
Blame game over vaccine: BJP castigates Arvind Kejriwal, says Centre provided 45 lakh free doses to Delhi

Prime Minister Narendra Modi‘s meeting with the Chief Ministers turned into a grueling war of words and blame game. His discussion with Arvind Kejriwal, which went live on-air on TV and became a controversial talking point. The Delhi Chief Minister conveyed about the capital’s oxygen crisis, and the central government later accused him of using the meeting to his advantage to play politics and spread lies. The fury war of words soon confiscated as a political agenda across the media houses.

And it became inevitable that why the government has failed to be on the same page with the State government to simmer down the situation in India. In parts of the meeting beamed live, Arvind Kejriwal said a dire tragedy could happen because of the oxygen shortage in Delhi hospitals and appealed to the Prime Minister. ” Please sir, we’d like your guidance.” Over the past few days, we’ve seen the State governments appeal within the agony of the shortage of oxygen supply to the Central government.

While some claimed that the oxygen tankers were being stopped from entering the city, the others said that conducting ceremonial rituals had become the primary objective of the Modi government. Mr. Kejriwal’s comments agonized the government’s lack of preparedness and brought enrage among both parties. ” People in major pain thanks to oxygen Shortage. We fear an enormous tragedy may happen thanks to oxygen shortage and that we will never be ready to forgive ourselves.

He also asked Arvind Kejriwal “to stop indulging in blame game and concentrate on people’s problems at this critical juncture”.

I request you with folded hands to direct all Chief Ministers to make sure smooth movement of oxygen tankers coming to Delhi,” Arvind Kejriwal said at the Interstate meeting being attended by CM of worst-hit coronavirus states in India. His comments give us an overview of how astutely running political power could set targets according to its terms. The situation is getting grim day by day, and the government is engaging in unnecessary political hues.


The Political Hues Depict that the government Could have Done a lot More.

Swaying on agitating about the state’s incompetence, the government has showcased the lack of accountability and responsibility to handle the overflow of deadly coronavirus cases in the country. We write these articles scouring the international media, hoping that the most recent iteration of the news will be less adverse than the last one.

The prevailing situation is a contradiction from barely a few weeks ago when the low threat of the Indian experience was being celebrated to being a success and lauded abroad. The news swirled around saying that not only India had been able to contain the virus, but we got told that with an effective vaccine rollout plan and adequate supplies we might soon be helping much of the developing world tame the Covid-19 tragedy.

Inevitably, these were just bizarre claims being passed by the government, and the reality was completely the opposite. The cavalier attitude towards wearing masks and suspicious figures rolled out by the official authorities reiterating the low rates of infections seemed to suggest that something was not kosher. The recent political tussle and the rowing battle between the two prestigious forces perfectly captured the sense of a picture with the underlying reality. No one is untethered to the condescending fact that India’s situation has moved out of control, and there is no coming back.

It all leads us to a downright argument that the circumstances could have got handled much better If the government confided with contemplating the ailing shortage of beds and medicines across hospitals in several states. Today’s comments are the fury of the long-standing infuriation across the masses who have endured battles their way. It is the first time that the political leaders have taken a stand on the lack of facilities in the hospitals. Whether it was a sign for their benefit standalone, or they are willingly doing it for reducing the consequences of people.

The Bucks Repels at the Hierarchy, and It is Worrying the Citizens

All through his long political avenue, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has been the master of blatant lies. The ability to effectively use the visual image, a slogan, a sharp sound bite at just the right moment in a digital age is what has been his distinct leadership agenda. But last week, the tables turned out to be not so well-honed for him. On a day when the daily COVID-19 infections count crossed 2,00,000 the first time, the PM was engaged in addressing the colossal election rallies in West Bengal with a belittling masking and no social distancing.

The popular unraveling of ugly and intertwined truths proved costly for the government as the paranoid being exposed by Narendra Modi got exposed in face of the citizens. Over the last seven years, the authoritarian regime has become an effective reason for the state in India. Another comprehending factor is a malaise endemic to Indian society, whose very worst impulses of indifference to the plight of others are embodied in the figure of Modi and his followers.

The contradiction settled well in Modi’s discretionary tactics. Modi has repeatedly urged people to watch “do gaz ki doori”, and, yet, now he has happily seen rousing frenzied crowds take in even greater numbers. The imagery and messaging were strikingly jarring. The visuals agitated the mass crowds as the country faced exemplary and dreadful scenarios.

Arvind Kejriwal took the urge to request the government on behalf of the citizens. The government conspicuously blamed him for descending to a new low, but rather the real worthy blame should be on the Modi government. The Centre has been under the cosh for elongated periods in not being able to tackle the crisis. The question that sways the consciousness during the pandemic was will the suffering people of Delhi not get oxygen if there is no oxygen-producing plant situated in the city. The urge was crystal clear to PM Modi to facilitate the airlift of oxygen from West Bengal and Odisha to resolve the shortage in Delhi.

While other Ministers remained under the hush, the situation is not any good in other states. In Madhya Pradesh, shocking visuals of an oxygen cylinder truck being stopped in Indore went viral on social media. As the city of Indore was counting for its life every moment, the alleged politicians had no shame and dignity in holding the truck for two hours for ceremonial rituals. Although the states have an influential role in getting involved in the conspiracy, the central government is equally responsible for all the jangling tantamount.

The Covid Gaze Needed Stabilized Efforts

If according to the government, citizens were guilty of letting their guard down because of Covid fatigue, the Centre too seemed caught in vivid hubris. It convinced that it was fully in control of the situation, without accentuating the dangerous red signals that were beginning to flash. So if guilt has to surround somewhere, it has to be aimed at the government. The overhauling shortage in beds, oxygen supply, and even graveyards has been a concerning point for months. Months have passed by, and still, no discernible way has been implemented.

The disjointed vaccine policy is a classic example of being stuck in an echo chamber of cheerleaders who were already waving celebratory flags of conquering the coronavirus. The urgent need was to prepare for worst-case scenarios, but all it did was raise eyebrows over letting its guard down. One such argument remains in the minds. Why, for example, the potency of exporting and pushing the vaccines outside existing global commitments without first getting the domestic situation fully in control?

By restricting the number of vaccine options, adopting a rigid quota-permit Raj for vaccine distribution across states, the government carved its downfall. As the government slated debatable figures, the citizens also went off guard, and together the country initiated the resurgence of the pandemic which was thought to be over by many.

What carved out for many was why not amend offering flexibility in vaccinating people across age groups? The answer was in doubt, and it prevented fast-tracking the vaccine rollouts at such a crucial time. The stabilized efforts for uplifting and bolstering the supply of vaccines and medicines were nowhere to get seen. The latest policy is getting tweaked, but it would have been more beneficial for the world’s largest manufacturer of the vaccine if it had come at the right time.

The government has maximized its failures by leading the manufacturing glory to be the enigmatic puzzle for the domestic hues. The wrecking sailing is rather a during one perplexing the circumstances in the healthcare industry. The opposition outrage on the Modi government is validated. Hasn’t Congress politician Rahul Gandhi been on the outrage against the government a long way giving prior warnings to the government for its mismanagement and laundering the dark shadows of the vaccine? It feels all so obvious that the perils got plotted against the welfare of the citizens.

The government’s incompetence got highlighted in recent months even more.

Covid-19 gaze has been at the epicenter of destruction for over a year now, but it has highlighted the cracks prevalent in the Indian government. In recent months when the virus was deemed to be almost on the verge of low mobility rates, the government’s complacency in delivering wrong figures mounted more agony. The recent months during the second wave have seen a turmoil in mortality rates, and now the situation is inclining towards dreadful visuals.

In Madhya Pradesh, the deaths reported are far less than what the actual numbers reverberated by the health institutions depict. In today’s meeting, the government’s focal point was away from the critical situation of shortage and rather focused on integrating policies for increasing the vaccine administration. The safeguard techniques haven’t been adequate to ramp up the shortage, and the hospitals are varying a big tragedy to follow.

The blame game has been the centrifugal pump in the government’s undertaking over the seven years. Arvind Kejriwal was correct in a way that PM Modi has wavered the demands of its citizens and prospered its way through claiming false narratives all the way. What has been proved miserable is that only a few political leaders are prioritizing the citizens over their electoral leadership. We as individuals have limited access to help the ailing citizens, and the prestigious people in controlling positions should identify that.

The distribution has been favored to selective states which is not an ideal situation for a crippling infrastructure. Throughout the course of the pandemic, the staggering stigma has been the lack of consultation and recommendations from the states. It shows the lack of trust and confidence in the state’s undertakings. Each passing day we are hearing more news and stories about fatalities, people facing loggerheads. Nothing makes us assure that the second wave could get controlled, and the political dirty game is making our thoughts more clear that the government is not even trying its level best.

Tanish Sachdev

Tanish seeks new opportunities as a professional content writer and writes on several fundamental topics like businesses and economics. The focal point remains on expressing opinions on critical aspects concerning the economy.

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