomeness rating : 5-(On a scale of 1 to 10 from very unbalanced nutrition profile to excellent nutrition profile)
Bournvita contains wholesome milk but it’s high sugar content makes it suitable as a dessert and not a meal replacement. High sugar consumption is detrimental to the health of children and youth. It should only be an occasional part of the diet only in very small servings and that too only for healthy people.
Ingredients in Bournvita which are a concern:
Caramel IN 150C
Liquid glucose
Added Colour
Added Flavour Vanilla and flavouring substances
Caramel IN 150C
Dark brown to black liquids or solids having an odour of burnt sugar. The function(s) performed by the food additive when used in cooking. It adds or restores the colour of a food. It has been linked to gastro intestinal problems, hypersensitivity. .
Excessive sugar consumption is linked to a wide variety of metabolic diseases. This food product does not specify which sugar has been used. This is important because different sugars have different metabolic effects. For example, Sucrose (Cane Sugar) is very different from Fructose (Fruit Sugar). Some foods use high fructose corn syrup which may be harmful in much lower quantities than sucrose. We believe that it is not responsible behaviour for a brand to not clearly state what ingredients have been used.
Liquid Glucose
Glucose syrup, also known as confectioner’s glucose, is a syrup made from the hydrolisis of starch. Glucose is a sugar. Excessive sugar consumption is linked to a wide variety of metabolic diseases.
Added colour and flavours including natural, nature identical and artificial flavouring substances
This food product does not specify which colors, flavours or flavouring substances have been used. The flavours should be specified as some of them have serious side effects and may not be suitable for infants, pregnant women or people who are allergic. We believe that it is not responsible behaviour for a brand to avoid clearly stating what ingredients have been used.
By not specifying what these flavours and substances are, we are forced to consider what they are hiding and why would they be so reluctant to mention what they have used in the food product! By this behaviour, these manufacturers expose people to possible allergens or toxins that could be avoided if consumers knew what they were.
Ingredients present in Bournvita which are not a concern
- Malt Extract
- Milk
- Wheat
- Soy
- Cocoa Solids
- Milk Solids
- Vitamins
- Minerals
- IN 471
- IN 500(ii)
It is fair to say that the above product review done by FOODNETINDIA gives a clear picture of what is the truth behind this children’s drink, and the same more or less was also stated by the influencer who was slapped with a legal notice!
Cadbury, A Responsible Company And Brand?
This is by far the perfect example of how big corporations try to stifle
such voices by suing the individuals or organizations who may have revealed this information. This is often done under various legal grounds, such as breach of contract and defamation or trade secrets. By doing so, the corporation hopes to scare off other potential whistleblowers and maintain its public image.
Another tactic that corporations may use is to enter into settlement agreements with the individuals or organizations that have exposed the harmful ingredients. These agreements often include non-disclosure clauses, which prohibit the individual or organization from sharing any further information about the corporation’s products or practices. In exchange, the corporation may offer monetary compensation or other benefits.
However, such tactics by corporations to silence individuals who disclose information about harmful ingredients in their products can be problematic.
Firstly, it can prevent the public from being aware of any risks associated with the use of certain products.
Secondly, it can create a chilling effect on potential whistleblowers, discouraging them from coming forward with information that could benefit the public.
To combat this issue, some countries have implemented whistleblower protection laws, which aim to protect individuals who disclose information about illegal or unethical activities within organizations. Such laws may provide legal protections and incentives for whistleblowers, including protection against retaliation, job reinstatement, and monetary rewards.
In conclusion: Big corporations may attempt to stifle the voices of individuals who disclose harmful or undisclosed ingredients in their products through legal means.
However, such actions can be detrimental to the public’s well-being and may discourage other potential whistleblowers.
It is important for the Indian government to implement and enforce whistleblower protection laws to encourage transparency and accountability in corporations, as is the case in the US and Britain and many other countries.
It is fair to say that the product review done by FOODNETINDIA gives a clear picture of what is the truth behind this children’s drink, and the same more or less was also stated by the influencer who was slapped with a legal notice!
Cadbury is liable to give the truth in this matter!