
When it comes to working from home (WFH) vs working from the office (WFO), Can one solution fit all?

When it comes to WFH vs WFO, Can one solution fit all?

In March 2020, when the epidemic struck, nobody had a choice. Covid-19 swept the world, changing everything, including how individuals and businesses perceived and conducted business. No time existed for introspection or discussion.

The global business community has to decide unilaterally and simply: work from home (WFH). Today, both large and small businesses are pushed to support their workers working from home, but many are not emotionally or technologically prepared.

Despite being new to some, WFH is a notion that IT companies have accepted. The absence of suitable infrastructure and technology to enable WFH is a significant topic of criticism. Employees might not have laptops or computers, for instance, or they can experience connectivity problems at home, which limits their access to other resources. Because they are reluctant to provide staff access to assets and data for security concerns, businesses confront difficulties.

Due to the psychological issues associated with WFH, many businesses are unfamiliar with the idea. Overall, Covid-19 was a disruptor that fundamentally altered how businesses operated.

Several significant changes to business models are being undertaken globally to fulfil the objectives of WFH. Since management cannot influence what people do, it is to provide them with precise tasks and goals. The only way to guarantee that the necessary deliverables are achieved under this new working methodology is to examine the results.


Having the ability to work from home has many advantages.


  • Cuts down expenditure 

Work from home (WFH) options are increasing, allowing businesses to operate successfully without an actual office or location. As a result, businesses may save money that would otherwise be spent on office equipment, internet, and power bills, as well as maintenance. Savings rise significantly when these expenditures are minimized. Fuel and car maintenance are also costly from the perspective of the employees, as the great majority of individuals drive themselves to work. Similar expenses are incurred by those who take shared taxis, buses, or other forms of public transit. Working from home will save you money on all of these costs.

  • Greater Work Flexibility

One of the most significant benefits of working from home is the ability to choose your own hours. You are able to pause whenever you like. Since most telecommuting jobs provide a lot of independence, they are not impacted by regular work hours. It is also a big benefit for people who travel across time zones or have erratic schedules to meet the needs of their families.

  • Saves time and energy

By working from home, you may save energy and time wasted on commutes. The commute to work for staff often takes 2-4 hours. While working from home, you may make greater use of this time. It would be possible to just get up and get to work. You may utilize the time you’ll save to spend with your loved ones or learn a new skill.


Working from home (WFH) has a number of disadvantages

Attaining Work-Life Balance and Productivity When You Work From Home |  FlexJobs

  • Impact on Mental Health

Since humans are social creatures, maintaining positive relationships has always depended on effective communication. During the quarantine, many people worked from home and had little to no face-to-face interaction outside of with their families. Working from home offers many benefits, but the inability to interact with coworkers face-to-face has led to social isolation and other unfavourable effects.

74% of respondents reported experiencing a new mental health issue when working from home, and 55% reported developing two or more issues, according to research from the University of Southern California Chan Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy. Among the difficulties experienced by employees working from home were anxiety, melancholy, uncertainty, trouble sleeping, and mental stress. As a result, it is crucial that employees seek expert guidance.

  • Productivity risk

Employers find it more challenging to evaluate productivity when workers work from home. A mentor or a senior can offer guidance to workers who are having problems at work or in meetings. It is challenging for the business to evaluate the talents’ skills when they work remotely. Employees who work from home are also more susceptible to distractions. However, only a small number of businesses have started using productivity tools like time trackers and task management software, and as a result, both quality and productivity are still variable.

  • Work from home(WFH) is restricted to a very few sectors 

Many workers in several sectors do not have the option of working from home. Professionals in the fields of construction, manufacturing, IT, healthcare, agriculture, retail, poultry, and foodservice are typically needed to be physically present, but many in the fields of finance and law may do so. Therefore, it is anticipated that the economic gap between those who work from home and those who labour on-site would widen after the epidemic.



Want to Work From Home or Office? IT Firms Including Microsoft, Deloitte  Allowing Individual Teams to Take Decision

Each industry has a unique strategy for ensuring high levels of employee engagement and optimal productivity. Extrapolating a solution based on one circumstance to all industries at all times would not be suitable. In order to preserve balance, it is crucial to prioritize each industry and understand the specifics of each type of job.

edited and proofread by nikita sharma 

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