With 300% Revenue Growth, Team Training Platform QuoDeck Plans to Reach Out to 5M Users Globally

Last year QuoDeck clocked a 300% revenue growth and it is aiming to repeat the same this year.

Kamalika Bhattacharya is the founder of Mumbai-based QuoDeck Tech, a game-based learning platform. QuoDeck is a mobile-first learning delivery system aimed at enterprise learning that uses games to ‘Make the learners want to learn, rather than being forced to learn’. QuoDeck now has offices in 3 cities and more than 30 employees, with over 60% of them being women. It is not by design though, the company just took the most appropriate people for the roles, and it just so happened that they were women.
As the business brain behind QuoDeck, Kamalika has driven the company over the years to maintain a razor-sharp focus on being a product company, instead of being a services, content or solutions provider. Inherently, she says, mobile learning has enormous possibilities. Given India’s high levels of mobile penetration, technology has a huge role to play in education & vocational training in India. The need was for a product that was designed such that people in semi-urban and rural locations, with low bandwidth, are able to access learning content on it, bringing this previously neglected audience at par with their counterparts in larger cities and towns.
In her previous avatar as an investment banker specializing in the impact and education sector, Kamalika interacted with many companies attempting to solve the skilling gap in the country. What she observed was that there was an intense effort to build effective content, but a distinct lack of viable technology solutions to distribute and drive adoption of the same. It was to address this gap that she conceptualized and set up QuoDeck. Today QuoDeck is a market leader in the enterprise mobile learning space and getting used by companies such as Unilever, Aditya Birla Capital, Reliance Life, Kohler, Star TV and CavinKare etc. to train over half a million of their employees and ecosystem. She also drives her team to periodically develop and distribute games that get used to drive a myriad of causes she cares about – seed the intent to vote among India’s youth, drive caring for animals or teach slum children about good sanitation habits.
Last year QuoDeck clocked a 300% revenue growth and it is aiming to repeat the same this year.
Her journey as an entrepreneur is peppered with well-wishers & mentors, who played a key part in helping the company grow. Her ambition and drive is inherited her father, though, who has always pushed her to think better, bigger and sharper. But as regards inspiration, she unflinchingly claims to come from her team. On the back of this, five years out, she sees QuoDeck as the largest team training platform globally with a target of over 5 million users.
As a company, reaching the half million user mark was the milestone that puts QuoDeck in the big leagues. When you realize that your product is touching that many people, it is humbling, she says.
As one entrepreneur to another, the advice Kamalika offers to people is ‘Do not be afraid to be arrogant’. When you meet people, you might feel that you are smaller compared to them because they work for big brands, while you are still a no-name startup. But you are daring to do something only a fraction of the population has the courage to do – Be an entrepreneur. So be arrogant about it. It is a critical ingredient for your success.

Source: BW Disrupt
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