Top 10 Aerospace Companies In India In 2022

A diverse field that combines astronautics and aeronautics into operation, design, research, maintenance, manufacturing, etc at a place is called the aerospace industry. The kind of applications involved in it varies from commercial, industrial and military-related. This industry sees a mix of both public and private sector, hence taking its development to new levels, both nationally and internationally.
The engagement of aerospace industries lies in creating missiles, airbus, spaceships, helicopters, aircraft etc. the efforts of both the public sector and private sector have made it possible for India to reach a level of self-reliance and self-sufficient in the field of defence.
Following are the top ten aerospace companies in India.
1. Defence Research Development Organisation (DRDO)
Engaged in developing the technologies products and for the defence sector, DRDO was founded in 1958. It has 50+ laboratories in India with over 5000 scientists constantly working towards the hardcore development of the nation. Akash, Agni-I Brahmos, Pinaka are among some of the major missiles that DRDO developed.
2. Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL)
Developing high tech products like helicopters, power plant accessories, aircraft, avionics accessories, etc, HAL has become one of the leading aerospace companies in India. The major share of its customer includes the Indian Army, Border Security Force, Indian Air Force and Ordnance Factory Board. The company has also contributed to the projects like INSAT (Indian National Satellite), IRS (Indian Remote Satellite) etc.
3. Bharat Earth Movers Limited (BEML)
Founded in 1964, BEML is headquartered in Bangalore. It produces products for sectors like mining, railway, defence among many others. Some of the basic products that the company creates are trucks, railway wagons, snow cutters.
4. Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL)
Considered under the Ministry of Defence, BEL was founded in 1954. It has indulged itself actively in both defence and non-defence sectors. Simulators, Radars, Electronic Warfare Systems, Weapon Systems, Avionics are some of the major productions of the company. Apart from being engaged in the production of high tech products, BEL is also known for the production of products like an antenna, transformers and a lot more.
5. Indian Ordnance Factories
Coming under Ordnance Factories Board, the company was founded in 1775. It is involved in the production of weapons for the Armed Forces of India. Armoured Vehicles, Military Vehicles, Optical Devices and Parachutes are some of the major productions of the company.
6. Electronics Corporation Of India Limited (ECIL)
Involved with the sectors of aerospace, defence and information technology, ECIL was established in 1967.
7. Mishra Dhatu Nigam Limited (MIDHANI)
Founded in the year 1973, MIDHANI is involved with the sectors of defence, aeronautics, nuclear and power. Headquartered in Hyderabad, it comes under the Government of India as a government undertaking. It provides the service of testing & evolution metallurgical consultancy services.
8. Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO)
Leading in the satellite sectors in the country, ISRO has created a remarkable name for itself after having been established in the year 1969. It provides aid in the sectors of navigation, disaster management, earth observation and satellite communication. It majorly creates application-specific satellite products for the nation and has successfully created a huge recognition for itself worldwide.
9. Boeing International Corporation Pvt Ltd
Headquartered in Chicago, the US, this is an American company. Boeing is the major company on which India’s commercial aviation sector relies. The company produces satellites, military and commercial aircraft among a lot more.
10. Lockheed Martin
Engaged in advanced technology systems, research, development among others Lockheed Martin is a global security company. It produces the best aerospace and defence materials. It offers solutions in training missiles, fire control, system mission and aeronautical space.