
Which Countries Didn’t Had A Single Positive Case Of Corona Virus! Corona Virus Negative

The novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV), which has been renamed as COVID-19, has reached approximately 140 countries including China, but tested negative in at least 11 countries, as of 17 March, ruling out the earlier suspected cases.

The novel coronavirus-affected countries as of 04 March stand at 122 including China, following the outbreak in Wuhan in December 2019. While a number of countries have announced suspected cases of the COVID-19, some of them felt a sigh of relief when the test for coronavirus came up negative.

Below is a list of countries where all suspected cases of the novel coronavirus have tested negative resulting in no confirmed spread of the virus.

Republic of Palau
The Republic of Palau announced a negative test result for a suspected case on 09 March. The suspected was reported to be a 73-year-old woman who arrived from the US.

Her samples were sent to Taiwan for coronavirus testing and announced as negative.

A 21-year-old woman reported to be the country’s first suspected case tested negative for COVID-19. She was admitted to the Vaiola Hospital in Nuku’Alofa after showing symptoms of the disease. Her samples were sent to a laboratory in Australian, where they were confirmed to be negative.

The samples have been sent to New Zealand for additional confirmation.

Solomon Islands
The Solomon Islands reported four suspected cases of coronavirus on 10 February onboard the MV Expert container ship, which docked at the Rennell and Bellona province of the country.

Samples taken from the four cases were sent to the Victorian Infectious Diseases Reference Laboratory (VIDRL) based in Melbourne, Australia for testing and announced to be negative.

Lao People’s Democratic Republic
More than 50 suspected cases of COVID-19 have been reported in Lao People’s Democratic Republic, all of which have tested negative.

Samples taken from the suspected cases have been tested three times at the National Centre for Laboratory and Epidemiology, the Pasteur Institute (Institut Pasteur du Laos), and the Microbiology Laboratory at Mahosot Hospital. The samples were also sent to In addition, samples from the suspected cases tested in Laos labs were sent to WHO’s laboratories in Australia.

The government has implemented strict scanning measures at all entry points in the country and imposed a 14-day quarantine for anyone arriving with symptoms of the disease.

Republic of the Marshall Islands
The Republic of the Marshall Islands reported a suspected case of a 66-year-old man on 09 March in Majuro city. Samples taken from the person and tested at the Hawaii State Lab were reported to be negative.

The country has imposed travel bans on several countries including China, Hong Kong, Macau, Japan, South Korea, Italy, Germany and Iran.

A suspected case of COVID-19 infection was reported in Fiji on 19 February of a 37-year-old Fijian woman who returned from Japan. She was placed in isolation at the Labasa Hospital in northern Fiji, after reporting respiratory symptoms.

Samples taken from her were sent to a WHO reference laboratory in Melbourne, Victoria and reported to be negative.

Additional suspected cases were announced later including six Chinese nationals who arrived from Fujian, all of who tested negative for the virus.

Barbados has announced that all suspected cases in the country have reported negative, although the exact number of suspected cases has not been revealed. The latest three suspected cases to be reported were on the Costa Magica cruise ship, which docked in Barbados after being denied entry by Tobago. All three cases were reported to be negative.

Barbados was one of the first countries to be equipped with coronavirus testing kits by the Pan American Health Organization.

Two suspected cases of coronavirus infection were announced in Syria and later tested negative for the virus. The two men were admitted to a hospital after falling sick and being in contact with a person from Iran. Tests revealed that the two persons were suffering from pneumonia and were treated for the indication. One of them has since been discharged from the hospital.

The Syrian government announced several precautionary measures to control the spread of the disease including the temporary suspension on the entry of all tourists arriving from the affected regions. Further, the health of all passengers arriving in the country at airports and borders is being monitored.

Medical personnel and border personnel along with air hostesses have been provided with protective clothes and facemasks to conduct checks. They have also been trained on the use of remote thermometers.

A total of five suspected cases of coronavirus infection were reported in Bostwana. All the cases have tested negative for the infection as reported by the government of Bostwana on 05 February.

The first suspected coronavirus case in Botswana was registered on 30 January, announced the Ministry of Health and Wellness on 31st January.

The suspect arrived in an Ethiopian Airways flight from China and is isolated and being investigated.

Myanmar novel coronavirus suspected cases
The first suspected coronavirus case of a Chinese visitor in Myanmar was reported on 31 January. The visitor arrived in Yangon on a China Southern Airlines flight, from Guangzhou. Out of the remaining 78 passengers the flight carried, only two were allowed to disembark the plane, while the rest 76 were not, reported Anadolu Agency.

Myanmar, however, announced that the suspected case tested negative for the virus. The country is testing approximately eight suspected cases, as of 17 February.

The first suspected coronavirus case in Angola was reported on 29 January. The suspected is a Chinese citizen currently under observation in a clinic in Luanda. His samples have tested negative for the virus.

Angola has issued a mandatory quarantine for all passengers arriving from China.

Below is the list of countries that have not reported any suspected or confirmed case of coronavirus:

Cape Verde
Central African Republic
D. P. R. of Korea
El Salvador
Federated States of Micronesia
Papua New Guinea
Republic of Yemen
Saint Kitts and Nevis
Sierra Leone
São Tomé and Príncipe
Western Sahara

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