5 Tips to become a pro at the trending ‘Whiskey Fashion’

Fashion and Whiskey? How on Earth is this possible? Yes, this is possible. It is a well-known fact that Whiskey and Fashion are two completely different entities, but their combination is a hot trend. Like fitness apparel brands now we have some whiskey combinations too. If you are a fan of both whiskey and fashion, you are in the right place. In this article, we shall look into 5 Ways to match Whiskeys and Fashion and express your love for Whiskey through fashion.
First, let us look into the similarities and differences between Whiskey and Fashion.
Differences between Whiskey and Fashion
This is not at all a difficult task. We all know Whiskey and Fashion are different. But how?

  • Taste vs Sight – Whiskey appeals to our taste buds whereas fashion to our eyes.
  • Composition – Whiskey is made of various kinds of fermented substances, giving many flavours. Fashion is basically made from threads and dyes, giving many colours.
  • Old v/s New – Whiskeys get more exciting as they age (older they are, greater is their value). Fashion, on the other hand, loses value as days pass by.

Similarities between Whiskey and Fashion
In spite of all the differences, there are a few similarities between the two.

  • Whiskey and Fashion, though stimulate different senses, ultimately satisfy our mind, through taste and vision, respectively.
  • Making of both requires thinking out of the box. If you don’t trust it, remember all the various trendy designs or various tastes that whiskey has given you.
  • Plus, both of them are signs of a fashionable lifestyle. If you have a collection of whiskeys and/or a wardrobe full of fashionable dresses, others will treat you in a completely different manner.

How is Whiskey related to Fashion?
Fashion designers have to come up with new and innovative designs every day, that’s their career. This makes immense demands on creativity. Creativity needs a free mind. Drinking whiskey, without any doubt takes us away from our life for a while, this relaxing the mind. This boosts creativity and helps to come up with innovative ideas (NCBI). Whiskey thus contributes to fashion while coming up with new designs. Also, there are fashion designers who come up with fashions based on whiskeys. We are looking at ideas to come up with such designs right now.
5 Ways to Match Whiskey and Fashion
#1 Colour
Whiskeys come in a variety of colours and shades like brown, scarlet red, gold or yellow hue. Clothes of these colours combined with appropriate matching colours is an easy and inexpensive way of having Whiskey-fashion in your casual dresses.  You may also consider having the logos of your favourite breweries, which adds to the design. Even a simple and catchy quote of whiskey love will do the job. For example on the colour combination, look at the picture below. This is the costume in Kingsman: The Golden Circle, this design by Arianne Phillips gives a classic example of our statement. Look at the costume of Colin Firth (in the middle). His formals along with the overcoat look cool. His light brown coat reminds of a bottle of Brown-Forman, with its collar like froth.

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#2 Design of the dress
This one is applicable especially for women. Women clothing comes in a wide variety allowing maximum alterations and creativity. The design may be as simple as a plain T-shirt with a catchy quote to complicated ones like step-cut dresses with classy whiskey colour combinations. It can also be a plain short skirt with the scene of a brewery on it, just like the ones below.

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#3 Accessories
Even Accessories can show off your whiskey preferences. Accessories perform two functions – firstly, they enhance the look and design of your dress and secondly, they help you to express yourself better. It might be as simple as a chain or a necklace with a pendant having the scenery of a brewery or bottles of whiskey and so on. It might also be a necklace with a thematic colour combination of your favourite brand.  For example, if you are a big fan of Glenfiddich, you could have a necklace with the Glenfiddich logo of a colour that matches your dress. Here is a childish tip- if your name or the name of your loved one starts with an H, you could take a Highland Logo instead of the Glenfiddich one for the pendant.

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#4 Jewellery
Fashion is incomplete without jewellery. There is much jewellery related to whiskey that is available. This helps you to show off your love for whiskey. You may want to try things like silver rings featuring whiskey barrel, or a wooden pendant made of whiskey barrel. Take a look at the ring here.
#5 Paintings and Drawings
If you are an artist yourself or just a patron of art, you may show off your love for whiskeys by drawing or creating drawings or art pieces which feature sceneries of a brewery or the logos of your favourite brewery or Whiskey bottles. Attractive and intricate designs of logos of brewing companies make it perfect to draw and hang it around in your home. This also adds to the interiors of your home. If you do it yourself, there will always be a satisfaction that it is your own piece of art created in your own hands. What more, art also helps in improving your health. (NCBI).
If you are obsessed with whiskey and are a fashion designer and/or an artist, this article might inspire you with new ideas to combine fashion and whiskey. Always remember that there is creativity and art are boundless. Never set limits for your imagination. Sit back, take a sip of whiskey and new ideas to fashion designing will come continuously. Keep the needle and thread or paint and brush ready, imagine your whiskey experiences and create whatever comes to your mind. All the Best!!

Source: Flairtales
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